I mostly agree with the soundtrack; it’s so much better when they create original songs for the movie, and I have fond memories of songs from my favorite movies, and feel that the younger generation should have that too. That said, as someone who likes a wide variety of music I don't mind too much that they use "real" songs in their movies, but it's better if they think more carefully about what song they use, and if it goes with what they are trying to convey in the scene - don't just include something because it's popular now (exception; if the song means something to you, you can risk it). Even "trendy pop" can have some level of heart to it, if used correctly.
All animation styles (drawing, CGI, flash, etc) can look good and have heart if effort is shown on them. It all depends on how they do it.
I will say one thing though; if you're all sad that cartoons and movies aren't made the way they used to be (though sometimes, they come close) be it the animation style, or the lack of heart and emotion in the storylines (I personally hate how a lot of kids movies have to do in your face "adult jokes" just to get more attention, when simply giving it a good storyline with well written characters would help it appeal to both kids and adults) or whatever other reason you feel is lacking in current cartoons and movies that the classics had...
Why don't YOU do something about it? We can sit around and complain about the quality of current things, or we could actually try to turn things around and make an effort to create our own ideas for movies and cartoons, and steer things in the right direction ourselves.
It's time to stop complaining, and start creating.