MovieChat Forums > Blue Velvet (1986) Discussion > Sick excuse for a film.

Sick excuse for a film.

Undoubtedly original, but still people liking to watch things like this must be more damaged than people who can't have enough of gore and blood-spatter.

Took me several years and a couple of fails with friends who couldn't stand it, before I came to finish it. Wish I hadn't.
Congratulations to you all who rate this one above a 7. Most of you are probably just insane. All actors overplay their characters except for the two mains. It's like watching clowns in a circus. Yet the mood is, well, too disturbing for a normal human to laugh. Of a high rated movie one expects at least descent acting.

A must see for villains who, like this screwed director, have a knack for the weird and morbid, but others should flush this down the toilet.


I’m with you. I tried watching this a few years back and couldn’t finish it. Last night I forced myself to get through it and damn I was quite bored throughout. Was it weird and did it draw me in in the beginning? Definitely but I kept watching and waiting for things to make sense but it never did. And the ending was cringe. This movie is straight garbage


A hilariously retarded opinion. Pearls to swine.


Ending was cringe? it's one of the most perfect callbacks to a movie opening!


Blue Velvet is a 10/10 for me. Though it's easy to see how the film would not appeal to others so I don't begrudge them.

On another note, your childish attitude toward people who don't share your opinion over a film is beyond "just insane."

So it appears you threw up this post 9 years ago, hopefully you've advance past puberty by now and your attitude has been rectified.


saw this when I was 20 or 21. Never saw a need to rewatch it in the 35 years since.
