Sleep Paralysis
ANYBODY who suffers (yes SUFFERS) from this awful condition will tell you it is one of the most terrifying "experiences" a person can go through.My own personal experiences of it have always occured if I go to sleep on my back, and it starts when you're half way between being awake and asleep.The same place as when you jump in bed just as you're "going off", because it feels like you're going to fall/roll off the bed.
It starts with a what sounds like high-pitched white noise, like an untuned TV which, in a couple of seconds fades up from nowhere to deafening.If you're quick, and realise what's about to happen, you can, if you try VERY hard, bring yourself out of it, but once the noise is at full intensity, it's got you.
As it starts it wakes you up, and you feel as thought an entity, or something with a negative motive is in the room with you, and it is this "Lifeform", that has rendered you imoble.It is this that drives your terror.This is how I would imagine abductees feel when they've been physically frozen before an examination.You're fully concious, but you're completely paralised.It feels that if you could move a finger, shout, or even open you're eyes, it would bring you out of it.The best I can achieve while in this altered state is to open my eye lids half a millimeter, and hazily peep-out.My natural reaction is to scream, but can't.All I can manage is a quiet "clicking" sound in the back of my throat as it opens and closes in an attempt shout.What I'd give for hicups at this point!!
My Mother has also experienced this which leads me to believe it is hereditary.She also describes seeing "Black figures" (sometimes upto 4)around her bed and feeling movement, people/entities kneeling on her bed, and even breathing on her face.She left her own house for months and wouldn't return it freaked her out so much.
If I was imaginative enough, I might suspect it to be some kind of "neutraliser", much like the one in "Progeny" when the two main caracters are bonking.
The length of these trips varies between what seems about 30 seconds, to 2 minutes, depending how well you fight it.Suffice to say, I don't sleep on my back anymore.Even lying on my side, slightly facing up is enough to start it off.
If you've never experienced it, then words can't describe it, but others will know EXACTLY what im talking about.
"How do you know my name..?"
..."It's stenciled on the back of your shorts". {"\ (*_*) /"}