Frog thought that Hodges probably should have looked the other way or perhaps even ran an little interference for him when the LAPD got the call of Rocket's house being shot up. Frog was also dusted out of his gourd. Larry Loony Tunes is laying dead right there on the lawn, for crying out loud. There was no doubt in any cop's mind arriving at that scene what had gone down, considering the identities of the two bodies. So Frog just didn't have his head in the right place. What I couldn't understand is why Hodges was pissed at him. Frog's a gang member, and Hodges had to have known Frog was going to enact some get even for the Crips shooting up his party and killing the lady next door. Hodges was acting like Frog was some kid that he'd signed up for little league to get him out of the life, or something. Guy was a full blown veterano. The payback was inevitable, yet Hodges just seemed appalled that Frog would dare do it.
As far as Frog's rapport with Hodges being phony? Come on. Frog dry snitched on Rocket, which led to that shootout that killed an innocent lady next door. If Frog never tells Hodges that Pac Man's got a green light on him, the division command wouldn't have ordered that crackdown to get all of Rocket's potential hit men off of the streets, and Pac Man would have been vulnerable. It was a huge favor, and it was also a mortal sin according to the code of the street. Frog put his life on the line for Hodges, no mistake about it. But turning the other cheek to the shootout at Rocket's house was not the favor Hodges was going to give him in return.