Rank all the Alien films from best to worst
That also includes Prometheus and the Alien Vs Predator movies since these are all canon now. The question asks for you to rank the Alien films from the ones you deem to be the best to the worst. I thought it would be a cool way to see where everyone stands with this series.You could do rankings on a scale from 1 to 10 if you would like. For example
Aliens 9.5/10
Alien 9/10
Alien 3 Assembly Cut 7.5/10
Prometheus 6/10
Alien Resurrection 6/10
Alien vs Predator 4/10
Alien vs Predator Reqiuem 3/10
Alien and Aliens are always gonna be the best of the series no matter what comes down the road canon wise for this franchise.They can never top those but I do have some hopes for this Alien 5 they are tossing around with Ripley passing the torch to an older Newt. That sounds so great. You guys should check out the marathon I did with those movies along with Prometheus and Gravity titled When A Woman Turns Fear Into Strength. Here it is.