Riker is the most stagnate person of all of Starfleet
He seems to be dangerously obsessed with being first officer of the Enterprise and being with Picard and terrified of moving away from his comfort zone and has turned down several captaincies because he just loves being on the Enterprise, we later learn his choosing to stay is having a damaging effect on up and coming candidates in Starfleet like in The Best Of Both Worlds who want to advance in their careers are held up by a man who will not move no matter how many ships he's offered, seems his only logic for staying because his friends are there, he's fond of the ship, he's fond of the captain and is just hanging around, some reason he's happy there and doesn't want to move. Think with all his constant passing up captaincies should have resulted in Starfleet comforting him and saying accept captaincy or sent you to cadet training school to train cadets or something.