MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Alien 3 is way better than this shlt

Alien 3 is way better than this shlt

Before a bunch of you butthurt fanboy losers get all emotional, hear me out:

Alien 3 is dark, gothic, and brutal. The religious tone also made the movie more interesting. THANK GOD they kill Newt in the beginning of Alien 3, I NEVER liked Newt. Her character was so damn useless. She did nothing but "AAAAAAGH! RIPLEYYY! AAAAAAGH!" James Cameron wanted Newt in Aliens just to add that pointless mother/daughter relationship. Seriously, who fvcking cares about that?

I also never gave a donkey's ass about Hicks. He was just a soldier, that's it. I don't know why you people loving sucking on Hicks' dick so much. People like Hicks simply because he was played by Michael Biehn. If Hicks were played by a different actor, I bet none of you idiots would love Hicks this much. And people like Michael Biehn just because he was in the first Terminator film. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say no one watched Terminator for Michael Biehn but watched Terminator for Arnold instead.

Ridley Scott made it clear Xenomorphs are supposed to be these unstoppable killing machines, but what did James Cameron do? Completely retconned that and made Xenomorphs into these giant brainless bugs that got killed in every 5 fvcking seconds. This movie is the reason why people view Xenomorphs as these stupid, weak bugs and not unstoppable beasts such as how Ridley Scott portrayed them.

And the idea of the Queen Xenomorph getting her ass kicked by a chick in the forklift was flat out retarded. A Xenomorph warrior can break down steel doors but a Queen Xenomorph, which is twice the size of a Xenomorph Warrior, got owned by a fvcking forklift? That's like watching Wolverine getting his ass kicked by a damn kid!

Plus, David Fincher is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better director than fvcking James Cameron. Fincher made Fight Club, Seven, Gone Girl, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. His movies are much more mature, dark, and serious. Meanwhile, James Cameron mostly makes fvcking PG rated movies like Titanic and Avatar and always adds pointless love and family relationships in his movies.

Feel free to leave all your butthurt replies. You all know I'm right. 😊


Sir. Can I call you Mr.Testicles?
Whether or not I agree with your assessment of Aliens or not (I dont) is irrelevant.
What I do appreciate is your absolute defence of Alien 3.
David Fincher himself could tell you his film was *beep* and that Cameron's was superior in every way (it was) and you'd would tell him he is a dicks as well. Commitment like that is hard to find these days. You have my respect.


I think OP's post is not looked at seriously enough and you people want to make it out to be a joke. Even though SmashingTesticals exaggerates somethings like the power loader scene which is freakin awesome!(I don't know why he would criticize this scene in particular). Alien 3 does have some massively superior qualities over Aliens. The cinematography, acting and music blew Aliens out of the freaking water.

I don't care what you people think. SmashingTesticals has some good points and you people aren't even agreeing with him at all or giving him the time of day. Yeah maybe 2 of his points are misguided and wrong but in fact Alien 3 is better than Aliens in some ways.


you people aren't even agreeing with him at all or giving him the time of day

What do you mean "you people"? That's racist.
Nobody will give him the time of day because we don't agree with him. Plus he's a trolldiot. He doesn't want people to agree with him. Why do you think he insults anyone who might agree with him?
Alien 3 is better than Aliens in some ways.

There is some truth to that. Alien3 is better in some ways, but not most ways. Aliens is better in most ways. Mostly.

Thit and thpin!


Ridley Scott made it clear Xenomorphs are supposed to be these unstoppable killing machines...

ACTUALLY, during Ridley Scott's Alien commentary, he made it very clear that his intention was the complete OPPOSITE of that. He said he didn't want to use that clinched scenario and that he indeed made the alien to be vulnerable to the same things that can kill humans. He never wanted them to be unstoppable. He is very clear about that.



Maybe the OP is thinking about Terminators.

They were almost unstoppable killing machines.



I am in the camp who finds Alien 3 to be better than Aliens too.
