MovieChat Forums > Communion (1989) Discussion > worth seeing for one scene.

worth seeing for one scene.

Just watch for when he walks downstairs and looks around the living room. One of the spookiest shots in sci-fi/or Horror movies ever.Creepy.


what a great scene


I'm uncertain whether I was fortunate or not to have missed watching the movie during my childhood. As the stories shared in the discussion reveal, the particular scene in question left a lasting mark on numerous children throughout the years. I seen that scene as adult and it's frightening.

The scene's eerie power lies in the way it capitalizes on our tendency to perceive illusions when we find ourselves alone in the darkness. Consider this scenario: as you stroll down the street, you believe you spot a figure suspended from a tree, but upon drawing nearer, it reveals itself to be nothing more than a shirt adorning a tree trunk.

Naturally, people tend to watch the movie late at night in the dark, and it's difficult not to glance to the side or jump at any noise when you perceive the alien figure gazing back at you. The fear of 'someone watching you' is one of the greatest fears for humans in general, especially in children.
