MovieChat Forums > The Princess Bride (1987) Discussion > What is so special about this film?

What is so special about this film?

I did not like this movie. I understand that the movie is satiric and is poking fun at fairy tales and what not, but it's just so bad, boring, and predictable. I have a friend that said this was his favorite movie. And i absolutely don't understand how. I'm frankly gobsmacked on how overrated this film is. Anyone else feel this way?


To each his own, but I'm pretty sure that people who don't like this film will be yelling at neighbourhood kids to get off their lawn in their old age.

And they'll be stomping on flaming paper bags of dog poop planted at their front by those same kids. Karma. Repent now and embrace The Pricess Bride before it's too late. Wally Shawn alone is worth loving this film.


It has adventure, action, sword fighting, romance, the threat of war, torture, revenge and it's all done in an enjoyable way, even though a little over the top. Also, having grown up watching older movies with my dad, you don't really see this type of movie anymore. I can still remember the first time I saw it and now I've shown it to my kids.


"What is so special about this film?"

Si lo preguntas, es que nunca lo sabrás...


It's a Valentine to storytelling.

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design


I just showed this movie to a friend of mine who'd never seen it (I LOVE this movie, btw). Here is our review:

My friend also didn't LOVE the flick, but I think she understood why so many people like it. For a lot of people who saw it at a young age, the fourth-wall breaking humor, the themes of true love and revenge and the imagination throughout really made an impression.

Hope this answers your question about why people love it so much!


You just have to realize it's a brilliant movie that gets handed down from generation to generation. Grandparents and small children both love it. Which makes it a rarity. 300k people have rated 8.1 . There's really nothing left to say about it. All movies have people that love it and people who don't. It's ok though. Just realize you're in the minority. You need to watch again . It has everything . Heart, humor, romance, adventure, action, it's funny , has great chemistry amongst the actors. Brilliant dialogue, brilliant score, revenge, chases, escapes, etc... This movie is a masterpiece in every way . If u didn't like it, u didn't really give it a chance. If someone tells u something is great, we usually find a reason to not like it.


Shut your *beep* *beep* mouth *beep*


My oh my how i despise the word 'overrated'.

Ever stop to consider maybe your opinion is actually UNDERrating it?

There's no such thing as overrated and underrated, anyway, only differing opinions. People who declare something overrated are usually people arrogant enough to believe their opinion is actually some kind of truth or fact.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'
