I tried to watch it

but bailed out about 30 minutes in. very slow and difficult to follow.


i did


The book is a masterpiece with attention to details. Usually the kind of book where the movie is destined to disappoint readers. Trying to show the scenery makes it slow, anyway, I liked it. Great cast, mostly.


You did what? You finished watching it?


Been a while but I enjoyed it and don't remember any difficulty following. Even though it's fiction the loss of all the books still strikes me as a tragedy and a reminder of how much has been lost over the centuries - which isn't really the point of the film but still, powerful stuff.


I also enjoyed it and didn't have any difficulty following it. I thought it was absorbing; definitely qualifies as "something different."


It's a good movie. Give it another shot.


Loved the book, hated the movie!

The book was slow but rich, detailed, and absorbing. The movie was just slow, dull, and gray, not even Connery could save it.
