MovieChat Forums > About Last Night... (1986) Discussion > Twenty one years later... What do you th...

Twenty one years later... What do you think about this film now?

Although it was made in 1986, the main issues of the film is still happens:
fear of an engagement and commitment and the question: Is he or she the one for me? But now, the people have to be more careful because of VIH and other diseases, it´s really dangerous to be promiscuous and it´s a duty to watch out and choose with prudence, but also with love. Because love is a positive energy in all of the times.


One of the classic movies of the 80s!


I grinned at it when it first came out, and grinned at it again. It's a nice little film about people living their lives. I thought the language was a little rough though.


Watching it right now. Definitely an 80s classic that has stood the test of time for me. All four of the main actors were great in this movie. Could a couple be better looking than Lowe and Moore?




The film could be remade today and still work. Rob and Demi just sizzle on screen, but the soundtrack is sooo dated! I liked the original title of the film (play) "Sexual Perversity in Chicago.

I agree that texting and other modern technology would move things quicker, plus these days bosses and office staff don't curse each other out in the open and then go back to work a week later like nothing happened.

Wonderful, but forgettable. It sounds like a film I've seen. I probably wrote it.


The difficulties that abound with relationships and intimacy are still universal issues that people confront today yet this film holds up very well as it doesn't go for cheap shots. It actually gets rather deep and thought provoking.

Great acting all round and an excellent screenplay. The music is typical 80's - upbeat and excited.


I think this film has some dated attitudes. The Elizabeth Perkins character was an old school feminist. There really aren't many like her around any more, thankfully.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


The film itself is rather enjoyable. Rob Lowe was charming.


Love this movie! Great performances and still as entertaining as it ever was.




I'd be interested to know why you think this film is sexist?

I never liked this film, and it angered me back in the 80's. I was the same age as the protagonists. It was accurate to some degree, in capturing the mood of the day. I always thought the attitudes of the Elizabeth Perkins character and Demi Moore's to a lesser extent were indicative of post-feminist, post sexual revolution, confusion. They wanted to turn love and relationships into war and politics.

I definitely knew some women like this in the 80's, and learned to stay away from them. These are the women who never found happy relationships. Being in a relationship was so hard back then, I gave up dating at times. I became a proposition where the male just couldn't win, no matter how nice, supportive, giving, etc... I ended up marrying some one ten years younger than me, she didn't have any off the hang-ups we see in this film.

This film seems to be written from that perspective.

But, in hindsight, I think my generation did come along at an awkward and confusing time. Being the first generation after a colossal cultural revolution was not easy. Sex became about politics. This film does show that.

I think things are a lot more easy today, and women have learned not to sabotage their relationships for the sake of feminism.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout



Proof that even David Mammet can write crap and anyone who would cast the pitiful Rob Lowe and the no talent wannabe brother of the late great comic John Belushi is in my opinion not a serious movie maker.

Only two things are actually knowable:
It is now and you are here. All else is merely a belief.
