I have a soft spot for Geordi because he's kind of a neutral character who the writers seemed to do whatever the hell they wanted with, so I felt bad for him as a character. Originally he's meant to be the ship's pilot. Then he's chief engineer (which was a good change). He's also the token disability character. Other times his identity is being Data's best friend. Other times his identity is being pitiful with women. And he's also the go-to character for whenever the writers need someone to "explain some science stuff". Other times he's condescending, almost to Troi's level. Other times he's sympathetic and supportive. He's literally all over the place, but I can only blame the writers for this. :(
Having said that, I loved his ridiculous over-expressiveness. He has his signature whistle, his signature "slap someone in the back", his signature "Mmm.." response, and of course his signature over-the-top giggle.
I Borg, The Next Phase, The Enemy, The Mind's Eye, Identity Crisis are some good Geordi episodes that come to mind. And although apparently a lot of people dislike this episode, I love the episode Aquiel. Finally, Geordi wasn't a clueless loser with women in this episode, and the guest actors Aquiel/Morag/Torak were great too.