I know I'm several years late on this.
I like TPB and have seen it several times. I've even read the book. But to those who don't get it, I get what you're saying. There's been movies where seemingly everyone loves them and I don't. I've posted on some boards back when IMDB was thing to ask what it was I wasn't getting. People always assumed I was bashing the movie they loved. No. I just wanted to understand so that maybe I could like it too.
I don't get Wes Anderson movies. I don't understand his appeal. But I have a friend who loves them but he can't explain to me what it is that he loves about them. I didn't understand all the love for Frozen. I thought Tangled was a much better and more layered film. And no one could explain what it was that I was missing about Frozen. So I've just had to chalk it up to those movies don't appeal to me for whatever reason and go on. But I would still really like to know what makes those movies so appealing to others and understand what it is they like about them even if that doesn't change my opinion.