i can tell you the things it lacked, a story that makes sense and is coherent, characters you care about, characters that are realistic and do realistic things, a story that stays on track. it feels like they are just making the story up as it goes along. like "hey, lets put this ridiculous sight gag scene here that will get 'em." so that scene has nothing to do with the story and is just there for shock value.
i wasn't invested in any of the characters, i didn't understand the characters personalities, or motivations, they weren't real people in this movie, they were just there, very shallow character development.
it's not a bad movie it's just not a good movie. but it's close to being a good movie. it's the closest a movie can get to being a good movie. it's better than most troma movies. it's like a troma movie only it's more original and has a bigger budget. also it doesn't have shock scenes that are just there to shock you and are immature and juvenile like a troma has. it has troma's b-movie, do it yourself spirit and energy and style. the goofy, silly, over the top humor and crazy characters doing crazy things is troma like.