MovieChat Forums > Communion (1989) Discussion > worth seeing for one scene.

worth seeing for one scene.

Just watch for when he walks downstairs and looks around the living room. One of the spookiest shots in sci-fi/or Horror movies ever.Creepy.


I saw this when I was 12 and it still freaks me the **** out at 22. It's gotten to the point where the fear has developed into a type of anger. Rest assured, if one of these little bastards steps foot in my room he is going to get a facefull of lead.

anyone else really scared of windows at night thanks to this movie?


Windows left open at night, oh god yes... I've had so many nightmares.

What's funny is that I'm really not afraid of anything else, kinda weird. Hahah, class action lawsuit time.


I first saw this film when I was 15 with my little brother who was 10.

To this day, we only have to peep at each other with one eye around a door to send the other one batty. Usually followed by an urgent "Please, don't do that, I won't sleep for a week now" and a promise never to do it again!

This film (largely due to that scene) and book led to me making a prat of my teen self by believing that I was being visited by aliens, something I managed to talk myself out of quite quickly thank goodness. Now at the grand old age of 32, I'd like to see this film again, this time to see Chris Walken's portrayal of a man wrestling with his personal demons, rather than as a factual account of an alien abduction.

That "peeping" scene sure has the power to make you lose control of your bodily functions though. Just looking at that link about made my tummy turn over. It's Chris Walken's almost indifferent delivery of "Is that someone there?" before the shiny @*?!er does his slippery peep manoeuvre. For me, it's right up there with Hitchcock's birds on the climbing frame, or "Red Rum" in the Shining.


Are WE afraid of the ALIENS ?

...the truth is out there...


I had the EXACT SAME ROBOT fly into my room when I was four or five (my twin bro can corroborate this story). Scared the HECK out of me when I read it in the book, and then when I saw it in the movie, I just about DIED. Mine even had the bullseye ANDE the hat!


i too am scarred for life from all those freaky scene. I think i even remember the one where he is sitting in a chair kinda out of it and the alien is just standing in the corner...maybe i am actually thinking of the scene where it peeks out from behind the door. Jeeeesus it scared me. BTW- why are people referring to the grays? Is this a 'type' of alien?


The big headed/eyed aliens are commonly refered to as the Greys, check the new book by Strieber by the same name... if you dare!

The same scenes had my own heart kicking 120bpm too when I read the book, but unfortunately by the time I watched the movie I had resolved my issues surrounding that... a bit of a shame on my part actually, looking back I feel I'm missing out. There's an entire 'Visitor' arc of books by Strieber (Communion, Transformation, Majestic, etc), for those looking to enhance their trauma. ;)

Strieber also headlines an alternative news site, of which also reports on UFO/abduction news:


Saw the post about "Jacob's ladder" and have to remark that the point when he moves the mirror and the "shaking" guy "shakes" and Tim robbins cries
...same feeling as the aliens.
On the same trip can anyone think of other specific scenes that have the same reaction?
gotta put the final 20 minutes of "The Rapture" in the list.


This is so so so weird. This is my first post on IMDB but Im compelled to write because the "grey poking around the corner" scene has stuck with me for at least 15 years. In 89 when the movie was released I was of my earliest memories are of billposters all around town featuring that classic grey image promoting the actually lasted for about 6 years or so and you could still make out the black eyes on the faded poster. so creepy. there is another terrifying grey scene in a show called intruders from the early nineties...basically this kid is chased through the forest by a little girl but we only see him from behind and he appears totally normal...when he finally turns around though he has totally black oval eyes and is alien. so so scary :S


...was the goddamned alien grays.

There are plenty of things that scared me as a kid: watching Poltergeist when I was 7 or 8, watching The Changeling when I was only 6 or 7...

but the scariest thing ever, for years and years, well into my late teens, was the idea of alien grays. As a SF fan, I was into all sorts of alien abductions. I watched countless TV documentaries about aliens, all sorts of books.

But there's something about the alien gray, something that absolutely freezes me in my tracks. Those eyes. I honestly used to think that perhaps I had been abducted by aliens, because of the irrational fear I had of the alien face on the Communion cover. Nothing else had ever scared me that bad. The first time I saw the cover, I felt a chill wash over me in a way that has almost never happened.


I would honestly like to start a forum to discuss this. Would anyone be interested?



I've never seem this film (but I will). I have seen that episode of the show you were talking about, ashmoses. That scene definitely stuck with me. I didn't even know what show I was watching, I walked in the room to see people running through the woods. The kid gets to a hill top and suddenly turns around and he has a freaking alien face. ugh, traumatizing.

Another show that did this to me was the X-files (& Millennium). In the X-files, the episode that did it for me was a guy retelling a story of his encounter. He's lying in bed when all of a sudden he is paralyzed and being taken into a ship, there are strobe lights going and he says something like, 'No, not again!'. FX used to rerun that freaking clip in their commercials late at night. Damn you FX!

I've always been afraid of windows at night and corners for this exact reason, I'll be sure to see this movie. Fire in the Sky was also freaky.


It's not a door, just saw it, it's some sort of bookshelf or tv stand or even a dresser, he peeks out from that, then the door opens and they come in. the reason it scared me so much is that he was in the room the whole time, in the dark... aaack!



Could anyone maybe post alittle clip of this on youtube? I live in a small town and we have no copies of that movie :( I'm sure others are curious too!



WOW...thanks man. I agree with everyone here...incredibly simple yet effectivly creepy! thanks again!



First a definition of terms (a nod to Socrates). Our *fear* is that emotion/state within us of great anxiety, vulnerability, a sense of mortality, an utter lack of control, being threatened or impending doom. Our *fears* are those situations, people, creatures, and so on that triggers this *fear*.

Situations or entities can be less or more successful in evoking or eliciting that fear, but it is our OWN *fear* that is causing the anxiety, etc. A good exercise to understand this is to imagine your worst fear, and then carry it out to its completion and beyond. For example, if your fear is aliens, imagine the worst scenario. The alien is in your bedroom, hiding behind a door, slowly it reveals itself, a blank, emotionless stare upon its face. It moves toward you... you recoil in terror, it seizes you. It carries you into its ship, strips you and lays you out on a table. It probes your mouth, ears, and anal cavity. It probes your mind with its superior, more powerful mind. Then what? Does it torture you? Let say it does, lets say it tortures you. You are screaming as it does everything it wants to do to you. Then what? Do you see what I mean? Carrying a fear to its logical conclusion is often not NEAR as scary as the THREAT of that fear, the UNKNOWN.

Anyway, I always tell my children to think about the worse that can happen, and they tell me they don't get that far, they just think about the moment before. I try to get them to carry it all the way and then it removes some of its power. Or I ask them to consider a scenario where the monster or whatever is afraid of you, or decides to leave them alone. Usually they find that the fear lessens that way. The reason why most people only think about the moment before the "whatever" gets them is because a feeling fills in the rest, rather than the actuality of what may happen. Filling in the reality of what might happen can significantly reduce the impact of the fear.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus



The scene with the bizarre flying robot is lifted......erm i mean influenced by Dario Argentos Deep Red where a similar scene happens with a puppet ...also with no apparent connection to the plot

so dont watch Deep Red if you cant cope with freaky flying toys


can someone post this scene on youtube pleasse?


A lot of us certainly have strong feelings about this particular movie scene. I've started a group about it on MySpace. I'm interested to see who may join and what discussions take place.

Please check it out:


heh... im afraid of greys too but i find the more i research into this stuff (greys, hybrid plans, why theyre here, etc etc) the more interesting and less scarey they become.

btw watch this

that really scarred me for life.



I've never seen this movie, but I will definitely rent it.

I'm wondering if somebody else has seen this alien movie which has haunted my nights since I was lil boy.
I saw this movie in school, and a few years later in cinemax.
I have completely forgot everything about it, and I have been looking for it for years.

What I remember:

A family gathering in the country/forest, a first person point of view with a home cam recorder, lot of it is in nightvision. A family is invaded by aliens, Greys I believe. One of the family members records everything with his camera, its just like The Blair Witch Project, except with aliens. The aliens haunt the family outside, walking around and such. There were two brothers or cousins who had to go to the shed outside, come back because one of them peed his pants. As he's changing on his room, the camera is pointed towards the door, once he exits the room, an alien comes out from behind the door.
At the end of the movie, the aliens manage to enter the house and take over the home with red lasers and stuff. The last scene I remember is they lasered the camera guy, making the camera drop on the ground but still recording.

I've been looking high and low for this movie/film, I'm sure you guys remember.
I saw it around 1997-1998.



I seen that, but I don't know what it's from, sorry. One of the aliens slowly looks at the camera and then it goes into nothing but static and snow. Freaky. I read like 60% of Communion once, but got bored and stopped reading. I, like many of you had extreme Xenophobia as a child (which is fear of extraterrestrials or hatred towards foreginers, mine of course being the extraterrestrials.)

I had a strange reuccuring dream where I would walk downstairs into my basement. Just as i'd turn around I would see a tall, white grey staring down at me. I would then try to run upstairs, but the stairs went on forever, like running in place or treadstairs. I would try to scream, but nothing came out. Just as I'd turn around to see if the alien was following me, I would wake up. Each and every time I had this dream (it went on for years) it was the exact same scenario, and the exact same alien, except for one time. It was the last time I ever had a "Grey in the basement" dream. I walked downstairs, and turned into the laundry room (the alien from my other dreams was in the doorway of the laundry room by the way), except the alien wasn't there. As I walked in, there were two aliens speaking. One was the grey, and the other was short, fat and had a bit more of a round head. But for some reason I wasn't afraid. I said "h..hello" and raised my hand, after I said that they slowly turned their heads towards me and I woke up. It was only after I woke up that I became scared.

My fear of Greys was triggered by something on TV. All I remember is being incredibly young, 2 or 3, and walking into a room with (I'm assuming) the X-Files on the TV. There was someone in a cold climate, and it showed a frozen grey's face. The man suddenly started choking to death, and gurgling "help me" or something. That's what triggered my fear. Strangely I also feel like I've seen the alien-hybrid and peeking alien at some point. Meh, probably not.

I have only gotten rid of the fear this year, by slowly showing myself pictures of greys on google images and whatnot, then I moved on to reading up on abduction cases on wikipedia, studying ET life, watching videos on youtube (The alien interview was pretty good), etc. Now I have no problem with seeing Greys or any other type of alien. What gets on my nerves is that every show about aliens always has to have some spooky music in the background, like aliens are ghosts or something. If they do exist, they're probably just an andvanced civilization here to observe us, much like we would love to find out about a new species on mars or something. And i'm assuming they have some sort of Prime Directive-type system to keep order. Understandable.

EDIT: Sorry, I got so wound up in my alien story I forgot I was replying to you. I'm assuming you mean this video?:


I've seen this. I can't remember the name of it, but it was on around 1998. I did some research on this, it was shot and released in overseas as a film, but here in the states it was shown on FOX with I believe Johnothan Frakes narrating as a supposedly true alien abduction.. could be mistaken because of all the other alien stuff he has done. There were clips of this on Youtube for a while. Scared the hell out of me thats for sure. I remember very clearly everyone in the family gone and the boy being alone in the room, he turns around and one of those little buggers is waiting right there for him.

On a side note, Communion has scarred me as well. Does anybody remember the TIME/LIFE (early 80's) commercials for there hard cover MYSTERIES books that showed all the drawings of the greys... i think that's where it all began for me.


Yes I specifically called out those Mysteries of the Unknown books in an earlier reply on this thread!

"IMDB... where 14 year old's can pretend to be jaded 40 year old movie critics"


I've also seen the film your talking about here. I watched it on sky movies when i was young and thought it was preaty scary if obviously fake. Im a budding screen writer and have been gathering ideas for a similar "found footage" type film of an alien abduction.
The film in question goes by two names: The McPherson Tape and Alien Abduction - Incident at Lake County. Both have IMDB pages. Check em out.

I watched Communion for the first time last night, as i'm a sucker for alien abduction films and the scene you are all talking about here scared me and i'm 27! Mind you no over part of the film did. I was dissapointed by it but will watch it again. I think i will enjoy it more the second time around without the weight of expectation.



Add my name to the list. I probably saw this movie about 10 or 15 years ago, so would be around 17, and it scared the crap outa me! Still find it rather eerie, and if I watched it again it would probably still freak me out. :(


me too...ill never forget it. i still see it and i still feel like one of these days im going to see the damn thing in real life.
