Boy or Girl?

I luved Toaster very much, but it had the voice of a woman. Anyone know if Toaster is a girl or a guy?


I just got the soundtrack, and in the liner notes they refer to the toaster as "he". Personally I always thought toaster was a girl...




Toaster was a toaster. I have yet to meet a male or female toaster.

I think it was meant to be assumed to be a boy, though.


Toaster was a male. Females do tend to voice young male characters alot, however.


aye toaster was like a young boy at the age of 10... as for blanky he was a boy just very young like ... (5?) i dont think they had a crush on eachother


I saw it more like a brotherhood thing.


I always considered Toaster to be male.

And I agree that females do tend to voice young male characters alot. This is quite common in Japanese anime series.


I think that we are supposed to assume that all the characters were genderless, but the film makers kinda screwed that up by overly sexualizing the appliances that were specifically supposed to be female.
Which, come to think of it, for a children's movie, is a little gross.


i think it would be kinda hard not to end up "sexing" the appliances...the voices would already give it away...

hey plus they all got "male" hehe....



According to Wiki,Toaster is male in the book.But it also refers to Toaster as 'he' on the film section.

"Life is pleasant.Death is peaceful.It's the transition that's troublesome." - Isaac Asimov


The thought of Toaster being a girl never crossed my mind


Ok stupid people, first of all, the Toaster is a guy. He is referred to as male throught (by the air conditioner: "Optimistic? SOmebody untie the knot in this guy's chord." As someone a while ago said, by Lampy: "He sank." etc.). Second of all, htf are the appliances Asexual?

Oh yeah, Jon Lovitz really has a chick's voice, and what is Kirby supposed to be? A Big, brutish, male sounding female? Come on, you people overanalyse things when the truth is right in front of you.

In the book, they;re asexual, in the film they are all guys, end of story.

"Hey you smokin Mother Nature, this is a bust!"-The Who
"The Legend will Never Die!"-Soul Calibur



The director of the film, in an interview on reddit, referred to Toaster as a "she."

Learn to Swim.


There's the link to the Reddit comment. I hope this will put an end to this discussion; although I don't know why it really matters. Clearly, though, the director envisioned the Toaster as a girl, although I'm not sure that this information should really change anything in one's viewing of the movie. Nonetheless, there you have it.


Director answer make no sense, Lampy refer to the Toaster as "he". Unless I missing something, the director don't remember his own movie, at least not this part.


Wow, my childhood memories would have totally been ruined if the Toaster was really a girl. I've always thought it was a boy, and I'm glad he is.


Toaster is a boy just voiced by an actress like Bart Simpson. And the reason I know that Toaster is a boy is because if you listen closely to when Kirby picks up Blankey, Lampy, and Radio in the water he asks Where's Toaster? Lampy answers He sank.
