MovieChat Forums > Angel Heart (1987) Discussion > this is a mediocre movie...who agrees wi...

this is a mediocre movie...who agrees with me?

i did not find the movie such good,i expected it to be better...

firstly,the scenario is kinda unbelievable,generally it was not boring but in some parts the movie was pushed too far...the directing was not so "electrifying" for a thriller/horror movie...

i gave the movie a 6/10...(maybe i would rate it for 5,5 or smt)

and i was convinced much more from "devils advocate" which had more suspense and seemed to be much more interesting....and pacino scared me much more than de niro as the devil....

anyway.its just my oponion,and i wanted to share it with you,cause yesterday when i finished the movie i just kinda felt un-satisfied....




Some films do have a slow pace ,only to pick up in the last half hour or so,in my opinion angel heart did exactly this and done it well.


Seems to be a sign of the times that people dont get into slower paced movies anymore. They want their action, terror and speical effects to come in waves without having to think too much.

I really like Angel Heart, I was young when I first saw it and it was my favorite movie for a while. It holds up well too.

Comparing it to Devils Advocate though? Pacino overacts in his now classic "BOOYA" mode in this one and we wont even talk about Reeves' mastery of his role. Talk about your mediocre , throw away, forgot about it by the time I got home, movies.



Can't agree with you. Your claim that it the premise is "unbelievable" made me laugh since HELLO! the subject is about the occult, hell, and metaphysics. In other words, fantasy. My sense is it's perhaps a little above your intellectual capacity. As for your observations of de Niro's performance being not so scary...well, that's the point isn't it? The Devil cleverly uses charm and affability to draw in his victim. As the film progresses he becomes increasingly menacing.


In short.......

THIS MOVIE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


With all due respect to Pacino, i love the guy:)....but for my money, you cant even put Angel Heart and Devils advocate in the same sentence....AH beats DA on ALL levels of humble opinion;)


i did not find the movie such good,i expected it to be better...

Well, that's a subjective statement and since I don't put a measurable expectation on a film I haven't seen yet I can't relate to this comment. My reaction to a film "after" I have seen it relates to what I saw, not what I expected to see.

firstly,the scenario is kinda unbelievable,generally it was not boring but in some parts the movie was pushed too far...the directing was not so "electrifying" for a thriller/horror movie...

What scenario are you speaking of? Did you mean "plot"? If so, I don't see how you can find it unbelievable since your subsequent comment about "The Devil's Advocate" leaving you more "convinced" of the story when both movies depend on the supernatural (ie - suspension of disbelief).

i gave the movie a 6/10...(maybe i would rate it for 5,5 or smt)

Well, good for you, but I don't rate movies on IMDB nor do I use them as measuring sticks when determining what I want to watch.

and i was convinced much more from "devils advocate" which had more suspense and seemed to be much more interesting....and pacino scared me much more than de niro as the devil....

LOL, I've always commented that The Devil's Advocate was a poorman's Angel Heart. If you found Al Pacino's CGI-driven comical performance as he self-referenced his own caricature throughout the film as being superior to De Niro's subtle and un-CGI'ed Louis Cyphre (no those yellow cat eyes in the end were colored in manually in post-production) then I've got a Condo in Death Valley to sell to you. I won't even comment on why you felt that the casting choice of Keanu Reeves and his performance as a hot shot defense attorney from rural Florida was exceptional.

anyway.its just my oponion,and i wanted to share it with you,cause yesterday when i finished the movie i just kinda felt un-satisfied....


Yeah, well I cared enough to respond to your opinion because I think you aren't very good at criticism and should have been more articulate in your reasoning. Your poor use of diction and spelling errors also made me feel that you aren't well spoken for as well.

Hi, I'm God. Can I touch You?


this is one of the best movies of all time and devils advocate was a joke. everyone is saying they didnt like it because it was too slow, and thats probly why u like that *beep* devils advocate. this movie takes its time and doesnt rush itself and relies on its scenery and imagery and plot and acting, and if you enjoy good movies, your willing to wait. and it pays off huge. devils advocate is exactly like every other movie ive forgotten like end of days and stigmata that has nothing original to it and entertains people with short attention spans who like michael bay type *beep* dont compare a classic to *beep*


wow your a douche man!

About the film....Well I liked it :)=. It was a bit predictable, ending was easy to spot about half way through on a first viewing.

Whats that on your face!


Angel Heart is incredible, the cinema photography is amazing, you must have been watching it on a 12 inch B&W, Mickey Rourke is phenomenal, De Niro is unbelievably good (as usual) those two together were just incredible., did not seem forced nor acted. They could do anything together and it would be good....the story is good...the sound track is awesome, it is a very good movie.
I liked Skeleton Key as well, not as intense as Angel. Devils Advocate was good because of Al Pacino and only because of Al Pacino. Remove him and the movie would be *beep*

Pacino and De Niro were both awesome devils, either one is tops in my book.



"As I remember, the final scene between De Niro and Rourke should be longer where De Niro was taking out eggs from his own mouth"

I think you were on acid if that is what you saw.

"Your mother's in here with us."


dude if you cant tell what a brilliant movie this is i feel sorry for you.


dude if you cant tell what a brilliant movie this is i feel sorry for you.
in a nutshell !
it frequently gets
too -weird- for me
RIP HST 1937..2005
