I thought the film was just ok when I first watched it but after the second viewing I realise how great this film is and theres so much great lines in it!
Prob my fave line of the movie (Minus the "my name is Pinky" scene) is probably when Danny's ex say's he needs to grow up and he's says "Why, I don't like grown ups."
Ray - "He's very excited, something about his car being stolen."
Danny - "His car was stolen?" And the way he shakes his head is priceless because he's acting like he's shocked that the car got stolen, and it was them who took it.
Danny - "We're from Noisebusters. Do you know where the Menudo concert is?"
Ray - "Hey, whaddya expect? I'm a paisan'! What do you want me to do, cook you up a pot of Ragù? You want me to sweat garlic for you? Huh? Sing an opera? Lose a war?"
Danny - "Thats cute. Why don't you go put your nuts in a microwave?" The smile he does after saying this seals the deal of making this a great line.
Also love this line
Danny - "If you hurt that lady, you'll never be dead enough." Such a tough line even coming from Billy Crystal!
Captain - "You two weren't, uh, interrogating a suspect up on the roof, were you?"
Ray - "We got an alibi, Captain. Snake, tell him where we were or we'll kill you, too."
Danny - "That is definately the one. You bastard!" His voice and the pointing when he says this is hilarious.
Also the last line of the film "You guys wanna buy a bar?", not particularily funny or anything but for some reason its just so memorable.