I finally saw this movie yesterday on the THIS channel--I'd never seen it because when it came out, it was advertised to death as well as that video for that great Micheal McDonald song (which became a big hit when the film came out) and it was just overkill for me. Saw a glimpse of it a couple of weeks back and saw that it looked surprisingly gritty, which made me give it a chance--since it was filmed in Chicago, it had that realistic,gritty,non-Hollywood feel and look to it--I've been there a couple of times and enjoyed it.
Anyway, what I liked most about the film is how both Hines and Crystal managed to keep up these great one-liners and jokes all throughout the movie, and kept them relevant to the plot without once making them sound corny,tired or stale---considering this was an '80's comedy/cop flick, that wasn't an easy feat, but they managed to pull it off, and pull it off very well. I really liked it, and now that I think about it, it's rarely referenced when classic '80's films are mentioned. Even though I think it was a hit in its time, it seems to have been forgotten, which is a shame. First time I've seen Jimmy Smits, with his fine self, play a straight-up thug (I remember him from L.A. LAW), and that car chase on the train tracks was off the hook. Plus Crystal and Hines have such great chemistry, it makes me wonder how come nobody ever found another good vehicle for them to team up again in. Glad to see there are others who appreciate this somewhat forgotten gem like I do!