The original was so good because not many movies about Robot's with AI had been done yet. Since this movie, we have had many...too many to list. With Chappie being the most recent I believe ? Anyway my point is, it's nothing new any more, why remake this? I get they are running out of ideas but please, leave the classics alone, at least let some of them rest in piece, and this should be one of them. Unless there is potential to turn something around into huge dollars is it really worth raping our childhood for the umpteenth time?
An Autobot shall rise from our ranks and use the power of the Matrix to light our darkest hour
Something is not good or bad because of other things. Ghostbusters is not good because it's 'unique'. No matter how many other things exist, a movie will be just as good or bad as it actually is. Why don't people get this?
Second of all, this is not a movie about a 'Robot's [sic] with AI (I presume you mean A.I.).
The word "robots" is not capitalized, and it doesn't have an apostrophe. A.I. is an acronym, and thus should be written with periods to avoid confusion (a longer word would get a pass) - "Ai" is a name and it means 'love' in japanese.
Johnny Five is ALIVE, it's not 'A.I.'. It's a soul incarnated to a robot that has a rudimentary programming for self-operation, that can HARDLY be called artificial intelligence.
Chappie is a completely different movie, despite some vague visual similarities - the whole concept is completely separate from what this movie shows us.
A.I. is not alive. It can never be alive. It can never feel, experience or think independently. Even if you have a biological robot that can be programmed, you always need an actual living entity to keep an eye on it, because it is not alive. Life is eternal, and a form can be said to be alive (though technically, the form itself never really is anyway) when a soul incarnates it, not in ANY other case.
So any movie that tells us that a machine should have rights, is just wrong, immoral, a liar and completely bonkers. The 'Animatrix' tries to make it look so cruel when people dismantle these robots, it's supposed to be 'robot gore', but it doesn't make me feel anything, because to me, it's 100% morally identical to dismantling a PC or old TV.
Johnny 5 is. Johnny 5 is not alive because it's a robot, but because it's a soul - the soul came from somewhere, just like yours, and will return somewhere when the robot stops functioning (unless you can repair and maintain it forever somehow, but possibly even then - it might just leave at some point, and then you have just a machine).
wow, that quite the grammer lecture , followed straight on by a 90% conjecture lesson on AI vs life .
A.I. is not alive. It can never be alive. It can never feel, experience or think independently.
Wrong, anything less than that is not AI , for example every single time you've seen AI used in marketing.
avortac, I just reviewed this thread for the first time in years. Though my last post is directly below yours, it has nothing to do with your post. Your post is 1 of the best that I have seen. Sometimes, when a topic is chockablock with nimrods and I get tired of wading through it, I just make a post and get the hell out. We are lucky to have a poster as reasonable and intellectually organized as you. This site grows more feeble by the hour. The teenage trolls are crowding out the adults. We need every 1 of you that we can get.
I do have to say that I could not accept Steve Guttenberg as someone with a doctorate. That was too much like Dr. Denice Richards😂