MovieChat Forums > Troll (1986) Discussion > Scary when you're about 8

Scary when you're about 8

Man, I remember this movie freaked the s*it out of me when I was young. For some reason. I used to watch The Exorcist and s*it like that but those little Troll dudes made me have to sleep in my parents' room for a week. It was especially the bit where they sit on your face. Strangely, I *beep* love it when people sit on my face now ;)

(ok, some people, not most)


I remember the movie scaring me i was around 5 or 6.Strange how it definately wouldnt get a PG rating now.Kids today would probobly piss their pants.Ah back in my day......


I was in my early 20s when I first saw it on TV, and even I was creeped out by this movie. It does something most horror movies don't do - it establishes a credible likeable family, then invades it from within, betraying family trusts.Casting really young children also helped. I haven't seen it since then,so I might be misremembering it,but if I am remembering right, the troll takes over the little girl in a way that almost seemed like a form of rape. For some reason trolls always come off as slightly disturbing to me. One of the later Ernest movies also pits him and some kids against a troll. However,anything with Sonny Bono in it is always cool,like Airplane 2.


This movie scared the f#ck out of me when I was little. For a few years I was convinced a troll lived in my closet and came out at night. And I swear one night I saw it's shadow running down the hallway. lol I grew up watching Nightmare On Elm Street, Child's Play, The Gate, Night of the Demons, Halloween, etc but for some reason this movie got to me the most. Even though I love horror movies I haven't watched this since I was a kid, and I have no plans to.


This movie still scares me today. Kind of odd considering just about no other movie ever has. If you think about it, being poked with needle and then suddenly swelling up into a green cocoon and bursting into a bunch of evil,ugly, monsters is about the scariest thing in the world. I mean, it's so quick - being poked.


8! I'm 28 and this movie still freaks me out! It is over the top creepy. Capital "C" reepy! I love horror and thrillers, but something about trolls just freaks me out!


I used to have nightmares about this movie. For years I wondered what the nightmares were from, now I remember! Totally agreed!


I watched this film when I was young too. I wouldn't say it scared me but it freaked me out in a comedically-dark-surreal-way. It's one of my favourite horrors films from the 80's though.

The Trolls face was pretty creepy everything from his eyes to the way it smiled. Not to mention the hair.

Also I found the part when the dwarf gets turned into a Troll just wrong for some reason. lol


Scared the *beep* out of me too. Must have been around the same age. Used to stay over at a mate's house and his mum would rent things like this, Gothic, Toxic Avenger! I think she was a bit tapped to be honest. But yeah something about this film, very creepy.


i was 17 lol. i never got scared ever


I tought that I was the only one xD


Where are people getting that this movie was rated PG? It's always been rated PG-13. Anyway, I first watched this movie when I was about 13, and I remember being surprised by how much of it was surprisingly a fantasy movie that wasn't even trying to be scary. However, the horror scenes WERE effectively scary, I remember, though in a fun-scary way, though I obviously was old enough to where it couldn't be scarring for me. However, the exception I remember being taken aback by was the scene with Sonny Bono's character transforming, which stuck out among the horror scenes as being very bloody and disturbing. This is still a good, fun movie to watch, by the way.
