MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Alien 3 is way better than this shlt

Alien 3 is way better than this shlt

Before a bunch of you butthurt fanboy losers get all emotional, hear me out:

Alien 3 is dark, gothic, and brutal. The religious tone also made the movie more interesting. THANK GOD they kill Newt in the beginning of Alien 3, I NEVER liked Newt. Her character was so damn useless. She did nothing but "AAAAAAGH! RIPLEYYY! AAAAAAGH!" James Cameron wanted Newt in Aliens just to add that pointless mother/daughter relationship. Seriously, who fvcking cares about that?

I also never gave a donkey's ass about Hicks. He was just a soldier, that's it. I don't know why you people loving sucking on Hicks' dick so much. People like Hicks simply because he was played by Michael Biehn. If Hicks were played by a different actor, I bet none of you idiots would love Hicks this much. And people like Michael Biehn just because he was in the first Terminator film. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say no one watched Terminator for Michael Biehn but watched Terminator for Arnold instead.

Ridley Scott made it clear Xenomorphs are supposed to be these unstoppable killing machines, but what did James Cameron do? Completely retconned that and made Xenomorphs into these giant brainless bugs that got killed in every 5 fvcking seconds. This movie is the reason why people view Xenomorphs as these stupid, weak bugs and not unstoppable beasts such as how Ridley Scott portrayed them.

And the idea of the Queen Xenomorph getting her ass kicked by a chick in the forklift was flat out retarded. A Xenomorph warrior can break down steel doors but a Queen Xenomorph, which is twice the size of a Xenomorph Warrior, got owned by a fvcking forklift? That's like watching Wolverine getting his ass kicked by a damn kid!

Plus, David Fincher is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better director than fvcking James Cameron. Fincher made Fight Club, Seven, Gone Girl, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. His movies are much more mature, dark, and serious. Meanwhile, James Cameron mostly makes fvcking PG rated movies like Titanic and Avatar and always adds pointless love and family relationships in his movies.

Feel free to leave all your butthurt replies. You all know I'm right. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Your thoughtful and insightful remarks have made me completely rethink my entire way of life...I'm giving up beer for grass root smoothies, trading in my guns for puppies and gonna start butt-blasting dudes. Thank you!! ๎…

When this baby hits 88 mph, you're going to see some serious sh!t.


Fincher disowned his own movie because it was such garbage compared to the first two. He wasn't even allowed to make the movie he wanted to make and was left with an underwhelming(though not awful) mess. Case closed.


So? We should hate Alien 3 just because David Fincher doesn't like Alien 3? You go along with other people's opinions? Kurt Cobain didn't like playing the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" so I guess we should all hate that song, right?

Alien 3 has its flaws but it's still better than gay ass Aliens. I could never stand Newt's annoying ass screaming.


Alien 3 isn't bad. It's just a major major major step down from the first two. You're welcome to like it more but most including myself see a massive drop in quality. The script, the acting, the effects, were all a giant step backward. Not awful but not even in the same league. Shout all the insults you want. Doesn't make you look any smarter friend xD


Yup case closed, and I love how the OP starts his post with insults and wild ranting. We don't need to try, he made it easy : )


and you didn't try to contradict my arguments once. Just admit it, you know I'm right. Give me one good reason how Aliens is better than Alien 3. Just one. Can't think of one? Exactly.

Eat my ass, fagget.


lol, your avatar is a dick and your signature is a misspelt homophobic slur. Yup, case sill closed!

It's one thing to prefer a film over another because you like your movies gothic and brutal (all of which Aliens is, but you're right that Alien3 is much more gothic and depressing), but that doesn't make one film better than the other, it just means you prefer your films as bleak as possible, regardless of quality it seems.

Oh, you want a reason, just one? Well, another poster already gave you some but I will reiterate. Sigourney's performance is superior in the film, the set designs, costumes, make-up and effects, and music are better (all of which is subjective of course, as is everything you list in your original post - A film appealing to your tastes doesn't make it better than another film), but only one of our arguments is consistent with the majority opinion of the public, critics, awards voters, AND professionals in the film industry. Plus, the acclaimed director of your film has literally disowned it and the studio is considering retconning it.

So hey maybe you're right and most of the rest of the planet is wrong. Don't hold your breath thinking you will change history and everyone will suddenly agree with ya ; )

And for the record, i kinda like Alien 3, but I won't bicker with ya anymore since your sole purpose is to be a giant dick (literally). Best of luck with your life and take care!

Case closed : )


Yup, he/it sure did. And I bet he/it cried like a wittle baby when Beavis and Butthead got cancelled. ๎‚ƒ ๎€ฆ ๎† ๎€



Your precious alien was a generic dumbass alien lol!! they got mowed down by sentry guns and one even got pwned by a 9mm pistol ๐Ÿ˜›

James Cameron xposed them as the pu$$ies that they are. Nostromo's xeno only did good because they had no weapons and half the crew were cucked psychos that got the other half killed


and three Predators got killed by humans in melee combat. One by a katana, one by a hatchet, and the other by a pizza cutter.


Predators was bullshรญt!!!


just to add that pointless mother/daughter relationship. Seriously, who fvcking cares about that?

anyone with a mother or a daughter??

Plus, David Fincher is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better director

David Fincher doesn't like Alien3. what does THAT tell you?

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


Lol, nailed it with "Fincher doesn't like Alien3. What does that tell you?"

You caught him there. Notice how when presented with actual logic he runs away.


David Fincher doesn't like Alien3. what does THAT tell you?

Yes and Tony Kaye doesn't like American History X, so I guess we should all hate that movie too, right? Kurt Cobain didn't like the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" so I guess we should all hate that song too, right?

Hating something just because someone else hates it only makes you look like a bigger retard.


Kurt Cobain was a coward, screw him.


Kurt Cobain was the best black metal singer/guitarist ever. Stfu and gtfo.


lol your life is fkked in a few days. They have a case against you, Brandon lol imdb is not only shutting down but has to fulfill lawsuits and you're on their list.


Would you date a black girl?


Would you date a black girl?

Hell yeah - Why would you not??!!
Is this another weird, uptight American thing?


Noone said that is why they hate it. If someone claims Alien3 is better because Fincher made it then it is perfectly valid to point out that he also disowned it.

There are two sides to every coin.


Common sense prevails on the board!



Ahaha no one said they hate Alien 3 because Fincher hates it. You are literally making *beep* up.

PS: I liked Alien 3 to some extent ; )


Would you date a black girl?
