I loved this movie while growing up
This used to air on Disney channel back during the Millennium, so I had fun watching. It was particularly fun watching Louise get back at everyone who had ever been mean to her using her magic, as well as learning who she was as a person.
Some parts felt totally contrived, but now I understand that it was basically a modern fairy tale, in a manner of speaking.
What was most interesting was, I'd never watched "Poltergeist," so I knew nothing about Zelda Rubinstein's acting history. She was adorably sweet in this as Madame Serena, and very well cast as Louise's witch mentor. (You could imagine how surprised I was to see the same actress very briefly while channel-surfing one time, and "Poltergeist" was playing on one of the channels. I didn't watch it, but took note of the actress).
I didn't actually realize until I got my own DVD of this, that they edited this movie for tv, because there are some scenes in the uncut [theatrical?] version that were not shown when I was first watching. One scene was the world's most awkward Family Life class, where the poor, overly conservative teacher was using an umbrella to try and describe the male reproductive system (my health class teachers were never that pathetic when teaching us about that subject); and the other was a serious makeout session Louise had with Brad in an abandoned house, which vaguely implies the might have even had sex, but it was very vague, considering it's a teen movie.
The only parts I didn't really like were the rappers, Louise not making up with her friend at the end, and choosing to give up her magic at the end. I mean, it was nice that she finally learned to accept herself and still got the guy she wanted, but come on! Who willingly gives up power like that?