I Must Not 'Get It'

Seriously, I do not understand what people like about this movie. I just tried watching it again to see if my opinion would change, but it's just downright boring. The one-liners are funny one time. "Inconceivable!" is funny once, maybe twice. Same with "You killed my father, prepare to die." I just don't see what's so great about this movie.

Fear What's Inside...


There's nothing to "get". It's not a surreal movie. It's about whether one finds it funny and endearing, and if so, how much. I thought it was just O.K.

Same with "You killed my father, prepare to die."

That line isn't supposed to be funny.


Of course it is. "STOP SAYING THAT!"

It's as epic as it is hilarious.


Thank you, I'm not the only one that's completely confused as to why people love this film.


It's a combination of several things, I think.

First, this is a clean movie. There's no sex, drugs, language, nudity, violence, or gore (beyond a small amount of blood when the ROU attacks Westley, but all we see is a blood-smeared shoulder -- unlike today, where we would see every inch of skin being shredded, muscles torn, and enough blood to satisfy a Dracula movie, and that's before you add the blood-curdling screams of agony). That's very refreshing for a lot of people.

Second, the movie is extremely well-written. Yeah, it's cliché *now*, but at the time, this type of dramedy was unusual (actually, it still is, but more attempts at it are being made -- mostly badly, I might add). It isn't so much that it's memorable and quotable (which it is) as it is that the dialogue is actually *understandable.* No one mutters, grumbles, hisses, talks with cotton in their mouth, etc.

Third, this movie is *fun.* Yes, it's predictable -- but that's part of the charm. You don't have to worry about the main character dying or being permanently disabled or actually being the bad guy. The hero gets help because he's a good guy, the heroine has a moment of doubt but still maintains her stance, and the bad guys get theirs. It's a movie you can enjoy because you don't have to worry about a 'clever twist' to 'liven things up.'

Fourth: Billy Crystal and Carol Kane.

And if you read this, agree with it, even, and still don't 'get it,' then you won't. And that's okay. The world is full of movies and doubtless you like one that I don't get. Long live differing tastes!!!


Lots of people in their 30s like this one because they saw it when they were kids, me, I'm just seeing this now for the first time and I didn't care for it. Some of the dialogue was funny and the action scenes at times were entertaining but I found the whole thing to be forgettable. I guess you had to see this one as a kid to like it


I gave it a six, which to me means it is not awful by any means, but not exactly good, either. The high rating was a mystery to me until I saw the explanation offered here regarding people who saw it when they were younger. It really is not a film for adults, imo, which I did not know was an issue when we got the dvd to watch it.

But it certainly is not something i would ever waste time seeing again.


The problem with your statement is that not only folks in their 30's like it. I'm in my late 50's. I don't know anyone my age who doesn't adore this film.

I'm not claiming everyone my age loves it. Obviously there are people of all ages that don't like it. But vast numbers of all ages do like it.

Claiming that those who love this film are just nostalgic for something they saw in their childhood is simply inaccurate.


I was watching it on Netflix and I was convinced I was looking at the wrong movie since I've always heard how great it was. I really really don't get it.I didn't laugh once. It's so corny. The acting is poor. Its just a horrible movie in my opinion. Enjoyed Ever After much more.


It is just bad. Corny dialogue, terrible plot, wooden acting. I am baffled why anyone over the age of 9 likes this.


Those that dislike this film must be jaded and dead inside, a by product of the mess that media has become today. If you have a heart, have loved someone and have a loving family then one cannot help but adore this movie.


I guess I don't "get it" either.


I recently made the mistake of going onto an IMDb forum and asking what was so special about a movie people were raving about (full disclosure, it was the movie Arrival, and I called it pretentious art house crap). Two mistakes we perhaps are both making:

1) people generally on the IMDb boards default to being nasty. And I definitely got ripped for not liking that pretentious art house crapfest called Arrival (yes, I'm still annoyed about wasting my money on it!)
2) there really isn't a way to answer the question "why do you like this but I don't?" I tried to do it on the Sherlock board recently and realized that even if I KNEW the other person I wouldn't be able to bridge the understanding gap.

Hard to say why I like TPB so much. Funny, great taglines, the right actors, the perfectly cheesy sets: it all worked for me. I could understand someone not liking it though.
