MovieChat Forums > No Holds Barred (1989) Discussion > Why this movie is better than the Godfat...

Why this movie is better than the Godfather.

Seeing the Godfather at the top of the IMDB list, I began to think of movies which I would consider superior. Now I'm not saying No Holds Barred is the greatest movie of all time (although it certainly deserves consideration for that title), but it is definetly better than the godfather. The reasons are simple.
Better direction.
Better script.
Better cinematography.
Better acting.
I repeat, BETTER ACTING. Hogan can't get enough credit for this film, and his suporting cast, led by Tiny Lister, are simply unbelievable.
Who agree's with me?


I heard that this movie was strongly considered as a defensive measure should giant atomic monsters ever become a reality...


the power in this films message is twenty times that of any weapon any country possess'sss'sss

If the U.N had any sense they would get all the world leaders into a room and just play this film.

No explanation given all the leaders would be wondering what is going on and some of them would be getting a ....from beginning to one would move...entranced they would become...

then as the credits roll to a close koffi would stand up and simple ask "any questions?"

silence would fall over the room and slowly one by one the world leaders would start clapping and hugging and world peace would be at hand.

"It's minor dickens" - Bernard


while I'm a huge fan of wrestling, mostly Hulk Hogan and movies, I have to say that the Godfather is a far better movie than this, yes this was a good movie, but lets be serious about this, there is no way this movie can live to the same qualities that The Godfather has. For example, NHB DOES NOT have better acting or directing, GF has these qualities. secondly, if NHB is better than GF than why isn't it #1 on top 250, why isn't considered as one of the greatest movies of all time, why didn't it ANY awards, including the Academy Awards?


This has to be the greatest thread in the history of imdb


Moviebuff wrote on Sep. 11, 2006 - "while I'm a huge fan of wrestling, mostly Hulk Hogan and movies, I have to say that the Godfather is a far better movie than this, yes this was a good movie, but lets be serious about this, there is no way this movie can live to the same qualities that The Godfather has. For example, NHB DOES NOT have better acting or directing, GF has these qualities. secondly, if NHB is better than GF than why isn't it #1 on top 250, why isn't considered as one of the greatest movies of all time, why didn't it ANY awards, including the Academy Awards?"

This is what I wrote back in 2004:

"Let us not only compare this great movie to The Godfather, let's make a case that this movie should have won the Oscar for the Best Picture for 1989. Here was the competition:

"Born on the Fourth of July"
"Dead Poets Society"
"Driving Miss Daisy"
"Field of Dreams"
"My Left Foot"

In my opinion, it is not only obvious, but irrefutably clear that NHB is a movie that stands high above these other movies. Hulk Hogan's acting far surpassed that of Tom Cruise, Robin Williams, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Costner, and Daniel Day Lewis. I think the other posts clearly show that the plot, screenplay, and acting of the supporting cast make this one of the greatest movies of our generation, let alone 1989. It should have won an Oscar for Best Picture. Any others agree?"

How can NHB not be considered better than those movies? I will say once again that the Hulkster is a far better actor than anyone I named above and his performance in NHB was second to none. Have you seen Daniel Day Lewis' other "top" performances - In the Name of the Father and There Will Be Blood? Hogan's second best performance in "Santa With Muscles" is a masterpiece that should have Daniel Day Lewis begging for Hogan to take his Oscars. I'm not even going to get into plot, direction, cinematography, writing, soundtrack. You name it this movie stands alone.


psycho charlie666, you live uo to your web name!


I believe that what Psycho Charlie666 meant with this is making justice.
For a lot of things:

1)-Not even ONE of Hogan's movies is on the Top 250 and that's a felony.

2)-Did you ever watched The Godfather after seeing No Holds Barred in the same
day?? You'll probably can't watch the half of it, cause you will miss Hogan. After ejecting the tape... you will be seeing No Holds Barred AGAIN.

3)-The movie not even got a recognition for the over the top special effects or the action choreograpies, absolutly top notch, that were magnificent translated during the movie.

4)-After the rough and unfair critics for this movie, we didn't have the blessed gift of a secuel.



"2)-Did you ever watched The Godfather after seeing No Holds Barred in the same
day?? You'll probably can't watch the half of it, cause you will miss Hogan."

That had me rolling. That's hilarious. Cheers.



Mr. psycho_charlie....

I haven't read past the first page but I like your style. (and also the cut of your jibb)

You are the man.

From this point on I am blindly with you on anything you say 112%.


Well its obvious that everyone..I mean anyone who believes No Holds Barred is a great film that should be allowed to be mentioned in the same sentence with The Godfather is *NOT* a fan of cinema, these people are fans of wrestling. The same fans that believe that wrestling is real and not one big extremly bad soap opera. I really wish that I hadn't stumbled across this page by accident because all it did was give me a big headache..... to think that someone would actually say this film was better than The Godfather... Pathetic..

If anyone would like to take a break from wrestling and watch some good films here are a few GOOD films:

-Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941)
-Casablanca - MichaelCurtiz(1943)
-The Third Man - Carol Reed (1949)
-Seven Samurai - AkiraKurosawa(1954)
-Gone With The Wind - VictorFlemming/GeorgeCukor (1939)
-Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean (1962)
-The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola (1972)
-Wizard of Oz - Victor Flemming (1939)
-Singing In The Rain - Stanley Donen (1952)
-Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)
-On The Waterfront - Elia Kazan (1954)
-Double Indemnity - Billy Wilder (1944)
-400 Blows - Francois Truffaut (1959)
-Charade - Stanley Donen (1963)
-The Grand Illusion - Jean Renoir (1937)
-8 1/2 - Federico Fellini (1963)
-The Seventh Seal - Ingmar Bergman (1957)
-The MagnificentAmbersons - Orson Welles (1942)
-The Red Shoes - Powell & Pressburger(1948)
-Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Houston (1948)
-Gaslight - George Cukor (1944)
-The Black Narcissus - Powell&Pressburger(1946)
-The Maltese Falcon - John Houston(1941)
-Now Voyager - Irving Rapper(1942)
-Sunset Blvd. - Billy Wilder(1950)
-The Big Sleep - Howard Hawks(1946)
-All ABout Eve - Joe Mankiewicz(1950)
-North By Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock(1959)
-Laura - Otto Preminger(1944)
-The Lost Weekend - Billy Wilder(1945)
-The Lady Eve - Preston Sturges(1941)
-Night of The Hunter - Charles Laughton(1955)
-Touch of Evil - Orson Welles(1958)
-Rules of The Game - Jean Renoir(1939)
-L'Atalante - Jean Vigo (1934)
-The Searchers - John Ford (1956)
-Battleship Potemkin - Sergei Eisenstein (1925)
-The General - Buster Keaton (1927)
-Breathless - Jean-Luc Godard (1959)

These are just a few titles from my huge film collection. I just thought I would list some of my favs. since so many have expressed that No Holds Barred is their favorite.


Well, that's quite a list....of movies that are not as good as No Holds Barred. Continue to research this topic and get back to everyone with even more inferior works to add to this ever-growing list.

BTW, about this quote:"The same fans that believe that wrestling is real and not one big extremly bad soap opera."

1985 called. It would like you to return in the DeLorean to the time when that was seen as a clever and timely insult.

Seriously, it's 2007. Times have changed, countless movies that are not as good as No Holds Barred have been made since then. Let's all face the fact that cinema will never again see the like of this masterpiece and the art truly peaked with the culmination of the epic battle between Rip and Zeus. It's hard for some diehard movie buffs to accept, I know.

Maybe we should offer some sort of support group for film geeks who can't cope with the greatness of all that is what we affectionatley call NHB.


Face it! You are all A L O N E in the little world you call "NHB?". Here is an idea for your kind of film...: theres this hulkamaniac who's name is "simply rude" (the name says it all) and he goes around the internet telling so called "movie geeks" that No Holds Barred (HAhahHAHaHAhAH) is better than not only Citizen Kane but also better than any other MASTERPIECE of cinema that any film historian can name.

Oh That was it, were you thinking there was more plot?? not in this film. Its being made in "simply rude"land where No Holds Barred is on the top of AFI's top 100 films of all time list.(HA!)

I saw your hero Hulk H. on a commercial for the return of one of tv's worst shows: The American Gladiators! HAhaHAhAHAhahAha Maybe you should go on the show and he would tell you about how hard it was acting in NHB oh and dont forget Suburban Commando and well I wont mention any of his other masterpieces except for Santa With Muscles and Mr. Nanny (both classics in your opinion I'm sure).

Ok seriously simply rude I am glad that you are so proud of No Holds Barred and that you are the movie's only true fan. I mean without you the movie would be totally forgotten except for once a year when the Top 100 Worst Movies of ALL Time comes on TV and NHB gets #1! and Santa With Muscles gets #2! HA!

enough. seriously. HAhaHaAHHAaHAhaHhAhaa

Once again........
Here are a few of my fav films that i own on dvd:
-Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941)
-Casablanca - MichaelCurtiz(1943)
-The Third Man - Carol Reed (1949)
-Seven Samurai - AkiraKurosawa(1954)
-Gone With The Wind - VictorFlemming/Geor geCukor (1939)
-Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean (1962)
-The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola (1972)
-Wizard of Oz - Victor Flemming (1939)
-Singing In The Rain - Stanley Donen (1952)
-Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)
-On The Waterfront - Elia Kazan (1954)
-Double Indemnity - Billy Wilder (1944)
-400 Blows - Francois Truffaut (1959)
-Charade - Stanley Donen (1963)
-The Grand Illusion - Jean Renoir (1937)
-8 1/2 - Federico Fellini (1963)
-The Seventh Seal - Ingmar Bergman (1957)
-The Magnificent Ambersons - Orson Welles (1942)
-The Red Shoes - Powell & Pressburger (1948)
-Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Houston (1948)
-Gaslight - George Cukor (1944)
-The Black Narcissus - Powell&Pressburger (1946)
-The Maltese Falcon - John Houston (1941)
-Now Voyager - Irving Rapper (1942)
-Sunset Blvd. - Billy Wilder (1950)
-The Big Sleep - Howard Hawks (1946)
-All ABout Eve - Joe Mankiewicz (1950)
-North By Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959)
-The Trial - Orson Welles (1962)
-Laura - Otto Preminger (1944)
-The Lost Weekend - Billy Wilder (1945)
-The Lady Eve - Preston Sturges (1941)
-Night of The Hunter - Charles Laughton (1955)
-Touch of Evil - Orson Welles (1958)
-Rules of The Game - Jean Renoir (1939)
-The Searchers - John Ford (1956)
-Battleship Potemkin - Sergei Eisenstein (1925)
-The General - Buster Keaton (1927)
-Breathless - Jean-Luc Godard (1959)
-Sweet Smell Of Success - Alexander Mackendrick (1957)
-L'Atalante - Jean Vigo (1934)
-Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927)
-Out Of The Past - Jacques Tourneur (1947)
-The Lady Vanishes - Alfred Hitchcock (1938)
-Mr. Arkadin - Orson Welles (1955)
-Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock (1954)
-The Killers - Robert Siodmak (1946)
-The Lady From Shanghai - Orson Welles (1947)
-Ace In The Hole - Billy Wilder (1951)
-Midnight Lace - David Miller (1960)

I know that simply rude will leave some lame comment after this post saying No Holds Barred is better than Casablanca or any of my other favorite films and you know what he is probally right.... In la la land, simply rude world, just not in the real world.

I'm done with this post.
I can't believe I wasted this much time on this. I just thought it was funny that someone actually thought No Holds Barred was better than Citizen Kane or Casablanca or any of the other films I listed.


Thank you for continuing this fascinating character study into the psyche of those who cannot cope with the fact that cinema reached it's peak in 1989 and nothing else shall ever come close to the greatness of this cinema gem.

For your information, the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint.


YES! The Big Lebowski is a great film! good quote Simply Rude. I do appreciate MANY films it just so happens that I feel cinema was at its best during the "golden age" of the "hollywood dream factories". Scroll to the bottom Simply.

Here are a few of my fav films that i own on dvd:
-Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941)
-Casablanca - MichaelCurtiz(1943)
-The Third Man - Carol Reed (1949)
-Seven Samurai - AkiraKurosawa(1954)
-Gone With The Wind - VictorFlemming/Geor geCukor (1939)
-Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean (1962)
-The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola (1972)
-Wizard of Oz - Victor Flemming (1939)
-Singing In The Rain - Stanley Donen (1952)
-Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)
-On The Waterfront - Elia Kazan (1954)
-Double Indemnity - Billy Wilder (1944)
-400 Blows - Francois Truffaut (1959)
-Charade - Stanley Donen (1963)
-The Grand Illusion - Jean Renoir (1937)
-8 1/2 - Federico Fellini (1963)
-The Seventh Seal - Ingmar Bergman (1957)
-The Magnificent Ambersons - Orson Welles (1942)
-The Red Shoes - Powell & Pressburger (1948)
-Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Houston (1948)
-Gaslight - George Cukor (1944)
-The Black Narcissus - Powell&Pressburger (1946)
-The Maltese Falcon - John Houston (1941)
-Now Voyager - Irving Rapper (1942)
-Sunset Blvd. - Billy Wilder (1950)
-The Big Sleep - Howard Hawks (1946)
-All ABout Eve - Joe Mankiewicz (1950)
-North By Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959)
-The Trial - Orson Welles (1962)
-Laura - Otto Preminger (1944)
-The Lost Weekend - Billy Wilder (1945)
-The Lady Eve - Preston Sturges (1941)
-Night of The Hunter - Charles Laughton (1955)
-Touch of Evil - Orson Welles (1958)
-Rules of The Game - Jean Renoir (1939)
-The Searchers - John Ford (1956)
-Battleship Potemkin - Sergei Eisenstein (1925)
-The General - Buster Keaton (1927)
-Breathless - Jean-Luc Godard (1959)
-Sweet Smell Of Success - Alexander Mackendrick (1957)
-L'Atalante - Jean Vigo (1934)
-Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927)
-Out Of The Past - Jacques Tourneur (1947)
-The Lady Vanishes - Alfred Hitchcock (1938)
-Mr. Arkadin - Orson Welles (1955)
-Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock (1954)
-The Killers - Robert Siodmak (1946)
-The Lady From Shanghai - Orson Welles (1947)
-Ace In The Hole - Billy Wilder (1951)


a few more modern films from my collection:
-The Big Lebowski
-Raging Bull
-Dr. Strangelove
-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
-Reservoir Dogs
-Schindlers List
-Pulp Fiction
-Drugstore Cowboy
-Donnie Darko
-One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
-Who Frammed Roger Rabbit
-Midnight Cowboy
-Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
-Annie Hall
-Forest Gump
-2001: A Space Odyssey
-The Silence of The Lambs
-Apocolypse Now

**I am not going to sit here and list my whole collection because its just plain crazy and two I am tired of typing. My point was that I like ALL kinds of films, just not BAD and I mean REALLY BAD films. I am the same way with music.

I have had people walk out on me before, but not when I was being so charming.


Best movie ever.

I am gay, do you have a problem with that?


The Godfather is a better film.

Say, there's a NEW Mexico


avoplace, you gotta back it up. You have 13+ pages of people claiming that NHB is a superior movie and the detractors such as yourself are not giving us good arguments as to why it is not.

Have you even watched NHB? Hogan's performance was amazing. I mean the guy is still on TV today doing American Gladiators (one of the best shows in the history of television).


Everybody should sign a petition to have No Holds Barred deemed "culturally significant" by the US register, and put in a time capsule for the smithsonian institute.


I'm glad that there are some free-thinking people left in the world who don't blindly praise or bash a film just because "everybody else" does.

No Holds Barred is not just an action-adventure, underdog sports story, dramatic tour de force - it's a celebration of the human spirit. Are you telling me that any human being with a pulse wasn't shedding a tear during the dramatic scene in the hospital where Rip is comforting his young brother who had been attacked by Zeus?

Godfather may have had the "brand name" actors, but I'll take the performances of Hogan, Fuller, and Lister any day of the week.


Re: lebiglebowski

I think you're clearly missing the fact that Hulk Hogan can out-act, and out-wrestle ever single actor you mentioned. That ALONE would be enough to put NHB above the Godfather, but no, there's just so many more layers to this movie! It's like having cake, with pie, and ice cream, and whipped cream, and sprinkles, and just when you think it can't get any better, there are chocolate shavings, and even a cherry! Hogan is just the whipped cream. Sure, it's awesome just by itself, but look at all the other wonderfulness it's teamed up with! If NHB was a dessert, I'd have to be lifted out of my house with a forklift!


Psyho I enjoyed this Movie
But "better than the Godfather." No sorry we are getting a bit carried away now


Wow, 5 years of constant back and forth... i'm all for NHB against Godfather. Godfather wasn't very entertaining. I actually find it offensive as an Italian. The acting was cool cause no one tried. It was all natural. Godfather needed 'actors' to portray that story. Rubbish! NHB was better on every angle. Psycho had it correct way back in the day and it still continues!

BTW... i also think it's a better underdog story then rocky. heck, even that had hogan in it!


This has to be the funniest thread i've seen for a long time. I have been laughing hard from page 1 right through. I'm sure some people are kidding, but are there actually people on here that think NHB is better than The Godfather??

What are they doing over there? They're filming something. They're filming midgets!


I think it's better than most of the $hit out there. Specially these days. Has way better acting and a good storyline that flows well and keeps you entertained all the way through. Doesn't get boring. I'd rather watch this then Godfather.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. sick.


This is unquestionably true. Look at the evidence - The Godfather did not have:

-Someone nursing a paralyzed brother back to health while his opponent smashes cinder blocks.
-A man with the first letter of his name on the side of his head.
-The greatest unibrow in history.
-Kurt Fuller laughing and bounding up and down like the devil.
-A man accidentally electrocuting himself.
-The hero showing he's the hero by playing with a group of kids.
-The hero majestically defeating armed gunmen by throwing pies at them.
-A man bursting through a steel-reinforced sunroof and leaping several feet into the air.
-The sweet smell of dookie.

"Great, just jump all over me, why don't you?
What about the nine kids I DIDN'T lose this week?"


While I certainly agree with all of your fine points, yet another clear advantage that NHB has over Godfather is the score. Yeah, GF has all of that boring instrumental crap, but can they match up with a moving ballad such as the NHB main theme?

You only learn where you are inside, when life gives you the test
Will you back down, turn and run, or stand up with the best?
When you're back's to the wall, what will your answer be?
Will run for the door...will you run out on me like it's hard?
It's no holds holds barred...


Lay off the glue, it's messing with your perceptions.


I don't know why this is still being debated. Are there actually people out there who DON'T think No Holds Barred is better than the Godfather??


"whats that smell?!"






I Came in here because i heard a rumor about a remake. Has the world gone mad? who on earth could possibly recapture the emotion that Rip has on the dookie scene? who can possibly deliver lines like "I WON'T be around when this check clears!" with the same intensity and passion as the Hulkster? Noone that's who, please IMDbers, help me start a petition against this so called remake, which would only turn out to be a rape of this timeless classic. By the way it's a million times better than The Godfather. Long live the original NHB.


I'm talking about things that make you do bad things, I can't help it I'm gettin' scared mang'.
