MovieChat Forums > Cyborg (1989) Discussion > What is Fender? SPOILER

What is Fender? SPOILER

Many ask what's up with the Fender. There are few clues in the movie that point for him not being entirely human:

1. His eyes. They are sky blue, almost white, but most interesting is that pupils don't dialate.

2. Superstrenght, superreflexes and endurance. In the last fight, not even the mightiest blow form Gibbsons leg/arm didn't do much damage. NOTICE, Gibbson tryed to brake Fenders arm 3 times, and didn't manage, before he stabed him in the guts. In very last fighting sequence Gibbson also tryed to brake Fenders neck and didn't manage altough in that position it should snap in two. Not to mention he avoided Gibbsons knife with no problem.

3. In costal village where Fender gets a boat, he shout to the guy defending is wife/girlfriend, "Do you think I'll swimm to Atlanta??!! I hate water!!!" This could refere that he has metal (iron) parts. He even avoided sewers/swamp when almost every gang member ran through. Then again it could be nothing, since last fight is in rain.

4. When Gibbson rescue Pearl (Cyborg woman), she tells him: "You are not strong enough, I wont go with you. Fender will catch us and kill us. He must be DESTROYED(!!!), and we have that means in Atlanta. Nothing can stop him in this world, not even you." Again, staitement that would be attributed to superhuman.

5. In last fight he growls, not screams. Even the way he fights or turns looks unhuman. Especially when his holding knives and suddenly turns to the girl.

BUT, you can see in Gibbsons flashbacks junger version of Fender, so he can age.
These are my clues, IMO Fender is: no1. Cyborg, or no2. cyberneticaly enhanced human.

What do you think?


Of course it came across everyone's mind at some point. Especially when we were younger, but he was not a cyborg. He was just a freak of nature. The story speaks for itself and some people seem to forget the past events. Fender was more than likely a typical gang leader from early on. Hence the jacket in the first meeting with Gibson, his now to be family and home. He was human. Even depicting a younger Fender to some extent. Not to mention the intro. He's telling you in some way that things got out of control and he lost it. It shows human emotion. "Then when things couldn't get any worse" etc. He's telling you he had some sort of soul at one point, but the conditions led him to go fully corrupt. "Go to hell" Fender replies 'Been there" Another reference to show his sufferings. Think about Haley. She was taken and forced into affiliation. Obvious she became his sex slave. His eyes and voice was just a rarity. With that being said. He was one bad motherf*cker driven by apocalyptic events. The only Cyborg was Pearl. That's where the Title stems from.


Great 1st post!!

