NBC'S given a pilot order for a reboot
I hope it's a continuation and not a complete reboot.I feel like wokeness would just screw up a reboot.We would end up with Samantha Becket and her lesbian holographic sidekick Alberta.
shareI hope it's a continuation and not a complete reboot.I feel like wokeness would just screw up a reboot.We would end up with Samantha Becket and her lesbian holographic sidekick Alberta.
shareOh, fuck off, reboot! It's like the whole debacle by the original producer of Babylon 5: WHY REMAKE PERFECTION IN EVERY WAY!?!
Dr. Samuel Beckett travels through space and time putting Woke what once went right.
The feel good show of the year.
If you are here bitching about wokeness, you clearly didn't pay much attention to the original show. How many times did Sam leap somewhere in America's fucked up past and proceed to school the people there on why they were idiots for their racism, sexism, homophobia, or their general shittiness. The original Quantum Leap was progressive as hell!
shareThere's a huge difference between a woke show and a show that devotes an episode here and there to the subject.Quantum leap did many social justice stories but that's not what the show was about.Woke shows like Batwoman, Supergirl, Star trek discovery and as of recently Doctor who don't just do the occasional episode they saturate their writing with it until that's all it's about.
Evil just did a woke episode about a cop killing a black driver.but i wouldn't call it a woke show because it was just the one episode.
Right, and there's a difference between the 'progressive' of old and the radical woke cultism of new. Yes the original show had its share of kumbaya liberal messaging, yes this kind of thing isn't new from Hollywood. Still, we had in the 1990s a fun/comedic original show that inserted a PC message here and there...and we'll have in the 2020s a fully PC, diverse/'inclusive', preachy-in-tone remake of an old show that no longer cuts the PC mustard! We KNOW because we're seeing all too much of this recently.
What was progressive 30+ years ago is 'problematic' and backwards today (which is arguably why leftism is a dead-end!). Quantum Leap centered around two decent and heroic, white male leads. Can you guess where they went 'wrong' there? Why yes! A (TV) world where 'white male saviors' (or basically good white guys) exist can simply no longer be allowed according to our betters. So the reboot will of course correct this as a matter of urgency, along with adding a MUCH stronger dose of messaging than the simple tolerance and respect toward ALL promoted in the old show. It will instead consist of in-your-face, unforgiving admonishments of all things white, straight and male.
But not to worry because white straight males will still make their share of appearances - as exclusively villainous or incompetent characters to be denigrated, but still. Can't wait to not watch it!
A reboot!?
Somebody at NBC must have found out about all the times Bakula was shown wearing dresses and got excited.
shareIf so, maybe this one will really be science fiction and not the stupid shit the original was.
shareJust got a straight to series order. Have to fill the holes left by the mega cancellation wave this year.