MovieChat Forums > The Abyss (1989) Discussion > How did YOU rank the Abyss?

How did YOU rank the Abyss?

We see the general rating, but from 1-10, what did YOU give?

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perfect 10. for me it is the best JC movie.


agree. Best James Cameron movie. 10 out of 10.


I don't want to offend anyone, but I give it a 1, pure abysmal for me.


I don't want to offend anyone, but I give it a 1, pure abysmal for me

I wish people would learn that their personal dislike of a film doesn't warrant a "1" rating. A "1" rating should be reserved for things made by Uwe Boll, or truly bad efforts like Aliens Vs Predator Requiem, Catwoman, Gigli, Glitter, and other many examples of pure garbage. If you don't like The Abyss, that is fine, but it hardly comes close to ranking with films of that ilk.

The same applies for goofballs who loosely throw around a "10" rating for anything they happen to like.

I give the theatrical cut of the film an 7 out of 10. I think it is very good, but a bit long and the ending fell flat for me. I don't like a few of the side characters, and I hate the way-too-long scene where Bud revives Lindsey. I'd love to rate the film a 9, but those few flaws make it a 7 for me (though I think I will rate the director's cut a 7.5 or an 8, as I think the added scenes improved the overall plot).

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If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


5...only average film in his portfolio. Seemed to me like this was more a case of experimentation with effects and film making to be used on future films rather than a good film.


watched it back in 89 and it was great because i was only 9 years old and it was awesome, but watching it now that im almost 29 and i realize there are a ton of holes in the movie and ubelievables (besides under water aliens) and it was "meh" so now id probably give it a 6 just because its still a bit heartfelt towards end, but i guess im just a big softy.



I gave it a one. I mean...what the HELL did I just watch? From it's endless runtime, to sterile atmosphere to melodramatic acting? How did Cameron become involved in such a crappy movie? I can't believe I sat through this entire film. I mean, granted I was working an overnight and there was nothing else on, but I wish I would've stuck to the informercials playing at the same time. Awful.


Probably a 3. The special effects were good, but it was insanely long and insanely boring. It didn't hold my interest at all. I love James Cameron movies, but this just didn't do it for me.


I gave it a 10, I really loved it when it first came out and I still do. It was ahead of its time imo.


It's called suspense people! I agree Abyss is not the greatest or the most fantastic sci-fi movie however the sheer scale IS amazing. Think about how much went into it. Now, seeing as we have the Matrix and all the superhero movies with flash/bang effects, this seems a little dry. In 1989 you didn't see things lik this everyday. Tastes are different, though. I just always enjoy when they let the rope out slowly and build something up. Makes you feel like you didn't waste your time. It think it's a solid 8 (although I gave it a 9 officially to bump it up).

"Xanthians. Why bother?"


I give it a 9/10. But I rated it a 10 as well to bump it up too. I put it in my top 50 of all time. I thought it was fantastic. Yeah, some scenes were overly long and dragged on a bit. And I do agree with the first post that it could've been shorter around the 130-140 min mark.

I'm a softy as well, and I must say that the ending did have a tremendous payoff. And I did love the backstory to the SE.

People, you have to remember that this is ultimately a FANTASY story.

Overall, terrific movie!



It drags a little but is a great film.


Up until the last ten minutes: A 12. The best movie I have ever seen. The ending, pretty weak. In total a 10!


7/10. I want to give it an 8, but the ending just didn't do it for me. Everything up to that was fanastic- the suspense, the acting, the mystery- it all worked perfectly. But I thought when he finally met the aliens it was just a too much. They could have handled that much more gracefully. When the ship comes bursting out of the ocean didn't do much for me either. The whole idea of destroying earth because we keep messing it up ourselves was a bit too much for me too. But even that could have been kept if it hadn't been quite so blatant. It's a pity it couldn't have had a better ending because I loved everything up to that point.

LAST MOVIE SEEN: About Schmidt
RATING: 7.5/10 stars!


9/10 for the complete version.

I'm open! There's just nothing in there!


7/10 for the SE version. Don't remember the theatrical cuz it's been so long but will watch that soon.

A Good film but my least favorite of Cameron's work from 1984-1997. Still a worthy picture in the filmography.


I'd give it a 7 as well, also because of the ending. In the final scene, Bud rises from the ocean on top of the alien city-thing, and what does he do? He takes off his helmet and lets it fall down a ramp into the alien city! After everything that happened, what with the aliens saving the human race 'n all, the LAST thing I expected was for Bud to be the first human being to pollute the alien city. I mean, what does he expect? One of the aliens to pick it up for him?! Oh em gee folks! O-M-G!

There are no problems that cannot be solved with a can of brake clean and a lighter



That was hilarious.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


LOL....good one, Bud polluting the alien city!

It's one of my favorite movies. I rated it an 8.


This is exactly how I felt about it as well...

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