Oh, too many lines to talk about! Costanzo getting Snake to go with him by making a Neighborhood Watch area was epic. And then there's...
Danny Costanzo: [Danny is shot by Detective Montoya] If it's bad, you go to Florida without me.
Ray Hughes: You're all right.
Danny Costanzo: Just promise me you'll go without me!
Ray Hughes: OK OK! I promise, I'll go without you.
Danny Costanzo: [shocked] You'd go without me?
Ray Hughes: You just ASKED me to...
Danny Costanzo: WITHOUT ME? You son of a bitch! Where's my gun? I'll kill you first!
Ray Hughes: [long pause] Feeling better?
Danny Costanzo: [sees the bullet didn't penetrate] Must be the vest.
And Costanzo talking down the guy with the gun to Ray's head: Hablo, Smith and Wesson? You have the right to remain DEAD. Anything you do will be used against you. You have the right to a CORONER. If you cannot afford one, we will appoint a medical examiner for you.
"How do you make a small fortune? Start with a big fortune."