MovieChat Forums > The Simpsons (1989) Discussion > Anyone else liked Lisa?

Anyone else liked Lisa?

From what I’ve seen, a lot of people give Lisa low marks, largely because she doesn’t offer the comedic value. But I actually liked her a lot ... I guess because I can relate to her studiousness, religion, morality, and vegetarianism. I actually preferred Lisa over Bart.


Lisa was too preachy and liberal for me. I think ned flanders said it best. "Lisa is springfields answer to a question no one asked."


Sometimes she was just like a normal kid her age though, like in the episode when she took the wrong bus, she used to have a pretty good balance between this and being preachy. Now she is just the later all the way.


She's the character I liked and identified with, back when I watched the show. So you're not the only one.


Lisa is awful. She’s the show’s self righteous “mouthpiece”, who spouts the political and social views of the writing staff in every episode. There is one in almost every show who has to tell us what to believe, and what is right and wrong, and for The Simpsons, that character is Lisa.

Lisa is much like Brian in Family Guy, but at least Brian has his funny moments in between the preaching. Lisa has very rarely made me laugh, even back in the classic seasons of the show. I laughed when she had braces put on, and spoofed Jack Nicholson’s Joker in the 1989 Batman, asking for the mirror, but it’s tough to find any other moments where she was funny.

It’s just my opinion, but yeah, I’m not a fan of Lisa at all. I want her there just because she’s a part of the family.


I have liked all the Lisa episodes so far and am halfway into season 17 still have loads more to see.


Eventually, as the show went on, all the characters became unbearable versions of themselves, but I always liked all the Simpsons kids early on. Lisa was the perfect foil to Bart; they mirrored each other's good and bad sides. Also, despite being very type A, I really liked that Lisa was the only one in the family with artistic pursuits (aka the saxophone).


When the Simpsons started, I was Bart's age and he was my favourite. As I grew older, I discovered beer and started to hate work, and Homer was my role model. Homer became a jerk and now I like Lisa the most.


Lisa is a self-righteous leftist nanny who, like all such fools, thinks she knows better than everyone else. She is insufferably annoying, and the main reason I don't watch the show anymore (along with the fact that it's not half as good as it once was).
