And making a analog reference to Mikey Mouse is?
I honestly don't get what's so wrong with the Mickey Mouse quote. That is not the main thing. As we all know, the original line had Jesse Owens in place of Mickey Mouse. Now, if Jesse Owens had been kept, the humour would have been exactly the same. The punch line in that scene is the punch itself. It is very similar to the bit in Raiders where Indy is trying to put on a too small German uniform. Along comes an officer and berates him for napping, for being unkempt, smelly and not wearing his uniform properly. At first Indy tries to accommodate the officer by combing his hair, straightening his uniform, until he decides "screw it" and knocks the officer out. Same thing in the "Mickey Mouse" scene which UltimateHippo is so fanatically opposed to for no good reason: Indy tries to pass himself off as a Scottish nobleman visiting, the butler doesn't buy it, and Indy decides "screw it" and knocks him out. The Mickey Mouse line is perfectly topical for the time. There was also a Marx brothers reference by Henry Sr. later on, but no one seems to take offence at that...
And while that scene does sort of qualify as slap stick humour, the Mickey Mouse mention does not. Slapstick is physical humour. Indy looking over the cliff doesn't qualify either, for that matter. While the joke in that case was non-verbal, not all non-verbal humour is physical humour.