I Must Not 'Get It'

Seriously, I do not understand what people like about this movie. I just tried watching it again to see if my opinion would change, but it's just downright boring. The one-liners are funny one time. "Inconceivable!" is funny once, maybe twice. Same with "You killed my father, prepare to die." I just don't see what's so great about this movie.

Fear What's Inside...


In a case like this particular movie, it's always better to read the book first.


What good would that do? It's still a film that doesn't appeal to me.

Fear What's Inside...


Well then my question would be to you, or anyone in your situation, would be:
"What do you want to get out of this forum topic? Are you looking for someone to say something that will magically make you like this?"

It's OK that you don't get it and that it doesn't appeal to you. There is nothing in this world that appeals to 100% of people. Just move on and forget this. Don't continue to waste your time thinking about it.

"No talking from things that don't talk!" - Jaye Tyler


Why? I didn't read the book until many years later and still loved the movie.

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.


In a case like this particular movie, it's always better to read the book first.
No it's not. I've never read the book and I love this movie. Reading the book is not needed at all.

Rodents of Unusual Size?...I don't think they exist.


Funny, I have never read the book but having grown up liking this movie, I don't think I'd like it. Because from what I have heard, in the novel, Buttercup is a jerk and actually doesn't want to be with Wesley at all.


I don't either. I remember watching it many years ago, before the advent of computers in every single person's hands, and it was okay, but I never thought about it again. Fast forward 15-2o years later and I keep seeing quotes in people's sigs here on IMDb, and after watching this movie the other day again just because I didn't feel like hunting for the remote I realized just how many of those quotes came from this specific movie. The quoters come from both sides of the gender pool too, which further confuses me.

The only thing I can fathom is that so many watched this movie back in '87, when it came out, in their childhood that now they're in their mid-to-late 2o's or early 3o's and since that's (probably) the most represented age group on the intrawebz that's why it seems to be so beloved. I was just a little bit too old when the movie came, already being in my midteen years and "too cool" for silliness like that.

´¨*¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.•´ .•´ -:¦:-
-:¦:-Oooh, sparkly!


I wouldn't say mid 20s to 30s are the only group. I know people well into their 70s who love this movie. If you've ever read Laurell K. Hamilton, her Anita Blake books are littered with quotes from the movie.

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.


I was in my early 30's in '87 and this is still one of my favorites. It has charm. You can't fake charm. Right from the start with Peter Falk it just grabs you. I've seen it many times and it never gets old!

What we have here is failure to communicate!


I was a child of the 80s, and still didn't see this movie until I was in my 20s.

Still enjoyed it.


And yet somehow, I'm sure if there was more gore and some tits, you'd have no problem with the cheese. I think you're missing out but it's a big world with lots of people in it, wouldn't it be really boring if everyone thought the same thing and fancied the same things? Look at all those poor hormonal teenage girls and Twilight... isn't it pathetic?

Not your thing. it's cool. You're not getting it, fine. Why do you care that others like it?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


And yet somehow, I'm sure if there was more gore and some tits, you'd have no problem with the cheese.

LOL Actually, I'm a gay man, so I don't care for tits. Thanks for the ignorant assumption, though.



Haunt freak: I love this movie and I'm 57. The actual reason I'm posting to you is that I love your reply to the (gross) man who mentioned the women's breasts in such as classless way.
When that same man mentioned the teenage girls and their Twilight movies, it sort of creeped me out, knowing now the way he objectifies women. ...shiver...

That's strange, he never asks for a second cup of coffee at home...


What's so great? Just about every line.


I don't get it either.


Maybe it's because I watched this movie probably 50 times during my childhood. But I've always thought it was a heartfelt little fairy tale, well directed, scored, acted and extremely well written.

It's also a comforting movie in a lot of ways. It never becomes too "adult", so people of all ages can enjoy it. The music is soothing, the imagery is pastoral, the love story is sweet and innocent, the humor is just slightly mischievous. It always feels positive and uplifting. Not only that, it has the greatest sword fight in movie history.


I agree with the OP.

And yet somehow, I'm sure if there was more gore and some tits, you'd have no problem with the cheese.

That's just an ignorant statement. Some of my favorite films are One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest; The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly; Apocalypse Now; It's A Wonderful Life; 2001: A Space Odyssey; 12 Angry Men; Singin' In The Rain; Network.

The Princess Bride is an absolutely terrible movie. Just because somebody doesn't like it doesn't mean they like meaningless films with 'gore and some tits'.

Not only that, it has the greatest sword fight in movie history.

No, sorry, that honor goes to Rashomon.


"The Princess Bride is an absolutely terrible movie. Just because somebody doesn't like it doesn't mean they like meaningless films with 'gore and some tits'."

No ... The Princess Bride is an absolutely brilliant movie and that's why both critics and public rate it so highly. The fact that you don't like it does not make it terrible.

What I find interesting about people like you - and there's a great example in another post above from 'Obnoxiously-Adorable' - is the way they value their own opinions so highly that they try to find some excuse to explain why everyone mistakenly thinks the movie is good. It's hilarious! It's just not possible to conceive that they don't get the movie and that they're the ones who are the exception. It's fine for everyone to have their own opinion and to dislike a film for whatever reason. However when someone like you doesn't like a film that is well regarded by almost everyone, then it us who should be finding excuses for you; not the other way around!

You're right to say that not liking The Princess Bride doesn't necessarily mean that you like movies with 'gore and some tits'. However it is out of the ordinary for you to dislike this film so we need to find an excuse for you (and others like 'Obnoxiously-Adorable') and that was one potential reason. There's got to be some explanation as to why you don't get it and it's interesting to try figuring it out.

The one thing we can rule out straight away is that you dislike it because it's a terrible film. It's not a terrible film; it's a great film, as shown by the ratings from both the public and the critics, and the fact that it is on several of the AFI's lists. So ... why on earth you - and a small minority like you - don't get it is a complete mystery and like all good mysteries we want to know whodunit (so to speak)!

Finally ... Rashomon is a drama and The Princess Bride is a comedy. As such it's not really possible to compare the two sword fights. It's INCONCEIVABLE!


There's no question that the sword fight in The Princess Bride is one of the many genius scenes in the movie and it's just good (if not better!) as the one in Rashomon given the context...


You're absolutely right. I shouldn't have claimed that The Princess Bride is terrible.



I agree. This film is not even remotely close to what I'd call a great film.


I honestly disagree with the whole argument of "most everyone likes it except for you and a few others so there's something wrong with you." If most people were jumping off a cliff and I didn't like that, would that make me the one who was thinking oddly? Furthermore, it irks me when people say that majority opinion is a fact when it's still an opinion. Taste in movies is very subjective. Many people these days absolutely love the TWILIGHT series and the TRANSFORMERS series -- to me, quite frankly, both are utter garbage. (I'm 28 years old, but I'm quite certain that 10 years ago had those film series existed I wouldn't have liked them either, seeing as that 10 years ago my favorite movie was THE COLOR PURPLE (1985).)
Many of my favorite movies are from the 1930's and 1940's, but I honestly feel that -- for me personally -- THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939) and CASABLANCA (1942) are just awful movies -- both being boring, dull, and predictable. Some of my favorites of those decades are A STAR IS BORN (1937), FOUR DAUGHTERS (1938), DANGEROUS (1935), BOOM TOWN (1940), GOING MY WAY (1944), CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE (1947), and OF MICE AND MEN (1939) -- all of which, by the way, were very well-received by audiences and critics alike (even the Academy), but so were THE WIZARD OF OZ and CASABLANCA, and I don't agree with great opinions of those two.
I also like certain movies of the 1980's but THE PRINCESS BRIDE is not one of them--I also find it bland and predictable, and feel that it considers itself much too clever than what it really is. I really like some horror movies, but even though many horror fans like to see tons of gore, I can't stand that, it's just sickening to me but not scary or thrilling. I think both CARRIE (1976) and FRIGHT NIGHT (the 1985 original -- not the remake that I haven't seen) are excellent movies, but I can't stand THE EXORCIST (1973) because it simply is too vile and nasty for my taste. I can see why people liked SCREAM (1996) so much but the extreme gore ruined it for me. While I'm on the subject of gore, go ahead and laugh, but I thought the gore in even the climactic duel towards the end of THE PRINCESS BRIDE was overdone (it even made me queasy), not that its other qualities were likable. The only redeeming quality of THE PRINCESS BRIDE for me was the medieval setting, but even that has been much better done in other movies.
I remember all the fuss over SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE (1998) and I didn't understand that because it was one of the worst movies I'd seen and still is. Anyone remember that episode of SEINFELD where Elaine has this exact same issue with the majority public opinion of THE ENGLISH PATIENT?
I realize I've been rambling for a very long time now, and if you got to this sentence, thank you for listening to my rambling.
