Who played the better Devil?
Pacino or De Niro?
~What if this is as good as it gets?!~
Elizabeth Hurley. But seriously, two different animals. De Niro's is subtle and serious, Pacino's is over the top and cheesy. If i really had to pick one i suppose De Niro because the movie is better.
My name is a killing word.
Different facets of the same Satan. One is the charismatic and sinister tempter, the other is the vindictive and merciless demon.
I agree totally!
Pacino was trying to seduce Reeves' character via outrageous power, flash, money and connections. Everything a small town, but talented lawyer would want.
DeNiro's Satan had to be subtle and crafty, to ensnare Mickey Rourke's character, whom we discover was a strong adept in the "BLACK ARTS".
I was thinking this myself.... they both are good. Pacino is my kind of Satan, because of all of things he says in the movie reflect my own thoughts ("he's a tightwad, a sadist)" and plus, all of the hilarious dialogue ("but in the bible we're destined to lose dad", "consider the source, son!")
in Angel Heart, Deniro plays the Satan that I would not want after my soul.
Pacino's Satan was a friend to man and wanted to get back at god by infiltrating the law system ... he plays a very charming and father like character, who is also capable of incredible power and evil visions and of course, being the devil, is not immune to swallowing some souls along the way to get business done, as well as pleasure.
Deniro's devil is subtle and scary. He's not likable, and belongs in a nightmare.
I can't pick which one is better, as they both have different approaches to Satan, but I appreciate and applaud them both. So it's all a matter of ; do I want to laugh and cheer (Pacino) or do I want to look over my shoulder (Deniro)
Burgess Meredity from The Sentinel ( who also played the Devil in Amicus' TOrture Garden)
There was also Ralph Richardson from Tales from the Crypt.
pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase, Deniro.
"Harry !!...your hands are freezing !"
For me, definitely Pacino...but that could be because he's about very favorite actor. I'd pay to watch Pacino clip his toenails!
"Sing until your throat hurts, dance until your legs hurt, act until you're William Hurt."
Ray Wise.