MovieChat Forums > The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1988) Discussion > DOES THIS REALLY BELONG IN THE BOTTOM 10...


Okay firstly I must say that I do not rate this film at all. It is not a good film, but I really don't think it's so bad that it should be number 35 (currently) in the bottom 100 films. I've seen at least half a million films way worse than this one.
For a start it doesn't even attempt take itself seriously in anyway. THE TOUGHEST BAR IN THE WORLD, THE STATE HOME FOR UGLY? The film makers were obviously just clowning about. A bad film in my book is one that tries to take itself seriously and ends up falling flat on it's face due to a million story flaws and sh*tty acting. Or a film made by a complete hack.
And I don't even think that this movie is all that cheesy as other comments have said. At the end of the film, if it was a truly cheesy film, the girl would have realised the error of her ways, dressed up like a geek, dissed the bad guy losers she hung out with and would have gotten together with Dodger and both would have been spotted by some fashion investor who would have given them a stupid amount of money to make those god awful looking clothes - that's a cheesy ending. Instead Dodger disses her and walks off. No redemption for anyone.
Granted it's packed full of lame lines and some awful acting but that doesn't sound too dissimilar from any big budget hollywood production.

Like I said at the beginning, this is far from being a good film, but is it really so bad it deserves being in the bottom 100? I don't so.


It should be a 5.3 or something like that...




It has good pacing.



'The Garbage Pail Kids Movie' is quite bad, but it is not the worst of the worst and doesn't belong in the Bottom 100. Sure it's full of lowest common denominator gross out attempts at humor. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be true to the characters from the trading cards. 'Dünyayi kurtaran adam' (Turkish Star Wars) is much worse, yet has a higher rating.

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


You want to see take a *beep* pick my nose and puke for 90 minutes all at the same time? That's "Garbage Pail Kids the movie" it's sad to see how people defend this flick. Crap like this is not dark humor. this is a failed kids movie. But I give them credit for trying because Garbage pail kids should have never been made to a movie. Maybe like a Ren and Stimpy Cartoon.



That might be a decent way to look at it if it were funny.


Yes. This is a lazy, poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted film. We all know what it's about. Any movie can transcend it's subject matter through imagination. This movie has no imagination. That's the problem.
The trading cards had fantastic art work and could give you a chuckle.
This movie had no artistic value nor humor. Vileness can be artistic...this is the appeal of splatter and gross out movies. The director/writer had no eye for this movie and clearly was just trying to get it over and done with.
Creating comedy and or art is a very serious matter how "silly" an effect you are going for.
The creators didn't put an ounce of sweat into this movie and it shows.
The worst ever? No. Top 20 question.


