MovieChat Forums > The Princess Bride (1987) Discussion > What is so special about this film?

What is so special about this film?

I did not like this movie. I understand that the movie is satiric and is poking fun at fairy tales and what not, but it's just so bad, boring, and predictable. I have a friend that said this was his favorite movie. And i absolutely don't understand how. I'm frankly gobsmacked on how overrated this film is. Anyone else feel this way?


How can you say you didn't like it, then go on to say it's bad and boring when you gave it an average rating of 5?

My car is fast, my teeth is shiny, I tell all the girls they can kiss my heinie!


A 5\10 in my book is a below average film. And i consider The Princess Bride below average.


I would not say such things if I were you.

I'm your Huckleberry.


THANKS A LOT!!!! Your post made me spit diet root beer all over my monitor!!!!!!!!



HAHAHA I'm in tears. Best response on a message board EVER. Wish I'd thought to say it.



Some stories just don't match up with what people like. There are plenty of popular movies out there that I just didn't gel with, it is what it is.

I love the movie because I cared about the characters. To me, they were pure, funny and likable. I even enjoyed the evil characters. And I loved the way they all were developed.

The whole chase of Buttercup and her captors by the Dread Pirate Roberts was my favorite part of the film, with the tenacious Pirate respectfully besting each captor one by one, while finding out the history of each character throughout the battles. Even when Vizini died, it lighthearted and funny. And I sure did love Billy Crystal and Carol Kane as Miracle Max and Valerie, they were hilarious. We even knew Miracle Max's history and what drove him to do what he did, and he was a relatively minor character.

I know that means little to someone who didn't connect with the movie, and it's hard to explain. But you asked what was so special, and that's the best I can describe what made it special to me.


it is what it is

OMG you sir are a freakin' GENIUS! Only people of superior intelligence are capable of grasping the metaphysical implications of your profundity!


I consider this film to be slightly above average, but not great.

There are some funny scenes and the acting is top notch, but the predictable fairy tale ending made this so anti climatic for me.


You missed the point. You're one of the people who had the movie hyped to you so you watched with a critical eye instead of just enjoying. You'll come around


How could it not have a fairy tale ending?

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design


It IS a fairy tale, so it's going to have a fairy-tale ending.


Ok, that's an acceptable opinion but I don't agree with you, i thought it was hilarious sometimes not always but no movie is perfect, either way it's interesting seeing how other people perceived it. Prepare to die


Like Peter Faulk said, the film had EVERYTHING ! And it does.


rker-07724; Just because you say, "I'm frankly gobsmacked on how overrated this film is...", doesn't mean it's overrated to other people. This is just your opinion, not mine or other people that love this movie. It's a fact to me that I think it's very funny and one of the most quoted movies of all time. It's a fact to you that you think it's overrated. That's fine as comedy is subjective. What you think is funny I may not and what I think is funny you may not. Nothing wrong with that.


I hate the term "overrated." It's usually just a euphemism for "I don't think other people should like this movie as much as they do because I didn't."

Let's be bad guys.


I think the term 'overrated' is overrated!



Let's be bad guys.


Don't mean to overassess but, IMO, that's an overestimate; categorizing overrated as overrated is overrating overrated, which is, ipso facto, overrated since it aims to underrate all mentions of overrated by overrating one's views on overrated, overratedness, those who overrate those things one considers overrated, and those who believe that using overrated underrates by underrating the general rating of anything one doesn't qualify as underrated.
And, when you get right down to it, isn't that just a form of overpraise? πŸ˜‰

Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.






My sister hates it. She also hates The Wizard Of Oz.

I love this movie for many reasons. It's a sweet love story of how love never dies, it's a comedy, it's scary and has an amazing cast. It's wonderful!


A bit overrated, but a good family movie. Remember it was made 30some years ago for one. The special effects are limited. The actors seem to be reading their lines most of the time which I know is Reiner's direction.

All in all not great but worth a look unless you just don't like this type of family fare.


The actors seem to be reading their lines most of the time which I know is Reiner's direction.

I think the reason the dialogue sounds recited is that it is supposed to be the way the grandfather speaks. This is evident all through the film. All the characters are actually speaking in the "voice" of the grandfather, using his idioms and emphases. It's particularly obvious when the Wallace Shawn character, Vizzini, is lecturing the Cary Elwes character, Westley, about his superior intellect, in the poisoned cup sequence. He rants about how much he knows, and includes the comment, "Never get involved in a land war in south-East Asia!" That's clearly not something that would have been in the book that the grandfather was reading. He was editorialising as he read it to the kid.

I thought that was the cleverest element in a very clever film.

I Don't Provoke - Pablo.


Interesting point!
Never got the impression that "the actors were reading their lines," but, neither, do I think, had I fully picked up on that (re "voice") before despite having seen this film 25+ times, albeit 97% of that was in my teens; I was 15 when it came out, then played repeatedly on Pay TV, and, though I'm certain I was more aware of that aspect then, I'd never clued in on the South-East Asia implication, which now makes that layer all too evident.

Just finished watching it on Netflix, btw.

Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.


The special effects are limited.... I guess u wanted more CGI?? The effects were organic which is better. Are you 14??


Hail Mary, full of grace. Pray for us sinners in our time of torment.

"Help me make the music of the night~"
