MovieChat Forums > The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1988) Discussion > DOES THIS REALLY BELONG IN THE BOTTOM 10...


Okay firstly I must say that I do not rate this film at all. It is not a good film, but I really don't think it's so bad that it should be number 35 (currently) in the bottom 100 films. I've seen at least half a million films way worse than this one.
For a start it doesn't even attempt take itself seriously in anyway. THE TOUGHEST BAR IN THE WORLD, THE STATE HOME FOR UGLY? The film makers were obviously just clowning about. A bad film in my book is one that tries to take itself seriously and ends up falling flat on it's face due to a million story flaws and sh*tty acting. Or a film made by a complete hack.
And I don't even think that this movie is all that cheesy as other comments have said. At the end of the film, if it was a truly cheesy film, the girl would have realised the error of her ways, dressed up like a geek, dissed the bad guy losers she hung out with and would have gotten together with Dodger and both would have been spotted by some fashion investor who would have given them a stupid amount of money to make those god awful looking clothes - that's a cheesy ending. Instead Dodger disses her and walks off. No redemption for anyone.
Granted it's packed full of lame lines and some awful acting but that doesn't sound too dissimilar from any big budget hollywood production.

Like I said at the beginning, this is far from being a good film, but is it really so bad it deserves being in the bottom 100? I don't so.


saw this movie on youtube philippugh yeah it does deserve to belong at the bottom 100 because it's really stupid but hiliarous and totally sick i mean i would rather watch the 1984 film toxic avenger than this movie!


Just watching the Nolstalgia Critic review (twice!!!) makes my stomach turn. In answer to your question-

Unconcievably so.


Watching this film can ruin you forever, every night i pray to god that he would erase the memories of this film from my head, and i saw this flick just once, when it first came out on VHS in the 80's. Not the Bottom 100, it's THE WORST OF THEM ALLLLLL, This movie makes Ed Wood look like Steven Speilberg.

We can wipeout countrys just by showing this flick to them. This was the WMD's that Bush been talkin about that the middle east had.


Have you actually watched it? It's beyond horrible.

Ridiculous story, horrible acting, a plot that doesn't make sense even after you realize it's not going to make sense...I can't find one thing redeeming about this movie. It's not even so bad it's good. I can appreciate horrible movies that are enjoyable to watch still but this one is horrible AND not even enjoyable to make fun of.

Think of how stupid the film is. First of all, absolutely zero explanation of where these things came from. Second, they introduce the ridiculous plot device of "The State Home for Ugly People" or whatever, and then to make it even less sensical...the old man fights like heck to get them out of that place....just so he can put them back in the pail. So he's wanting to break them out of one prision and put them back in another? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

This movie makes Sci-Fi Channel movies look like Oscar contenders.


Yes, it's one of the worst pieces of crap I have ever laid eyes on. No plot, acting is terrible, NOTHING IS GOOD ABOUT THIS MOVIE!!!


You're right! This film doesn't belong in the bottom 100....IT BELONGS IN THE BOTTOM 5!!!!

And I've been seeking out so-bad-it's-good films for years so I have a very high tolerance level for $hi+. It can't even be enjoyed on a cheesy level.

As a child of the 80's, I collected the cards and saw this vile piece of garbage on VHS in 1988. IT SUCKED BACK THEN AND IT SUCKS EVEN MORE NOW!!!!

I've just seen Nostalgia Critic's video review and it's on point: THIS FILM INFLECTS PAIN ON WHO EVER WATCHES IT!!!

If I had the spare time on my hands I would track down every print and have it DESTROYED!!!

I will list at least 5 films of the top of my head which I think are horrible and would consider torture to make people watch, but I would still rather watch than this:

1) Stoogemania (1986)
2) Cut (2000/I)
3) Hendrix (2000) (TV)
4) Leonard Part 6 (1987)
5) Under the Radar (2004)

"A Squid Eating Dough in a Polyethylene Bag Is Fast and Bulbous, Got Me?"


It's one of 5 DVDs I trade-borrowed from friends for this week. I didn't even know this movie existed and I was born in '83.. I can't wait to see it though. I don't care how horrible it is!


You been Warned, may god have mercy on your soul.


I was warned! And I now care!


This movie should have the number 1 spot on the worst-list.


I'm still a big fan of the trading card series, ever since a good friend introduced me to them way back in 1986, and I think this film really deserves to be at the very bottom. It even makes the pictures on the cards themselves look like brilliant, ingenious works of art.
What moron decided to make this a live-action film anyway? It would have been better suited as an animated movie. But if the cartoon series is any indication of how an animated film would have turned out, then it still would have wound up being horrifically awful.
Let me punt it this way. A few years ago, I saw a movie called Monsturd. In my opinion, I actually found that movie to be more fun to watch and more entertaining than this one.


It's kinda rad and really thoughtful in a strange way.
Plus the soundtrack is 80's "drum and bass" gold. A la Beverly Hills Cop!
Tangerine is such a great typical 80's fox with a twist.
The kid is actually not such a bad actor.
The fact that the blonde girl is hot and still curvy and stronger then the guys. (Interesting plot point.)


This movie is bad, but at least it's entertainingly bad. There are some really terrible movies out there, that are bad and boring at the same.
