MovieChat Forums > Cobra (1986) Discussion > Things I learned from watching Cobra

Things I learned from watching Cobra

Whoever started the things I learned threads is a genius! This movie is a perfect fit.

1. I can walk around a hospital wearing combat boots, a greasy face, and giant bowie knife with studded hand guard and nobody will notice me.

2. I can drive a old car off the third floor of a parking garage through the metal guard rails and not only will it be able to continue running but it will be able to participate in a high speed chase.



for you, the speed limit in a parking garaage is 5 mph.

For Cobra, it is 75.


1. Psychos of the "New World" want everyone to become fat, so they go into grocery stores and don't shoot people but shoot up all the fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

2. A shotgun is the preferred weapon of choice for grocery stores, but axes and knives are preferred in most other situations.

3. Using a store loudspeaker to tell a psycho he's a dirtbag and a lousy shot is standard police procedure.

4. The LA police could've saved some money by telling the SWAT team to stay home if they would've just called Cobra in the first place.

5. Cobra is a sucker for good conversation.

6. When taking out a psycho holding a shotgun and pipe bomb, it's much easier to practice your knife throwing skills on him first, then shoot him, instead of just shooting him first.

7. Scissors is the best way to cut your pizza.

8. 6 foot, slender blonde women are much stronger than they look. They can pull a door shut and lock it while a large muscular man trying to kill you is pulling on the door from the other side.

9. Cobra secretly likes it when people call him Marion.

10. The sewer is the only approved place members of the "New World" (consisting of blue collar workers and businessmen still wearing their suits) could agree on as a place to hold their meetings and clang axes together.

11. Supermodels can have a diet consisting of burgers and an extra large helping of fries loaded with ketchup.

12. Shooting a Ford F150 with a sub-machine gun into the grill will make it flip over and break into pieces.

13. Reloading of firearms is completely optional.

14. Cobra always looks angry before breakfast.

15. It takes 100 people on motorcycles with guns, the Night Slasher, his henchman, and a dirty cop to kill one witness in protective custody and still fail.

16. If you really want to kill the bad guys, finding the nearest refinery is the best way to get rid of them. It's much easier to set people on fire that way. Plus, it's a good place to finally use that match you carry in your mouth when one of the bad guys gets gasoline dumped on him.

17. A refinery is also a place where the law stops and Cobra starts.

18. Killing all the bad guys on motorcycles with guns, the Night Slasher, his henchman, and the dirty cop is what it takes for Cobra's Captain to finally be nice to him and offer him a promotion.

19. Eddie from Eddie and the Cruisers comes back from the dead a second time because he wanted to sing the theme song at the end of the movie.


After the Cobra rolled his car, and came to a stop, and when he opened the door and shards of glass started falling, did anyone else think Cobra was spitting out his teeth?


Near a place called "The Crossroads" you can build a railroad crossing by just laying the tracks, ties and all, right on top of the asphalt.


Plymouth Volarê/Dodge Aspen is a fast car.
