Anybody been to Haiti?

I know of a few people who went to my church, and they went to Haiti as a mission trip. They subtly some of the weird crap that happened (things go missing, voices at night, blood at odd places). But my favorite story they told me was of this old guy who would walk by the house they stayed at, and would stare at it for a while. Soon, they found out from some the locals that he had died. Keith, one of the missionaries, swore, days later, he saw the same man walk by their house one day. That really creeped me out. They told me that voodoo (vodun) was basically Satanic, and the work of Satan was not fiction. Vodun in Haiti is kind of like a local secret, as almost all the townspeople are a part of some kind of voodoo, but NO ONE talks about it outisde of the rituals.


Its not Satanic, grow up. Go read the original book by Wade Davis if you want to know what voudoun is about, and what the true story was of what happened.


Biblically speaking... it is Satanic... so... don't tell people to grow up when you have not looked at all sides of an issue.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.


stfu, you don't know what you're talking about either. You might as well say Christianity in itself is Satanic because of the way Christians blow up abortion clinics. Voudun is far from Satanic, anyone who thinks otherwise knows absolutely nothing about it. Refrain from posting here until you actually learn something about it.


That's a terrible, illogical response. Not only is it an ad hominim attack, it's a straw man attack as well. Those who claim to be Christians who blow up abortion clinics aren't actual Christians by definition, so it's not a real comparison.

I have studied Voudun, so it's not for you to "tell me" to learn it when I have. What I do is study world religions and theology. Regardless, according to a Christian presuppositional worldview, Voudun IS satanic, despite what they claim it to be.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.


Wow. Pure ownage by Allan Mickle. Yeah, if you classify the tiny number of self-proclaimed Christians that blow abortion clinics as Christians, then you are dead wrong. That's like saying the Jews are responsible for killing Christ. The entire Jewish nation did not rise and rebel against Jesus, just a group of people led by the corrupt Pharissees. And Vodun is VERY Satanic. Any acts of sorcery are considered by the Bible to be Satanic. I don't what churches you've been to, guayabera, but i don't know of any Christians that use goat blood and revive the dead.


Not quite sure how thats ownage when the man knows nothing about Voudun and it is far from Satanic. "I don't what churches you've been to, guayabera, but i don't know of any Christians that use goat blood and revive the dead." Yes, heaven forbid Christians do something like the Crusades and murder people, heaven forbid people kill abortion doctors in the name of Jesus. And heaven forbid Christians allow themselves to be bitten by snakes in church, or to "lay hands" on sick people and try to convince others that they can make the blind see and the crippled walk by touching them. Christianity is a farce, you'll never hear about people practicing voudun killing people in the name of manifest destiny. Yes, you've both been owned, have a nice day.


You are extremely misinformed about the true meaning of Christianity. True Christians follow the teachings on Christ. The Crusades did not represent something Christ-like. It was a movement of people who for the sake of a over-developed eschatology sought to protect the Holy Land from the invasion of the Muslims (which is documented history; the Muslims invaded the Holy Land all the way to Spain when they were finally stopped. The Crusades sought to reclaim the Holy Land). Regardless, no true Christian would defend the Crusades as something truly Christian. Also, true Christians don't kill abortion doctors. Also, that is the fanactical wing of Christendom that does snake handling and faith healing. Neither of those are taught explicitly in the New Testament. You claim I know nothing of Voudun, but essentially, you know nothing of Christianity.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.


Another point; did you actually read my post? I'm not saying Voudun is satanic because those you practice Voudun is satanic, or anything like that. What I said was, according to a Christian presuppositional worldview, Voudun is satanic. Essentially, everything that is opposed to God and His ways as revealed in the Holy Scriptures is aided by Satan, and therefore has a satanic influence.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.


having brought up a christian in a sense your post is true. However. have you looked up the origins of Christian belief. Or Islamic belief. you'll find that a lot stem from a non christian source. so in itself Christianity is pagan. Because one can Never prove that christianity or any other religion is true.

Therefor it is pure selfishness to say that one religion is true and another is false.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


Guys, let me put it this way:

From a Bibilical perspective, Voudin is Satanic because it's a Pagan religion and uses magic. These two aspects are the only reasons why the Bible considers Voudin Satanic. These two aspects are also why other religions are considered Satanic as well, such as the religiions that worshipped Gods like Beezlebub, Baal, Moloch, ect., all of which that have been turned to Demons due to the Bible. This is also why Missions were established, so the Missionaries can "save" the local people from damnation due to the fact that don't worship the Judeo-Christain God. In essence, the Bible (New Testment at least) Associates all other religions as a way to Damnation and views all other Gods (besides the Judeo-Christain God) as Demons, thus Christainity views most religions as Satanic.

From a world perspective, however, Voudin may a dark religion of sorts, but certainly not a Demonic one. It's actually a religion is mostly peaceful and benign when it comes to the overall view (except for turning people into zombies against their own will). However, it's definitely secret.

BTW, I'm not Christain. I'm Jewish.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I know this thread is really old, but...........if anyone is truly interested, please read Maya Deren's 'Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti'. Voudoun is a beautiful religion, in my opinion. It concentrates on archetypes. That's likely the biggest reason it's never been eradicated by missionaries--those who participate in Voudoun (Serviteurs) simply incorporated the Christian archetypes into Voudoun, especially the Catholic Saints. The saints were ready-made images representative of their own gods (Loa).

This movie? Not representative of Voudoun. Same old Hollywood Voodoo. After all, it's just a horror flick.


Sooooo... what you seem to be saying is that voodoo is "satanic" in the same way that Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, and all other non-Christian religions are "satanic".

Undoubtably true, but totally irrelevant for anyone looking at it from anything other than a narrow-minded fundamentalist Christian perspective.

Then again, anyone who's not looking at the world from a Christian perspective isn't likely to seriously describe something as "satanic" to begin with.


"you'll never hear about people practicing voudun killing people in the name of manifest destiny"

Hahaha. You're funny guayabera. In a "I'm-ignorant-and-proud-of-it" kind of a way, but I hope it was not intentional because you do have a point... as do all the other posters, since Voodoo can be concidere a sort of folk religion and/ or sorcery, witchcraft, and in some cases cannibalistic practices-- depending a lot on its spelling one could say, but lets not get into that. I believe your argument is that most people believe that Voodoo (I'll stick with that spelling) is nothing but demonistic, spiritistic maybe even canibalistic practices, where animals get sacrificed and the dead called upon. The truth, put shortly, is that voodoo, and back me up here if this really a is your argument, is more earthly, nature bound practice through the use of herbs and meditative rituals, and therefor not "satanic" as you say. And you are right, at least in this sense. Voodo is basically an African version of our modern day MDs and psychiatrists. I mean Voodoo is not even Haitian in origin, but was well in place and halthy on its feet on the african continent long before slaves where brought into the Americas. By the way, for the sake of the argument, it should be said that many religions, including so called "christian" religions had and have similar ceremonies and animal sacrifices (and should therefor be concidered "satanic"???).
However, as someone who has spent the past 12 years surrounded by followers and practicioners of "the loa" I wish to mention that many of the rumors and stories such as hinted upon and exagerated in Hollywood movies do have true backgrounds, including the canibalistic and so called "satanic" rituals (drinking blood, sacrificing animals, possessions, zombies, etc). True, many of them can be uncovered as hoaxes and/or radical exagerations, but that doesn't alter the fact that they happen and people believe in them. And from a biblical stand point (compared to similar rituals in biblical times) they can and are being concidered satanic, even by the practicioners themselves.
So, if anyone's been owned, it is unfortunately you for lack of information.

Que pases un buen dia.




I do appreciate the candor of your response. Although, I never denied animal sacrifices in the Old Testament. The Scriptures teach they were necessary. For man to come before a holy God, they would have to die for their sins. Instead, a substitute, the animal, died for them. That is no longer necessary in Christianity because Christ died once for all as the sacrifice for sins.

This in no way was the content of my point. My point was that simply from a Christian worldview, of course this form of religion is Satanic.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.



I almost feel as if people do not know how to read anymore.

Did you read my post? I said that anything that is opposed to God is influenced by Satan. Therefore, according to a Christian worldview, Voodoo is Satanic.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.



I am indeed a theology scholar. I have a Master's degree in New Testament studies and Ancient Greek. Thank your for being so polite.

I believe that a person's conscience is a divine gift from God where it is used through the influence of the Holy Spirit to bring someone to repentance and faith. People are totally depraved throughout their whole being, and this can influence their conscience so as to not come to God in faith.

But truly, in Christianity, an agnostic could be seen as being influenced by Satan. Satan wants people to not believe that God exists. Therefore, that influence, and a denial of the existence of God (or the assumption that one cannot know) can be referred to as Satanic. Yes, a Christian who would attempt to practice Voodoo would be totally wrong, becuase according to Christianity Voodoo is completely wrong. A true Christian (see the book of 1 John) would never partake in Voodoo. It would prove that they were never an actual beleiver.

I understand your points you've made. Perhaps you'd be interested in commenting on my replies?

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.



We are damned if we are unsure of our beliefs. Only those who have express faith in the God-man Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice are permitted to spend eternity with Him. All men are born totally depraved. Because of Adam's original sin all men have had his sin imputed to them as he is the federal head of the human race.

Therefore, all people are born with a depraved nature, and therefore even those who deny God's existence from situations in life where bad things happen will spend an eternity in Hell. All people, no matter where, or in what situation in life cannot go to Heaven apart from faith in Jesus Christ.

I do not put much stock in Freud's view of the human psyche. Those who have moved further into sin are truly just being more consistent with their nature. When people are good, it is not becuase of themselves, but because of the common grace of God. They cannot be good of themselves because they are totally depraved.

Well, I think that answers your questions. Look forward to hearing from you again.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.


Dude, is anyone else high?

But seriously, this is a good argument going on here. Continue



Hey Mr. Science Guy, don't spray that aerosol in my eye....... I'm a noble rabbit!


I have one massive point to make with your idiodic drivel. You claim the past work of men in your God's name is done by the lost, the blind. Those who don't get god.

Well then, how about some gems from the bible itself?

In Exodus 13:2 the Lord said "Consecrate to me every first-born that opens the womb among Israelites, both man and beast, for it belongs to me." Later it says that you can redeem (replace) an ass with a sheep and that you must redeem a child for an unspecified price. It is clear from the context that "consecrate" means a burning sacrifice.

How's that for quaint? Of course, that must make the Lord a lost soul too, right?

How about another?

"At that time the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah, and he went throughout the land of Gilead and Manasseh, including Mizpah in Gilead, and led an army against the Ammonites. And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD. He said, "If you give me victory over the Ammonites, I will give to the LORD the first thing coming out of my house to greet me when I return in triumph. I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering."

"So Jephthah led his army against the Ammonites, and the LORD gave him victory. He thoroughly defeated the Ammonites from Aroer to an area near Minnith – twenty towns – and as far away as Abel-keramim. Thus Israel subdued the Ammonites. When Jephthah returned home to Mizpah, his daughter – his only child – ran out to meet him, playing on a tambourine and dancing for joy. When he saw her, he tore his clothes in anguish. "My daughter!" he cried out. "My heart is breaking! What a tragedy that you came out to greet me. For I have made a vow to the LORD and cannot take it back." And she said, "Father, you have made a promise to the LORD. You must do to me what you have promised, for the LORD has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites. But first let me go up and roam in the hills and weep with my friends for two months, because I will die a virgin." "You may go," Jephthah said. And he let her go away for two months. She and her friends went into the hills and wept because she would never have children. When she returned home, her father kept his vow, and she died a virgin. So it has become a custom in Israel for young Israelite women to go away for four days each year to lament the fate of Jephthah's daughter." (Judges 11:29-40 NLT)

Human sacrifice must not be Satanic then, if it's in the bible. And, personally, I've yet to see human sacrifice in Voodoo. Oh wait, how about rape? That's allowed in the bible, too.

They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. All five of the Midianite kings – Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba – died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho.

Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded. "These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.

Some book you live your life by there, isn't it?

I suppose I should point out that Satan doesn't exist in many religions. But, you Bible thumping fools will always claim anyone who doesn't read your book lost.

I too, study Religion. I study world religion, so I have a broader scope than you. Unlike you, I won't go throwing my higher and more equally impressive degree around like a badge.

If you plan to judge others, first, read the whole bible. See, many priests leave out the questionable passages. They only recite the safe ones. Your word is a sham. Your ethics are shameful. Your history is horrible. And you folks don't own up to it. But, I won't let you forget it. Many others won't either.

Careful who you idiots judge. Voodoo is far wiser than your own religion. And far less evil.


It really does not matter what anyone says here. There will always be someone else writing that they know more than the previous person who commented. The problem here is that everyone thinks themself right and thinks everyone else is wrong.
The movie is a good one. I am watching it currently, I just came to imdb to see it in fact there is a particular actress in this movie when I came across this thread.
I am not attacking anyone or saying anyone is more right or wrong than anyone else. I am just simply stating that arguing is a lost cause. If you know your right then you dont need to argue it. Just know that your right and go about your life.

July 25,1982**BRAD RENFRO**Jan. 15,2008


as per normal the religious nut jobs state their case and leave the areana before any common sense is allowed to enter their minds.
if there is a supreme being he has done NOTHING for his people so why should we do anything for him.
innocent people are brutaly murdered every day, small children are raped to death every day,people starving to death every day, horrific acts of cruelty commited EVERY DAY, and this is all a TEST.
well if it does exist i know where it can stick its fing test.
I follow the path of apathetic agnosticism, if you dont im sorry to say your weak mind has been brainwashed.
P.S i have been to haiti with the U.N, the people are so poor i really think anything other then real money and fair trade is a total waste of time.
the last thing they need are more idiots going there and telling them if they pray hard enough and contribute to the church they may go to a nicer place when they die.


icecrono2 wrote:

"But not all things that are opposed to God are influnced by satan. For example, if a person is agnositc that's not satanic, that's just ignorant. "

being agnostic is ignorant? hah! Being agnostic is choosing not to believe in any religion or diety. Agnostics are aware (as opposed to being ignorant) of other beliefs, but choose to not be captivated by a organized religion or the belief of one true being.


Still confused here: is it your notion that everything that doesn't fit into a Christian viewpoint (and which sect of Christian are we talking about here?) is Satanic? Or just opposed to God? If the latter, what exactly is the litmus test for opposed to God? Most Voudu practicioners are also Catholic.


Who says voudoun is OPPOSED to God? It's an alternative to christianity, maybe, just as are many other religions. Being alternative doesn't mean being opposed. And who says that the christian god is the only god? Your right, christians consider voudoun Satanic, just like they consider everything that doesn't agree with them Satanic, even other Christian denominations.

By the way, I'm 38 and live in Alabama and as of yet I still haven't met a Christian who follows the teachings of Christ. The ones I have met all seem to want to justify their prejudice and bigotry by use of the Bible, the most evil book ever written. And please, no one tell me I just haven't met the right Christians, for god's sake, I live in #^$%ing Alabama, the buckle of the Bible belt. You can't throw a stick without hitting some loud-mouthed self-righteous bible-thumping zealot from EVERY denomination here.

I like my coffee like I like my women--
Ground up and in the freezer


No, thank YOU for your candid response.

I was not referring to your comment, but only responding to guayabera's lack of knowledge. I understand his point of view as to why he believes Voodoo not to be satanic (narrow-minded it may be), but also am aware of the Christian stand point. Concerning my own believes, I find Voodoo extremely satanic and share your sentiment.

In refference to other "christian" religions practicing animal sacrifices I am talking about contemporary sects, including voodoo/christian hybrids that pepper Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the African and Latin American continents. Plenty of those to go around.

I am well aware of the oblations performed in the temple in Aronic times pretty much up until the Levitical system ended around the year 70, if I'm not mistaken (shooting from the hip here, I'm really lousy with numbers, but I assume with the destruction of Jerusalem in that time frame I shouldnt be far of), and I do not refer to those since they were performed under different circumstances and connotations.

Blood for example plays a very important part in voodoo rituals (be they for curative reasons or just good-'ol fashioned necromancy doesnt matter, the line is not just blurred but was never drawn in the first place) but it involves bathing, drinking and other nasties, while blood in biblical times was entirly simbolic according to God's instructions -- sprinkling it before the Ark in the Most Holy and on the altar of sacrifice, etc. God thus put a value on blood, setting it aside as sacred and was not to be eaten or drunk, or put to any other use that men might devise (Lev. 17:11-12 -- mhm... some take this scripture to include blood transfusions). And from what I've seen in Haiti man can devise many nasty ways. Yes, we are such an inventive species, it makes my stomach turn like a slow key.

So, dear sir, to repeat ad nauseam, Voodoo is as Satanic as it gets no matter who it is or with how many excuses they can come up with, and I entirly applaud your post regarding Voodoo (I negate somewhat on the others, but never mind that) and hope I did not create any misreadings.

N.O. Ttl.E., J.St. Fa.Th.


Thanks for you response (and your humble note at the bottom of your name LOL). I agree with what you are saying. I think I may have just misunderstood your post. Thanks again for your clear comments.

Allen Mickle


I think we can say that anything which is passed down the generations is open to misinterpretation. For example i am willing the bet the modern Bible (regardless of what church it's from) is a far cry from the original hebrew text translated (and authorised by) King James II of Scotland (And Great Britain). People have re-written it countless times to suit what they have to say.

Therefore we can say that Vodou probably suffered the same alterations through the generations to suit certain people and the message THEY wished to convey.

It's not for Christian folk to say "this is satanic" after all the crusades which recaptured "the holy lands" basically (in the name of the Pope) brought death and destruction from east of Spain all the way to the middle east over what were ORIGINALLY Muslim countries. If your telling me Christians had the right to kill and purge countries like Israel which were Jewish, Iraq (Muslim) Jordan (Muslim) then you are having a laugh.

This period of christianity stems from one ethos:- "If you are not christian you must be Pagan (read Satanic) and must be purged from the earth".

That doesn't make them correct, just ignorrant and ill informed.

Besides i've seen plenty of fottage of U.S. Christian churches where people dance about like a loon (menatlly ill person) with a handfull of poisonous snakes. When they get bitten (as they usually do) they'll say (if they survive) that it's God's will that they beat "the evil". If they Die their family martyr them and try even more derangely to justify their actions.

When in fact they are just *beep* idiots!!.


My best bet is that Christianity and other monotheistic religions has done far more damaged than Voodoo will ever do. So whatever, keep saying that Voodoo is evil and oh dear satanic! Sit back and see what ‘non satanic’ religion is doing to the world in general. Those non-satanic religions fuel hate, war, sexism and other oppressions. I have very little knowledge about Voodoo and a lot of those fears and stereotypes stems from the lack of knowledge and fear of God by Christians when Voodoo was first discovered. Not much has changed. People have this negative image of magic {“especially black magic”}. A lot of practitioners practice their faith in secrecy because of the negative connotation.


Amen to that.

(no pun intended)


But Voodoo does contain some aspects of Christianity.

I am Providence -- H.P. Lovecraft


No that is not like saying Jews killed Christ because the Romans killed Jesus, after being tried in a Roman court, and he was tortured and executed in Roman style. "Jews killed Jesus", is yet another satanic statement out of the mouths of the Christian antichrists. Now put it in perspective, no other people of any other religion has ravaged this planet as horribly as Christians have. None other has caused so many genocides, murders, ravaged so much land and destroyed so many environments and caused so many wars.

"The Clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind, to filch wealth and power to themselves, these Christians, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ." - Thomas Jefferson.


A very provocative quote. Had to see if I could get a refernence on it, found one at, which is apparently a transcription of "THE WRITINGS OF THOMAS JEFFERSON - Definitive Edition".

On page 341 (almost to the bottom), there's a letter...

MONTICELLO, January 19, 1810'.

SIR,-Yours of the 7th instant has been duly received, with the pamphlet enclosed, for which I return you my thanks. Nothing can be more exactly and seriously true than what is there stated: that but a short time elapsed after the death of the great reformer of the Jewish religion, before his principles were departed from by those who professed to be his special servants, and perverted into an engine for enslaving mankind, and aggrandizing their oppressors in Church and State: that the purest system of morals ever before preached to man has been adulterated and sophisticated by artificial constructions, into a mere contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves: that rational men, not being able to swallow their impious heresies, in order to force them down their throats, they raise the hue and cry of infidelity, while themselves are the greatest obstacles to the advancement of the real doctrines of Jesus, and do, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ."

I don't know if that's supposed to be the same quote, but the meaning is the same. Thanks for the lead tropicalgreen2003.

Talk about getting off subject though. I liked the movie and would recommend it. Seemed real enough to me. If there's another film that deals with this subject that even comes close, please tell me.


I am a member of the Church of Satan and I must say that I am very offended at the way our church is being depicted in this debate. Why is it a problem that voodoo is being compared to Satanism? Both are respectable and legitimate belief systems. By showing people that God doesn’t exist, Satanism helps a lot of people lead productive, stimulating lives without being sidetracked by the regulations Christianity creates. A lot of you may ask, “if God doesn’t exist, then doesn’t that mean Satan can’t exist?” The answer is yes, he can, all you need to believe is faith. With faith, anything is possible.

Ok, I’m not a Satanist, hahahaha, I’ll tell ya, considering I was talking out of my ass, that doesn’t sound so bad, anyway the real reason I’m posting here, I wanted to reply to charlesjhead’s post, as far as other movies that deal with “real” voodoo, Serpent and the Rainbow is the best, there are 2 more that I’m aware of. Val Lewton’s “I Walked with a Zombie” (1943) which is a pretty good one, and “White Zombie” (1932) starring the legendary Bela Lugosi, which is even a little bit better, and yes, the band did get their name from this movie. Hope that helps

and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever


"Those who claim to be Christians who blow up abortion clinics aren't actual Christians by definition"

Just as those who claim to be Christians JUDGE other religions, support wars, support politics that take from the poor and give to the rich, support destruction of God's creations etc. as Satanic aren't actual Christians by definition. The bombers define themselves as Christians, however. The same old anti-Christ "christians" small c. Think carefully about that.


Sure, "biblically speaking," it is satanic. But by the same reasoning, once could say that rationally speaking, fundamentalism is insane and dangerous. Or how about that, empirically speaking, the bible is absurd? I'm not saying that the Bible IS absurd, but from the point of view of empiricism, that is an unavoidable conclusion.

Do you see what I'm getting at?


Satan and the devil are creations of christianity....

Evil, however, is another story .... evil is evil is evil ....


Biblically speaking... it is Satanic... so... don't tell people to grow up when you have not looked at all sides of an issue.

Allen Mickle
B.R.E., M.Div., Th.M.

Speaking of which, condomns are satanic too.

Almost everything is somehow satanic, in a christian point of view. Even sex.

But no, voodoo isn't satanic, from a filosophical point of view.. Is merely built upon beliefs from local, and some forms of placebos. It has nothing to do with the judeochristian concept of "satan"; so, no. And anyway, you can't simply qualify something from a universal sphere from another universal sphere. In the world of voodoo, there's no satan, so it can't be "satanic".


Biblically speaking, half of the world is "satanic"...


Voodoo is most definatly NOT Satanic. Seeing as Satan is a soley Christian deity it is totally unconnected to Voodoo. Just because something is not understood by the Christian community it's automatically branded evil and Satanic. I don't recall anything in the Bible about a specific connection between Satan and Voodoo (although it does say that any other religion is the work of Satan; but that's just an 'insurance clause' to stop people thinking for themselves and straying)

Watch the doc 'White Darkness'. People fall into trances and speak in tongues- not unlike what is seen in modern Evangelical churches.

I subscribe to the theory that religous experiences and visions are a form of temporal lobe epilepsy (not that I'm saying it's an 'illness', far from it) which can be induced by heavy suggestion or using sound such as low frequency vibrations (infrasound).


Voodou isn't even in the Bible so there is no Biblical speaking of it whatsoever. Grow up an get an education.


biblically speaking...everything not biblical is satanic so why don't you put a ________ and go find a stick to get stuck to.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ANYWAY!!!! Has anyone been to Haiti!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


I know of a few people who went to my church, and they went to Haiti as a mission trip. They subtly some of the weird crap that happened (things go missing, voices at night, blood at odd places). But my favorite story they told me was of this old guy who would walk by the house they stayed at, and would stare at it for a while. Soon, they found out from some the locals that he had died. Keith, one of the missionaries, swore, days later, he saw the same man walk by their house one day. That really creeped me out. They told me that voodoo (vodun) was basically Satanic, and the work of Satan was not fiction. Vodun in Haiti is kind of like a local secret, as almost all the townspeople are a part of some kind of voodoo, but NO ONE talks about it outisde of the rituals.

my family is from haiti (not me, but the rest), and most people DO NOT do voodoo, but are catholic. im not sure where you are getting that 'all the townspeople' crap. the ones who do practice it are feared

Love can be found in certain places...
one of them is not here.



okay then !
you say agnostic means not denying god's existence, but not believing either?
well, that, my friend, IS a choice.

athiest. agnostic. believer. whatever.

Sorry for the lack of defined definitions.



God knows, we always get into crap like that. I mean he doesnt, since he dont exist. I mean we refuse to believe he doesnt, so he probably doesnt, doesnt he, so he doesnt know.

On second thought, just in case he does, he might know.

Ah, to hell with it.

No, wait, hell doesnt exist either.

Oh, heaven help us...

No wait, that dont exist either!


No wait...


No... that dont work either...

Lets just agree he does so we can at least swear...




1. Vodoun in Haiti is not some huge secret. It is shunned by the middle class, whose members are predominately Protestant. However, Haiti, being the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, doesn't have a very large middle class.

2. Animal sacrifice is involved in Vodoun rituals. However, animal sacrifice plays a role in most religions. Christianity is centered around a <i>human</i> sacrifice and a symbolic act of cannibalism. Something to consider.

3. There are multiple branches in Vodoun, but the two primary ones are rite Rada and Rite Petwo. Rada involves more peaceful ancestral spirits, Petwo more concerned with sorcerery. However, Houngans deal with both and consider maintaining a balance between the two forces important. Bokors don't even deal primarily with the major lwa, either Rada or Petwo, but rely on "power points" or "bought spirits" which are not honored in any traditional hounfor (temple). Houngans, the actual priests of the religion, are primarily concerned with healing both physical and social ills. That the houngans deal with the more violent Petwo, in addition to the Rada, is not something a Christian fundamentalist should find odd if he is familiar with his Old Testament. While in the desert, the Hebrews sacrificed to both Yahweh and Azazel.

4. Lastly, Vodounists consider themselves Christians. They serve a high god called Bondye, who they identify with the Yahweh of the Bible.
I know that a fundamentalist would consider Vodoun satanic because almost <i>everything</i> is satanic in the eyes of a fundamentalist. However, Vodoun
not only played a huge role in liberating Haiti from slavery, but also in aiding its practitioners in dealing with lives that are stricken with poverty and sickness. By and large, Vodoun is a positive force that has done far more good than ill. Fellows like Papa and Baby Doc misused and abused it for political gain, but religion has always been susceptible to such abuses.



Jesus was a Vodoun Priest you iceholes. Raising bastages from the dead and all. Mindless zombies following him around like he controlled their destiny or something.

P.s. I thought the nightmare scenes were boss.


Yep! I fully agree. ^^ My mother is a fundimentalist, so anything that isn't on the far right of the spectrum is 'evil', 'satantic', and 'non-Jesus-like'. I always ask her which definintion of 'Satanism' is she using and always remind her Satan knows the bible as well as she does, if not better.

I was actually pointed to this website during my Cultural Anthropology class. My professor rather liked it and thought they did a wonderful job trying to put everything in place.

"Today, there are two virtually unrelated forms of the religion:

*the actual religion, Vodun practiced in Benin, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Haiti, Togo and various centers in the US - largely where Haitian refuges have settled.

*an evil, imaginary religion, which we will call Voodoo. It has been created for Hollywood movies, complete with "voodoo dolls", violence, bizarre rituals, etc. It does not exist in reality, except in the minds of most non-Voduns."

So in a sense, what we 'know' (ie movies/TV) of Vodun isn't necesarily true.

*quotes again*

"The houngan and mambos confine their activities to "white" magic which is used to bring good fortune and healing. However caplatas (also known as bokors) perform acts of evil sorcery or black magic, sometimes called "left-handed Vodun". Rarely, a houngan will engage in such sorcery; a few alternate between white and dark magic.

One belief unique to Vodun is that a dead person can be revived after having been buried. After resurrection, the zombie has no will of their own, but remains under the control of others. In reality, a zombie is a living person who has never died, but is under the influence of powerful drugs administered by an evil sorcerer. Although most Haitians believe in zombies, few have ever seen one. There are a few recorded instances of persons who have claimed to be zombies.

Sticking pins in "voodoo dolls" was once used as a method of cursing an individual by some followers of Vodun in New Orleans; this practice continues occasionally in South America. The practice became closely associated with Voodoo in the public mind through the vehicle of horror movies."


of course voodoo exists. and zombies too. but they are like normal people. you cannot recognize them among normal people.
i am Haitian. and i've never identified one or seen any ceremony. nobody cares about this. because it exists and it's not extraordinary anymore. things happen. some believe and practice it and some do not.
and since 2003 it is not illegal anymore. so the voodoo believers can freely do their thing.
this movie is just hollywood!!
made me laugh a lot.


Wow, I just spent the last 30 minutes or so
'reading' (I say reading because i cant see
any of you :-) ) you guys argue religion. it was a
blast! First off, I loved this movie to death,
it was quite entertaining. Although everyone made great
arguments, I feel donrym, indra 1000 eyes,
and rosele84 made the most make sure
my sentence doesnt get taking out of contex, allow
me to elaborate. while allen mickle might be
a religious scholar, he (along w/ others) offered
opinions from a christian standpoint. since vodun
isnt as predominant as christianity, there's only
so much creditable info a non practioner can hope
to dig up. One could find info on mainstream religions
at almost every turn. I wont argue whether or not
vodun is satanic because it is only an opinion.
rosele made a good point of saying zombies, etc
are basically the norm whether you believe in them
or not, its not anything new. although people
attend mass quite frequently, i think its strange.
although im not christian, i was raised southern
baptist and we didnt do stuff like that. in the end
its all in what you're exposed to.

-blue skull inc,
avid oocult practioner

"Autopsy, because you can't sue me for malpractice damnit!"



One religious professor I had told us to 'take off your Christian Glasses.' You're suposed to be unbaised when trying to read history, or even viewing a movie. My mother, a radical fundimentalist, sees the Ancient Roman society as 'horrendus satan worshiping whores', and that is a direct quote. All she decides to read are the 'other' sources, not the Roman writers, or even people who lived through those times. And heaven forbid I try to talk to her about the DaVinci Code. She sees it as the Anti-Christ revealed -_- (Sadly, she can't understand it's all just a story.)

Bull_Skull_Inc is correct. Since the western world is predominatly Christian, we don't encounter the other smaller religions out there. There is little to go on, and like even Tacitus said about the Christians when they were just starting, (generalized) 'They're scary'. What man cannot understand, it will either kill or destroy. The predominant view is anything that is NOT Christian is Satanic. (IE mostly fundimentalists = my mother and several people I know) They condem without even trying to find out or understand.

Fact of the matter is, wether or not it's Satanic is just someone's opinion.

We have a lady at work who sends her daughters to Haiti to convert and teach. She said she found nothing wrong or satanic with the people who practiced Vodun, they were just 'misguided', she said.


Umm guys... please stay on topic... we are talking about a dumb horror movie here, how did this degrade into an all-out religion war?


Jerry... did you read the first post? This is a thread that started with a story about people from gurgledog's church. It's far less about the movie than you think.


Actually, voodoo is the product of Loki Laufeyjarson. That nutty trickster! Loki has been doing a frame job on Satan because, hey, that's just the crazy sort of stunt he loves.

No, what I really meant to say was that voodoo is a fiction propagated by SPs ( in a bloody-minded effort to cheese off Ron.

Truly, it is merely a part of Tawhiri-matea's plan to punish humans for forgetting the painful separation of his parents, the earth and the sky.

I'm only joking. Of COURSE voodoo is the work of Satan. All hail Satan. How are you doing for chicken blood, Lord Satan? Still good? You just let me know.


Amazingly, it only takes the mere mention of a mission trip to start a whole theological debate between *beep* antichristians and people who should know better than to argue with them. Here is a tip to all of you... GIVE UP! I know, arguing is the new American past time, but give us all a break and shut up for five minutes. Go outside. Be with your family. Read an old book. Feel better? If not, commit suicide... You degenerate politician.

My name is Jim, but most people call me... Jim.


Since few people bothered to actually answer this post (other than the person with the tolerance link and the person with the "1000 eyes"), here's my take on it. This is based on my having lived in Haiti at the time the movie was made and having been there on 5 trips. I speak Haitian Creole and once met a Voudo priest who claimed to be on his way to remove a zombi that was bothering people somewhere in the area.

Anyway (appologies in advance for spelling errors, I'm rushed):

1. Is Voudu the work of Satan? I dunno, depends on your definition. Do Haitians worship Satan through Voudu? They don't think so, but if you think they do because they don't believe what you believe, then it's all definitional and tautological so there's no real debating it.

2. Is it "real"? This is a belief system, so it is not clear to me what you mean by real. Can people really be turned into Zombis? I doubt it. I think the more likely reason for the lore of a zombi is a person with severe psychological trauma or mental illness. For instance, have you ever been to a facility that houses the insane? Some of the folks I recall meeting when doing volunteer work as a teen for confirmation class at the local "county home" would seem to be zombified to me if I wasn't aware of modern medical research. People with extreme, albeit somewhat rare, forms of schziophrnia (which itself is not that rare), might also fit a zombi description. I forget of Davis' book dealt with this hypothesis or not, but the book didn't seem 100% on the up and up when I read it, but that was years ago.

3. Who believes it? Sometimes I think christian missionaries believe it more than the local believers do! Your churchmates really believe they saw a ghost or walking dead? Maybe it's time for them to take science or rational thinking 101. Yes, people can believe what they want, but you can't have your own facts. In other words, if you think there is an afterlife or that people can be zombified, that's fine. But if you are going to tell me there's proof of it, then you need to put up or shut up. ;-) I've encountered many Haitians who claim to know or to have seen this or that voudu curse carried out, but they substance behind almost all of them as flimsy as an internet rumor about Bill Gates giving out money via the email.

4. People talk about it outside the rituals all the time. Understandably, some may not talk about it with "blan" (foreigners). Also, there are various levels of committment to the religion. Many non-believers still believe in some of the non-core tenents of the religion, e.g. superstitions about curses or charms (sounds like your church goers might fit into this category!)


Lets all go down to Haiti with rifles, and hand guns. We can reenact the end of Lucio Fulci's "ZOMBI 2"


I just recently returned from Port Au Prince on a trip sponsored by a humanitarian group, and I did visit one of the actual filming locations used in the film. The scene of the religious pilgrimmage up the mountain, where all of the natives are carrying candles, was filmed at San Souci palace in the northern part of haiti, near the city of Cap Haitian. Also, scenes were shot at the International Airport in Port Au Prince.
