Angel Heart & Devil's Advocate are too very different films and both extremely underrated. Pacino & DeNiro were incredible in their roles but to people that think Reeves wasn't good in TDA, must've missed the ENTIRE second half of the film. That scene where he's trying to save Mary Ann and the look on his face as he's wailing and crying uncontrollably. Are you kidding, LOL? That's the BEST I've ever seen from him, besides The Gift. People need to forget Bill & Ted and Johnny Mnenomic, Keanu actually can act, the scene where he yells at Pacino: "Damn it!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WIFE?!" Great performance. For Mickey, his performance was Oscar worthy, it's a damn shame he didn't get one for this. Angel Heart is hands down the absolute best acting I've seen from Rourke, (not counting that cameo in The Pledge)my God, the end scene when he finds out the truth and how DeNiro plays it so calmly and then slowly showing his anger is unbelievable. Also I can't understand how some people think TDA was predictable, did you honestly know beforehand that Lomax's friend was really Milton the whole time? or that the ENTIRE film was a dream? or that he was going to kill himself at the end? or the thing with Craig T. Nelson, I mean, these two films were incredibly well done with exceptional acting, both had great endings. I thought Charlize was very good in there, her acting as she starts to lose it was phenomenal, near the end of the film, I was truly afraid for her when Eddie wasn't around. In AH, I was heartbroken for Angel when I saw the ending, I literally couldn't believe it, that was a huge shock, one thing I will say about the both of these films is that there's so many twists in each of their climaxes.
Why do some of you think Pacino was over the top? He was pretty laid back until the ending and even then it was chilling. Also, Stigmata & End of Days weren't bad either, I believe that they were very underrated films as well, probably not as good as AH or TDA but I think EOD is probably best Arnie's best dramatic role because he's not playing an unstoppable cyborg or a commando, he's playing a human that can be hurt, his acting when he sees his daughter's toy or his acting at the end, wow, I didn't expect that from Arnold to be honest with uou. Now that being said EOD is a very underrated film but I think for some reason, films like that, Angel Heart & Devil's Advocate aren't as well known, I guess probably for the obvious biblical overtones, there's great acting in all of them. I don't see why some fans of AH are downing TDA and fans of TDA are putting down AH. They're two very different films, ten years apart but exceptional in their own ways. This is just my opinion but I think these movies are great, I watched them all the time.
Keanu Reeves in Devil's Advocate (0:01-4:14) (warning there are spoilers here)
"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.