MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Rank all the Alien films from best to wo...

Rank all the Alien films from best to worst

That also includes Prometheus and the Alien Vs Predator movies since these are all canon now. The question asks for you to rank the Alien films from the ones you deem to be the best to the worst. I thought it would be a cool way to see where everyone stands with this series.You could do rankings on a scale from 1 to 10 if you would like. For example

Aliens 9.5/10
Alien 9/10
Alien 3 Assembly Cut 7.5/10
Prometheus 6/10
Alien Resurrection 6/10
Alien vs Predator 4/10
Alien vs Predator Reqiuem 3/10

Alien and Aliens are always gonna be the best of the series no matter what comes down the road canon wise for this franchise.They can never top those but I do have some hopes for this Alien 5 they are tossing around with Ripley passing the torch to an older Newt. That sounds so great. You guys should check out the marathon I did with those movies along with Prometheus and Gravity titled When A Woman Turns Fear Into Strength. Here it is.


Starts off with the Alien->Alien 3 > Aliens>Prometheus and try to forget some other things took place, like AVP (no, really... ) or Resurrection. Thankfully I can stay ignorant like this if I please and I very much do please.

I do not like any film or story they make that makes xenomorphs act like ... morons, on lack of better term. The reason I liked 1st 3 is because there's still some of that mystery and stealth intact. I am not fan of whole AVP representation. The whole idea looks pretty silly in my books.


1: Alien
2: Aliens
3: Alien vs Predator
4: Alien 3
5: Prometheus

6: Alien vs Predator Reqiuem
7: Alien Resurrection

I like my top 5, I think they are all good to great. Including AvP. It gave me what I wanted, and in a current setting. Not deep, but a treat indeed.

I really dislike the bottom two. I have Reqiuem above Resurrection which is nonsense, as Reqiuem is by far the worse movie of those two in terms of quality and style etc. Though, I enjoy watching Reqiuem more, I cannot deny it. Where I find very little pleasure from Resurrection and so Resurrection looses.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


Alien 9.0 Great science fiction. Better than anything made today. Chest buster has become an icon. Everything well done. I still wish Veronica Cartwright had played Ripley.

Aliens 8.5 Great action sci fi movie. Major credit for the approach to a sequel.

The rest. Skip 'em. Go binge watch Mad Men on Netflix.



Alien 9/10
Aliens 10/10

There aren't any other movies in the franchise.





And the rest

Prometheus should have been way better


ALIENS 9.4/10, great throwback to old war films with isolated characters, enhanced by the "game over" Hudson. Along with the SLEEPING BEAUTY subliminal message.

ALIEN 9.1/10, I loved the Marshall Thompson film as a kid, and recognized it very early, loved the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST subliminal message

PROMETHEUS 7.4/10, much like Resurrection in that it was the most risk taking. Lots to like. Didn't care for the confusion, but figure that was to be explained in another sequel.

ALIEN 4 RESURRECTION 6/10, not great, but succeeded where 3 failed miserably in being a "no respecter of persons" plot. Notice how the final 4 survivors are the very physical types and characters who usually get killed first in Hollywood formula films. This was clearly "no respecter of persons".

ALIEN 3 2.3/10, dismal failure in anything it tried to accomplish. The negative view was overdone, expository, and trite, completely predictable negative Hollywood, which is forced down our throats much more often than positive Hollywood,. They should take a lesson from Chaucer and how the reeve's tale is just spiteful and hated by the mature people of the group.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
