Best lines

I love this movie, a lot, I'm watching it right now, and I'm thinking that there's a lot of subtle comedy in this movie that you don't pick up on unless you've seen the movie multiple times.
To that end, what are some of your favourite lines from the movie? Funny or not, what lines did you think were the best?
Two of my favourites are, right at the beginning of the film, during the heart advert,

Doctor: "Remember, we care."
A second of silence
Newcsater: "Police officers have been killed..."

Lawyer: "Attempted murder?! It's not like he killed someone!"


I bet you think you're pretty smart? Think you could outsmart a bullet?


"I'm sure it's only a glitch"
"I am now authorized to use physical force"
"Woa a new toy"
"Can you fly Bobby?"
"I'd buy that for a dollar"


The long haired unemployed guy being interviewed about the impending police strike. Goes something like this:

"Ehh it's a free society. Except there ain't nothing' free so there's no gurantee you know? Haw...You're on your own. There's a lot of jungle whoooaaa hooo...haw, haw..."


I'm what you call a repeat offender. I repeat, I will offend again!


"You have the right to an attorney"
"What is this SHIIIIIIIT"


'Toms been stealing out of the fridge again'!
'Your move Tom'!


‘Come soon or there will be .. trouble’. lol


"I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake."

"Clarence: [after spitting blood] Just give me my fucking phone call."


Can you fly Bobby?
