MovieChat Forums > Neco z Alenky (1990) Discussion > What is your favourite moment in the mov...

What is your favourite moment in the movie?

Well,for me there's many.I love the scene where she goes down in that elavator and falls upon the leaves.I also like the way the leaves get sucked into that desk.I also love it when those skulls hatch from those eggs.Truly eerie and perceptive.

"It too was transdimensional,
something monstrous crammed down into
human flesh"


i thought it was funny how she came up to around 8 desks and she pulled the knob off of everyone. But i liked when she fell through the ceiling and it patched itself back up, and the catapillar saying goodnight then stiching its eye shut. i really like the cover of the movie and the leaves for sure. almost everything, but i was waiting for the un-birthday thing and it never happened. whatever, it was sweet as hell. As well as darkness light darkness.



I love the whole closet scene. It creeped me out, but was really intresting. I also loved when the white rabbit was eating the sawdust from the pot. It just looked so cool for some reason.



The animated meat. Hands down.


The whole incredibly dumpy look to "Wonderland" was a beautiful pun.

Adding to the bizarre realism was the complete lack of musical score except during the end titles, where the artificial good cheer of the piano was completely at odds with the horrors that went before.

My favorite scenes? I guess that horrific moment when the white rabbit first came to life and had to jerk its nailed paws out of the display case floor; and the doormouse building a roasting spit on Alice's head (and later being seen dead in a mousetrap).

For a "Wonderland", this alternated delightfully between a dementia dream and a taxidermist's hell.

(The least favorte was the CONSTANT closeup of Alice's lips as she "narrated" what peple were saying or thinking. It was clever at first, then became an annoying distraction).


When all those tears pour from her eyes and the room completely fills with water in no time at all.

Last Movie Seen: Lord of War


The Socks! So strange... I don't like the bit where she's eating from those jam jars with drawing pins in them.






When she falls in that big batch of milk or whatever that was and grows out of the bowl and is trapped inside that doll body. FREAKED ME OUTT, I could barely handle it


the sock scene and c'mon the mouse building a fire on her head!!


The beginning, when the pebbles go plink, plink into the teacup. Austere yet eerie.

The elevator ride. The jam jar with tacks: he combines two simple objects and suddenly creates something sinister and laced with foreboding. Surrealism at its finest.

When she goes outdoors into the big field, and then there's the desk, and then she pricks herself on the protractor and you can see blood...

The creation of the white rabbit, when he un-tacks himself. Also, the sawdust conceit is great, especially when Alice tastes some herself just to see if she was missing anything.

The cascading leaves scene: beautifully animated.

Alice turning into a doll for the first time. The doll model is creepy and fantastic.

The white rabbit thwacking her hand through the door. The action is so beautifully and simply nasty: no sugarcoating.

When the doormouse pitches a tent on Alice's head, and she patiently takes the whole process up until he tries to start a campfire. I also love how Svankmajer manages to seamlessly integrate live action (via the actress and the bobbing motion of the water) and stop-motion.

And the socks are great performers, both on and off her feet.

(In other words, the entire movie.)


Wow, this many people have seen it and have gone on to IMDB to comment on it?!
This is great!

This movie is so weird and creepy yet I could never tear my eyes away.

I love how the narration cuts to the girl's mouth speaking (I don't know, it was just cute and creepy).
Also, the room with the holes and the socks was great (my mom actually laughed when the socks tried to part from Alice's feet)!

Ah, great movie.

