Sleep Paralysis

ANYBODY who suffers (yes SUFFERS) from this awful condition will tell you it is one of the most terrifying "experiences" a person can go through.My own personal experiences of it have always occured if I go to sleep on my back, and it starts when you're half way between being awake and asleep.The same place as when you jump in bed just as you're "going off", because it feels like you're going to fall/roll off the bed.

It starts with a what sounds like high-pitched white noise, like an untuned TV which, in a couple of seconds fades up from nowhere to deafening.If you're quick, and realise what's about to happen, you can, if you try VERY hard, bring yourself out of it, but once the noise is at full intensity, it's got you.

As it starts it wakes you up, and you feel as thought an entity, or something with a negative motive is in the room with you, and it is this "Lifeform", that has rendered you imoble.It is this that drives your terror.This is how I would imagine abductees feel when they've been physically frozen before an examination.You're fully concious, but you're completely paralised.It feels that if you could move a finger, shout, or even open you're eyes, it would bring you out of it.The best I can achieve while in this altered state is to open my eye lids half a millimeter, and hazily peep-out.My natural reaction is to scream, but can't.All I can manage is a quiet "clicking" sound in the back of my throat as it opens and closes in an attempt shout.What I'd give for hicups at this point!!

My Mother has also experienced this which leads me to believe it is hereditary.She also describes seeing "Black figures" (sometimes upto 4)around her bed and feeling movement, people/entities kneeling on her bed, and even breathing on her face.She left her own house for months and wouldn't return it freaked her out so much.

If I was imaginative enough, I might suspect it to be some kind of "neutraliser", much like the one in "Progeny" when the two main caracters are bonking.

The length of these trips varies between what seems about 30 seconds, to 2 minutes, depending how well you fight it.Suffice to say, I don't sleep on my back anymore.Even lying on my side, slightly facing up is enough to start it off.

If you've never experienced it, then words can't describe it, but others will know EXACTLY what im talking about.

"How do you know my name..?"
..."It's stenciled on the back of your shorts". {"\ (*_*) /"}


On a number of occasions i have experienced something quiet similar to the above posts

not so much as paralysis as i can still move very slightly
but as if a heavy weight is forcing me down and gradually gets heavier until i believe the bed beneath will give way!
also during this it feels as though there is a pressure building in my head and a very loud and deep bass sound which is getting louder

it gets to a point that i feel as though there is too much pressure to deal with and "burst" to put it bluntly

this has actually happened once when i have been in bed and my girlfriend has been sat up watching the TV and she noticed that i was frowning while i was aleep and squirming and she said my name and woke me up and asked if i was alright, this is the point where i have realised it wasnt anything sinister and was basically going on in my head.

the only thing i can compare it to is a feeling i had during an accident at football and got knocked out and just before losing consciousness.

obviously we all lose consciousness going to sleep so i see these cases of strange goings on down to being in a transitional state.


Wow, I never knew what this was called or even knew about other people having it (though I figured obviously). Definitely had this all my life and certainly never get used to it. It usually happens when I'm falling asleep and when it does, every time I try to go bed, I keep drifting into paralysis and stuff, so then I gotta stay up for another few hours even though I'm dead tired. Last time it happened was actually just a few days ago, but it was waking up to paralysis. Only thing was it wasn't just not being able to move. It was that plus, well, like the trailer for "The Fourth Kind". Opening your eyes at 4AM, not being able to move, and having all friggin' Hell breaking loose around you was NOT fun! Lights flashing, voices, that low rumbling buzzing noise that other people have mentioned, plus the feeling that the entire couch I was sleeping on was violently shaking. It took about 10 seconds to finally be able to move my arm and then BOOM it was over and everything was calm, well, everything but me, lol. It was far from easy to go back to bed after that and only did so with the covers over my head like a 5 year old girl. And while nice to read loads of reports on other people's experiences, it's making me thinking twice about ever sleeping again, cause if I open my eyes and an old woman is hovering over me, I'm just gonna crap my pants, lol.


Ever feel like you can't sleep cause you don't know if you might have this? From someone who's suffered from sleep paralysis since he was a kid, any tips on going to bed? I feel like Nic Cage on "Bringing Out the Dead", lol, I just wanna sleep. It's uh, kinda terrible.


sleep paralysis is a common thing, its happen to everyone. it happen to me too. its not that big of a deal. when u r sleeping ur body shut down n get disconnect from ur mind. it does that to protect u from injurying urself when u r dreaming. u don;t want to swing ur body all over the place while dreaming. anyway... sometime, ur body is in that stage where ur body is disconnected from ur mind and instead ur mind is in a sleeping stage, it is fully awake, that is when sleeping paralsis happen.

1.normal ..... mind is in sleeping stage, it is disconnected from body.
2.normal ..... mind is awake, it is connected to the body
3.not normal... mind is awake n body is disconected, sleep paralysis happen.

sleep paralysis happen when ur body r very tired but ur mind is wide awake. it is like u party all night n u drink alot of redbull.

sleep paralysis can also trigger by FEAR.

when u have sleep paralysis u will hear a buzz first, and u will be paralysis. u will start hear sound , voice and a feeling of someone is there, u r in great fear. sometime u feel like u have a out of body experience, where ur soul is flow above ur body.. anyway. everything u experience in sleep paraysis is all make up from ur mind. it is all fake, nothing real. it is like a dream but u r awake. that is all it is, it is a dream.infact,i think that is what dream are. and if u experience sleep paralysis as much as i do, u can start to control the things that happen while u r in sleep paralysis.(like voices n images u hear n see)

to get out of sleep paralsis, just focus in ur finger, ur pinky. and try to move it. once u do that ur mind n body are reconnected n u will jump out of sleep paralsis. take a breath, walk around if u like, control ur fear, and u will be ok. there nothing special or unique about u if u do experience it. don't cry about it to people, no one will feel pity for ur ass, u r not a victim of anything. it just a common experience that happen to everyone.


by - jrme577 on Sun Nov 15 2009 01:16:41
sleep paralysis is a common thing, its happen to everyone. it happen to me too. its not that big of a deal. when u r sleeping ur body shut down n get disconnect from ur mind. it does that to protect u from injurying urself when u r dreaming. u don;t want to swing ur body all over the place while dreaming. anyway... sometime, ur body is in that stage where ur body is disconnected from ur mind and instead ur mind is in a sleeping stage, it is fully awake, that is when sleeping paralsis happen.

1.normal ..... mind is in sleeping stage, it is disconnected from body.
2.normal ..... mind is awake, it is connected to the body
3.not normal... mind is awake n body is disconected, sleep paralysis happen.

sleep paralysis happen when ur body r very tired but ur mind is wide awake. it is like u party all night n u drink alot of redbull.

sleep paralysis can also trigger by FEAR.

when u have sleep paralysis u will hear a buzz first, and u will be paralysis. u will start hear sound , voice and a feeling of someone is there, u r in great fear. sometime u feel like u have a out of body experience, where ur soul is flow above ur body.. anyway. everything u experience in sleep paraysis is all make up from ur mind. it is all fake, nothing real. it is like a dream but u r awake. that is all it is, it is a dream.infact,i think that is what dream are. and if u experience sleep paralysis as much as i do, u can start to control the things that happen while u r in sleep paralysis.(like voices n images u hear n see)

to get out of sleep paralsis, just focus in ur finger, ur pinky. and try to move it. once u do that ur mind n body are reconnected n u will jump out of sleep paralsis. take a breath, walk around if u like, control ur fear, and u will be ok. there nothing special or unique about u if u do experience it. don't cry about it to people, no one will feel pity for ur ass, u r not a victim of anything. it just a common experience that happen to everyone.

Jesus, don't they teach people to write properly in school anymore? No capitalization, single letter slang, and the word is "YOU" not "u" etc. The preceeding is an example of how NOT to turn in anything written if you want to make a good impression and this crap that kids post these days with "ur 4 gr8" etc, has made a very poor impression on me about this newest upcomming "Generation Bastard" raised without any fathers around.


I, too, have had sleep paralysis. I cannot beleive how many folks have. I don't talk about it to anyone. It doesn't matter if I am on my back or my side or my stomache. I can't move. I can't talk. My body tingles, like there is a very slight bolt of electricity going through me. I try to scream out, to talk, but I cannot move. It usually lasts about 20-30 seconds or so, then I sit up screaming "NO!!!". I have actually scared my wife often with this issue. I was told, and I don;t recall from whom or when, a long time ago, that this is called a phantasm, where a weak evil spirit is trying to take over your body, but you are too strong for it, so it gives up. Since hearing that, it scares the dickens out of me every time it happens.

Not word up---just WORD.



I only experienced this once, when I was around 27. I was in bed sleeping with my girlfriend; I woke up (or thought so) and I was paralyzed, couldn't move. I felt something invisible, warm, snake-like crawling on my leg and entering my body; then I said the beginning of "Our Father" and I woke up. Nothing special until here.
But the really weird thing was that in the morning, when I told my girlfriend what had happened or I thought had happened, she said in awe: "And I dreamed there were small, strange animals in our bed!".

Gognitti bailed. I made like Chow Yun-Fat.




I have sleep paralysis about once a year, and in the last few years I have been able to relax and let it run its course, like you. My previous experiences were similar to others mentioned- no black figures, but there was the “the presence”, the sense of dread, white noise, silent screaming... Now my brain recognizes what is going on and I can relax. There is still paralysis and white noise, but no negative feelings. At the end I feel like I am dead, resting in peace, and I remain asleep instead of waking up trying to scream.



Almost always waking up in the middle of the night.


I've had sleep paralysis and agree it's a terrifying experience. While Communion has some elements of SP it failed to re-create the feeling like Paranormal Activity did. The bedroom scenes in Paranormal Activity is the closest a film has gotten to SP IMO.

Antiparanoia is the eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else


I have the sleep paralysis experience. rare, but it happens. however since i know what it is, i do not panic and i manage getting out of it. i have learnt to live with it, its not lifebreaking for me.
for the record: i was never "abductee".

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I used to get sleep paralysis all too frequently, thankfully it only happens to me rarely these days. It's awful. The absolute worst and most terrifying thing ever.

To tie it into the movie I will say that a lot of the scenes involving aliens and Walken's character under hypnosis made me remember my sleep paralysis nightmares. I can't say that the scenes portrayed anything similar to what I experienced, but the feeling of the scenes, the tone and the erratic nature of the lighting, camera work, and dialogue made me recall my nightmares in a very visceral and unpleasant way.


I suffer from REM Behaviour Disorder, which can lead into sleep paralysis at times. The hallucinations I experience are beyond terrifying, The majority of my sleep paralysis occurs when I hallucinate people in the room, always black figures, never able to make them out.

Now I am a great believer in the paranormal and other life, but I can also see how people that experience sleep problems can confuse things with things that might be real. Due to my belief in other life and the paranormal I would have thought the things I experience almost every night were very real and very other-worldly. I was only diagnosed with REM behaviour disorder around a year and a half ago (it's quite rare in young females), after suffering from it since I was a child. The hallucinations got so bad and I was hurting myself in my sleep running away from things that I thought were after me, that I eventually had to go to my GP.

I now realise that everything I see at night isn't necessarily real. <----- Extra dosh will come your way !


been there done that , have the entity in my room or the dark figure but I've also had the gray alien standing over my bed.


This video should help with anyone experiencing Sleep Paralysis:
