Does star trek hate christians

There is all kinds of religion on trek from the Klingons the Bajorans the Vulcans and even the dumb injun Chakotay with his animal spirts. Lets not forget the racist stand in for jews, the Ferengi.
There is not even a mention of Christmas. Which even today has turned into a non-denominational holiday.
On the trek from the 90's was there ever any mentions of christianity??


you are so right.


Ummmm, Star Trek takes place in the distant future. I am assuming that the religions of today have all died out kind of like the Roman, Greek and Egyptian religions of ancient times died out.

And why do you consider Ferengi to be symbolic of Jews? Never heard that one before...


Here are some things you should take note, if you watch all the different series carefully:

1.) There are actually references to God in the TOS series, with Spock constantly shooting them down. He only gets away with it because he's an alien who grew up in a totally different culture. However, if you look into the background for Vulcans, there was a time before Surak came along, that the Vulcans did in fact worship pagan gods of their own making. It's referenced in the 1970s cartoon. There was also that episode where they visited a planet that was like Ancient Rome but with modern tech, and the teachings of Jesus Christ are referenced.

2.) There was actually a reference to Christmas, but it was only in Star Trek: Generations, when Picard was stuck in the Nexus, and allowed to live that Victorian fantasy he never got a chance to try.

3.) There have been brief references towards religious intolerance towards scientific progress on different Star Trek series episodes, but they always kept it vague, such as using alien religions as allegories for the myth that the Catholic Church had held back the western world from scientific progress. What's ironic is, the different tv shows have shown more consideration for different alien religions than they ever did for human ones.

It should be noted that Gene Roddenberry was an atheist, and was heavily restricted in what he could write for his tv show back in the 1960s, when many American tv-watchers were conservative Christians. He came very close to mocking them by making Spock look like a devil, but due to black and white tv's at the time, the red skin wouldn't have worked.

Alex Kurtzman most definitely hates Christians. I can't tell if he's an atheist or a non-practicing Jew, but either way, he hates God in any form. I remember hearing that several times when they were filming his shitty "Discovery" show, they had to re-do certain scenes because the actors accidentally said the word "God," and he'd stop filming and tell them there was no God in that future, and have the scene reshot without the word being used.




A couple of things. The TNG episode Transfigurations is almost an exact interpretation of the scripture of Matthew in the New Testament. I find it hard that it got by the staff of TNG to air as it did. Unless the staff was not completely against Christianity which I think is more likely.

Like it or not the modern university system was born out of the Catholic Church. I doubt Mendel would have gotten around for establishing the basics for genetics otherwise. Things were not perfect as evidenced with Galileo and his discovery of the helio-centric system explaining the Earth's movement through space and the Pope's reaction to that. But the church could have been far more repressive than it was. Other powers such as kings allowed some study under their reign but scholars were limited to developments that would ensure royalty would stay in power.


I'd say also that it was avoided somewhat so as to not risk upsetting a large amount of the western audience and maintain good ratings since there is a long-standing rift between science and religion. Star Trek 5 is often ridiculed for its religious aspect.
