MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Rank all the Alien films from best to wo...

Rank all the Alien films from best to worst

That also includes Prometheus and the Alien Vs Predator movies since these are all canon now. The question asks for you to rank the Alien films from the ones you deem to be the best to the worst. I thought it would be a cool way to see where everyone stands with this series.You could do rankings on a scale from 1 to 10 if you would like. For example

Aliens 9.5/10
Alien 9/10
Alien 3 Assembly Cut 7.5/10
Prometheus 6/10
Alien Resurrection 6/10
Alien vs Predator 4/10
Alien vs Predator Reqiuem 3/10

Alien and Aliens are always gonna be the best of the series no matter what comes down the road canon wise for this franchise.They can never top those but I do have some hopes for this Alien 5 they are tossing around with Ripley passing the torch to an older Newt. That sounds so great. You guys should check out the marathon I did with those movies along with Prometheus and Gravity titled When A Woman Turns Fear Into Strength. Here it is.


I recently binge watched all the Alien movies. They are all watchable, some more than the other :)

This is my list (please note that this is just my opinion. reason i'm saying this --> i do not like Aliens)

1. Alien

What can I say? One of the best movies of all time. Atmosphere, mood, symbolism, ... One of the best directed movies ever. All the characters feel so real. Fantastic score by Jerry Goldsmith. The best (production)design ever by Roger Christian, Ron Cobb, Moebius and of course Giger.

One of the best things in this movie (and it's almost never brought up in a forum or so) is the sound design. The whole 'computer boot sequence' in the beginning of the movie is a masterpiece in sound design. Or when Brett is looking for the cat, the sound the chains make. Incredible!

2. Aliens

Even though I don't like it as much as the first movie, it's OK. I have a love/hate relationship with this movie I guess. I don't like the jump scares. I absolutely hate the music that you hear anytime there is a jumpscare. I don't care for Newt. I don't care for the queen. In my opinion the only reason the queen was there was to have an end fight between two mothers (the queen VS Ripley, who has lost her daughter, but now she is a mother figure to Newt). And that is the only symbolism you'll find in the movie. Whenever I watch Aliens, I realize how good Alien is :)

I do however like the Marines. One of the complaints you often hear about this movie is that it has cartoon characters. I liked them. They are supposed to be a bit cartoony. Predator has the same characters and no one complains about those characters (however, Predator has a more humoristic tone, so maybe that's why people never complain about the Predator characters?). I know people like that in the real world, I have worked with them :)

And, it's a well made movie. Good effects, nice editing, ...

Oh, and the Theatrical Cut is superior to the Directors Cut. But in the end, to me, it's a stupid loud action/scifi movie. Still the 2nd best in the Alien series.

3. Alien 3

Starts OK. 2nd half is boring and not well paced. CGI has aged badly. However, I like the whole 'prison-setting', I like the British bald dudes and I like the warden :)

Some people hate it because they killed off Newt and Hicks. Or they have a problem with the egg(s). Plotholes. I don't mind that. I try to watch each movie as a standalone film.

4. Prometheus

The story is stupid. The characters are stupid. However, it is incredibly well made. And I like the soundtrack.

Ridley Scott, why did you hire those writers ?!?

5. Alien Resurrection

The only good thing about in this movie are the Ripley/Call scenes. Always had a soft spot for Winona Ryder :)

I also like the wheelchair dude :)

6. AVP

Well, actually, it's not as bad as many people say. Stupid fun. Just like Predators.

I have not seen Requiem.

TL.DR: Alien is a masterpiece. Aliens is OK. The rest is fun to watch.

English isn't my 1st language. I'm sorry for any mistakes in grammar, spelling...


I have not seen Requiem.

Keep it that way!


Alien - 9/10
Aliens - 9/10
Prometheus - 6/10
Alien Resurrection - 4/10
Alien 3 - 3/10
Alien vs Predator - 3/10
Alien vs Predator Requiem - 3/10


I agree with op's assessment. Aliens is best of series by far.


Alien (1979) a sci-fi horror masterpiece 10/10

Aliens (1986) 9.5/10, not inferior to the first film, but I like it slightly less

Alien 3 (1991) actually pretty good if you watch the 'assembly cut' 8/10

Prometheus 7/10

Alien 4 Resurrection 6/10


Alien - The film that made people take sci fi horror seriously.

Aliens - An awesome popcorn flick, but not the artistic masterpiece that the original was.

Alien Resurrection - A lot of people rate A3 higher than Resurrection, but I find the latter to simply be more entertaining and fun in a campy, guilty pleasure sort of way.

Prometheus - Mediocre, but at least has brilliant direction and interesting characters. If only the script wasn't utter tripe.

Alien 3 - A bit of a dirge that resembles an early 90s, industrial music video. The rot set into the Alien franchise here.

AvP - The first one was passable, the second is best left forgotten.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Aliens - 10
Alien - 10
Alien 3 - 9
Alien: Resurrection - 8
Prometheus - 6
AVP1 - 5
AVP:R - 0



After that don't care



Alien 10/10
Aliens 9/10
Alien 3 (assembly cut) 8.5/10
Prometheus 8.5/10
Alien Resurrection 6/10
AvP 6/10
AvP:R 1/10
