Sex Scene was hot.
Can you believe Rae didn't tell John that she slept with Hughie after going back for him? Knowing that John will be sleeping on the bed that not too long ago was occupied by Hughie when he came inside John's wife?
shareCan you believe Rae didn't tell John that she slept with Hughie after going back for him? Knowing that John will be sleeping on the bed that not too long ago was occupied by Hughie when he came inside John's wife?
shareThe sex scene between Rae and Hughie is the most important and pivotal scene in the entire film. It was as much an act of passion as well as an act of survival. One must pass one's seed when in survival mode and since it came down to natural order, Hughie's sperm was selected over John's as the one to impregnate Rae with her new child. Once Rae succumbs to natural order and is seeded by Hughie, she gains the strength and courage to go against him and rescue her husband. She will, of course, keep her intimate and passionate coupling with Hughie to herself and not tell John she is carrying Hughie's baby. Rae wants John to be father but she will always know the truth of who really sired her child.
This article made me wonder if Rae really did feel guilt or not. The woman in this story says she felt no guilt and had no plans to tell her husband about the encounter. As she says,
"It was a one-night stand, but God knows I needed it. I have no regrets, and haven't told my husband... I won't break up my marriage just for some great sex."
It should also be noted that the writer/wife says the encounter "never led to an affair" which means she doesn't associate the one night stand to be anything more than that. It's an interesting read as you gain the wife's perspective of a troubled marriage that is loving, but dull especially when the husband is unable to both provide the wife with child and satisfy her needs. She ended up in the throes of a younger, more attractive male that was able to give her the night of passion she was aching for. But afterwards she got it out of her system and felt his use was met. How do you feel about the writer of this article and Kidman's character in Dead Calm. Do they relate, or is Rae different in some ways?
Does this quote apply to Rae on some level?
On the marriage:
"Usha Sharma (name changed on request) has been married for 12 years. She's 35 and has been trying for children for over five years—a process that she confesses has taken the excitement and intimacy out of her relationship with her banker beau, making sex dull, always on schedule, accompanied by boring doctor visits and bitter pills and a timetable-like precision of intercourse."
On the younger man:
"It was an instant attraction. And I couldn't take my eyes off him. I had stopped feeling this rush with my husband for years and even though ours had been a love marriage, over time and especially since my mother-in-law moved in, it was pretty much just responsibilities and the rigmarole of balancing work and life."
Rae did feel guilt afterwards, but she needed her animalistic desires to be met. Stuck in a troubled and crumbling marriage with John and grieving the loss of her son, she needed a new spark, a new direction, a new excitement in her life. The cruise she took with John was done to help her cope and start again with a new child. But all of that would change with the timely arrival of Hughie Warriner, the very man she would eventually turn to once she was separated from her husband.
Already burdened with task of saving her husband, she nonetheless had a very strong attraction to Hughie who had overpowered and overthrown John to become the rightful captain of the Saracean and de facto Alpha Male. He was about the same age as Rae, young, strong, well build and very masculine..traits that Rae admired and was looking for in a mating partner. Her desire to mate and have a baby with the Alpha Male outweighed her need to save John at that particular moment. It is at this point where it becomes a point of survival of the fittest, and the pairing of Rae and Hughie by natural order supersedes that of Rae and John as instituted by marriage.
Once Hughie successfully seduces and brings Rae to his side, the thoughts of her husband fade from her mind and she willfully welcomes him inside her. Even mouthing the words "Do it" giving her full consent. The moment he fully penetrates her the guilt, the shame and anguish melt away into waves of pleasure and passion. This is something Rae desperately needed for herself in order to able to not just satisfy her sexual craving but to move forward and grow as a woman.
After being sexually fulfilled, her needs met and accepting Hughie's sperm to impregnate her, Rae decides to leave Hughie in favor of John whom she wants to maintain her marriage with and be the provider for herself and her child. So yes she sowed her wild oats and then got it out of her system like the woman in the article. Her husband does not need to know.
Here's another piece regarding a married woman having a one night stand. While the sex itself was deemed 'nice' the wife sought out the encounter and also chose not to tell her husband for fear of crushing him or divorce. What's interesting about this one is that she felt very empowered and sexy after having gone through with it. She wanted to be desired as a woman and not merely looked at as a mother like her husband/father of her children does.
Because she married early and was a virgin up until her wedding night, her husband had been the only man she had ever been with. This relates to Rae as it is assumed from the age difference that John was the only man Rae had been with and she married him at an early age. The writer was curious what being with another man would be like, but also wondered if the sex would turn out better because of it. Quoting her experience:
"It was kind of mixed. There was definitely a lot of, “I can’t believe I’m doing this!” mixed with some fear and excitement. I made sure we used protection and I did second guess myself a few times, but he was really respectful and it was nice."
"I felt empowered and sexy but also a guilty and a little worried. I don’t think there is any way my husband will find out, but I’m aware that he’d be crushed if he did.
I felt like I got what I wanted: to have my curiosity about being with someone else answered."
"I’d just say that I hope people don’t judge me too much. I know that what I did was “wrong,” but nobody got hurt and I think it is probably more common than people realize."
Even though the wife in this article does decide to tell her husband of her one night stand, the results of this one relate with Rae if we are to conclude that Rae was impregnated.
Similar scenario. Married, had a kid, husband became more and more physically weaker and unable to satisfy his partner's needs. What makes this scenario more intriguing is the wife ends up in a situation where she is caught in her revealing robe and succumbs to the desires of another man while distanced from her husband. She also becomes impregnated during the act which she describes as the best sex she ever had. So much so that she orgasmed more than once with her first orgasm being upon penetration. The man she slept with wanted nothing to do with the baby and there was a point where she had sex with her husband and contemplated passing the child off as his.
"I felt really good that I was making a better life for my husband and daughter, but I felt truly naked and uncovered inside. I felt alone."
"I was in my hotel room getting ready for bed. I was in my bathrobe, as I had just finished taking a shower only a few minutes earlier. Suddenly, I received a knock at the door, and it was a collogue of mine who was dropping by some files to review for the next morning. There were quite a few of these files in his hands, so I invited him to come in and set them down onto the nearby desk. Unfortunately, one of the folders accidently dropped to the ground, and I instinctively bent down to pick it up. As I stood back up, I noticed that my collogue (Mark) was staring at me with very wide eyes. For several seconds, I just looked back at him blankly until I realized why he was looking at me: Much to my horror, I quickly realized that the whole front part of my bathrobe came undone and open, revealing my nude body to him in all its glory.
Needless to say, both of us just sat there, stunned, with a "deer in the headlights" look. I was very embarrassed, but I was inwardly flattered that he looked at me this way. Strangely, I felt like a woman again for only a brief instant. "
"Now, without going into particularly elaborate details (and to keep this article PG-13-rated), the sex was out of this world good. In fact, I would have to say that it was the very best sexual experience that I ever had in my entire life. Period. I actually had TWO orgasms for once (a very quick one when he penetrated me, and the other major one directly after he ejaculated). In fact, for the first time in my entire life, I actually moaned during my second climax. Now, let me be clear here. I NEVER moan. Sex for me is typically one-sided. I do it mainly to please my husband. I rarely have orgasms to begin with. And, when I do have them, it almost always involves some kind of stiumulation on my part. So this was a good experience for me, as I felt literally years of stress leave my body. In fact, it was all quite wonderful. We didn't use a condom, and so I could feel everything."
"Let me pause for a bit and say that, here is where my emotions took over. Frankly speaking, I felt alive again. At peace again. I felt like a woman."
"In a really weird way, these activities actually were almost like a turn on (sort-of). I mean, it seemed to validate a re-assurance of my value as woman, and also affirm that here was this man who was keeping me safe with his manhood. He didn't need to be looked after. He didn't need to be provided for. He was very much a mature, capable man, and I really longed for that. Let me be very clear here. I deeply love my husband. I just felt so free at that moment. It was practically bliss. When he returned to bed, he gently spooned me and cupped my breast. We just laid there totally naked together under the covers. I completely relaxed in our cozy warmth and fell asleep."
"Recently, I slept with my husband (early March). My question is this: Should I tell him I'm pregnant? I'm already starting to show, and so I know he will find out eventually. But should I tell him the whole story? I dearly love my husband, I know he is a tender man. But, I fear that this truth would break his heart, and I don't want to hurt him. For the record, I know I really made a very bad mistake and I am paying the consequences to be sure."
"Admittedly, I was very, VERY naive to think that one careless sexual encounter could result in a pregnancy. Remember, this was the ONLY time--ONE TIME--that I had a sexual relationship with anyone else but my husband. I would have never that that roughly 30-45 minutes of a once-in-a-lifetime sexual relationship could result in a lifetime of having to raise another child."
"I am constantly racked with guilt about everything, and I don't know what to do. As for the baby I'm carrying, I will give him my love, support, and affection. I welcome this new baby, and while I am not pleased with the circumstances surrounding the child's conception, I will always remember that, in conceiving this baby, I literally had the best sexual experience my body has ever experienced. Period. My husband, as sweet as he is, has never been able to do that."
"I have also decided not to post this on too many other message boards. I actually had one woman on another board question whether I actually climaxed for real in the first minutes of the encounter! EXCUSE ME??!?! AS IF *THAT* IS YOUR BLOODY CONCERN! Let me just say that his "arrow" found my "target" on the first attempt, all without any of my help or intervention. I'll admit that it was quite blissful and it caught me totally off gaurd. So, yes, I climaxed. Wow. Get over it!"
She had a lot to say on the matter, but insightful commentary nevertheless.
Those are such insightful articles regarding this aspect of female sexuality. This is what corresponds with Rae in the film. She loved her husband, but her love life was sorely lacking and her heart desired more. When she and John were seperated Hughie made his move to seduce Rae and was successful at it because she wanted this to happen. This was having sex for the thrill of it but also Rae had another need, the need to become a mother again. She needed the love and passion from a younger male suitor and Hughie was there at the right time to provide his seed. The consummation of their union resulting in the creation of a new child that replaces the one Rae lost in the accident. So Rae really wins in this scenario...having the most exciting sexual experience in her life and becoming pregnant with a new baby which she will raise alongside John, whom she never tells or reveals her extramarital affair to.
shareUm you do realize Rae was raped by Hughie? It wasn't a "one night stand" it was an invasion of the Ingram's privacy while trying to get over the loss of their son. There was no "one night stand" and where you get the idea it was is just unfathomable. Rae and John loved each other that was clear. I suppose harpooning and drugging Hughie was a sign of love. Oh and casting him adrift on the raft was I guess that final way to show him she "loved" him I guess....... Only not. There have been stories of women who have done what they've needed to survive an home invasion. Actress Kelly McGillis is one such who did what she had to when two men entered her home to rape her. She certainly didn't have a "one night stand" with her rapists. Rae was raped.... FULL FRIGGING STOP! You're comparing apples and oranges here.
shareI went over this in the other topic and even screencapped points on interest that show the wave of emotions Rae goes through in the context of the film. Outside of the plot, the film does capture the sex scene to be erotic for a 80s thriller. There are many points where the film focuses on the nudity of both characters, framed in sexual poses or for the sake of gratuity rather than horror. Instead of showing Rae crying or screaming, we see Rae moan in surprise when Hughie rips her shorts off and reveals her ass. The sensual moans continue as they have sex later on. Several points are made to show sex appeal to Hughie/Billy Zane as well. Given the amount of women that find him attractive in this movie I'd say the cinematographer did their job. At one point there's merely a scene of Hughie walking towards the deck to find Rae after the dog barks to draw attention and the camera slowly pans up to show his backside.
shareOMG. "Moaning in surprise......" We did see Rae crying FOR HER HUSBAND. That you said, "rips her shorts off and reveals her ass" says a lot about you as does your nickname. No matter what anyone says or tells you, you'll root for Hughie and only Hughie because he's your bag. I root for John and Rae because they are the protagonists in this film. What "sex appeal" does Hughie have? What sex appeal did Ted Bundy, the Zodiac killer, Charles Manson, BTK Killer, John Wayne Gacey..... I could go on with any and all lunatic psychotic sociopath of your choice. The point here is Hughie is the antagonist therefore he bears only as much on the plot as it takes to promptly dispatch him with that flare gun as John does at the end, and that final shot of John holding his beloved wife as Rae stares defiantly at the floating dead body of the man who invaded her sailboat, set her husband adrift, raped her, killed her dog, and finally tried to strangle her to death says about as much as it needs to. Of course, not to you because you'll see whatever you want because you're a Hughie fan. Well good for you. Still doesn't make your view of this film correct.
shareSaraceanWarriner I've been watching this movie on and off for the past 30 years and always viewed it as an effective psychological thriller, but reading your posts has me rethinking and makes me wonder if the film's director had things in mind that now in turn eroticize the movie more than was was previously thought of.
shareI always thought of it as a rape scene, that she was forced into it.
It's amazing how some people cannot see that.
And this whole "seed" and "pregnancy" angle is just abhorrent. I mean this guy is talking about this "wave of emotions" as if Hughie was some kind of hot stud who she longed to meet. She was married to a man who went to hell and back for her, as she did for him. Anything other than what was depicted in the film is just disgusting to me.