the basketball kill!!

Amazing! disturbing! sick!
This has to be one of the most original and goriest scenes in horror cinema history! This scence makes the entire movie.

Kirsty Swanson throws a basketball directly to this mad woman's head...the head immediately explodes!
The headless body then starts running in circles.

You have to watch it to believe it !

"Welcome to Fright Night!...for real"



I just saw this movie for the first time and when I saw that scene I was quite shocked, but it also very laughable.

I understand that Sam is being controlled by BB's brain chip, which gives her super-human strength, but there's no way in hell that anybody's head would explode via basketball to the head. Yes, it's a horror movie, so there has to be some suspension of disbelief, but that was just downright hilarious.

I mean the head explodeing, the headless body moving's hysterical.

I must admit though, it's one of the most memorable kills I've seen in any horror film.

I think it may've been more effective if the killing was done with the woman's shotgun to get revenge for killing BB with it. I get the association with the basketball, but using the shotgun would've been less laughable and would've tied it together better.


I thought that scene was absolutely sidesplitting. I saw this movie in the theater when it first came out and vividly remember the audience in the theater bursting out in long and loud laughter after this scene happened.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


I don't remember the first time I saw this scene, ,but I was about 8 or 9 and had the scariest nightmare the same night I saw it. I remember waking up in the middle of the night screaming in fear. I never watched this movie for 25 years, but finally mustered up enough courage to watch it. It actually isn't how I remember it thought. I always thought it was the robot who threw the basketball, but the head just exploding and the body walking around like that scared the hell out of me.


Yes the basketball scene was great to watch! In the first Scanners you see a head explode. That was great to watch also.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


I laughed so hard I was crying during this scene.


It is all you say although I question whether a basketball or a dead body either could do all that. I've been knocked to the floor by a basketball to the head and it didn't even hurt much. People I know seriously injured playing basketball suffered from hitting too hard a floor, not being hit by the ball. There is an actual security camera video that is TRULY amazing. A guy is walking down a sidewalk next to a street in South America or someplace. Parallel to the street is a road at an angle leading up and down hill, separated by a thin strip of grass, possibly a few trees. A tire, wheel and all, flies off a vehicle up on this road, bounces down the dividing area, across the street and makes a PERFECT, DIRECT HIT straight to some poor guy's head. No one else is touched! Of course the guy is thrown to the sidewalk and killed, but no exploding head let alone runaway body. There are rumors of headless bodies running around during the Civil War but then a lot of strange exaggerated and invented stories came out of the war some of which are still believed to this day. Any documentation of such a case would be truly interesting.


Super gory and absolutely hilarious.
