I'll admit I am 29 years old and I love this movie. It's a shame I wasn't old enough to see it while it was playing in our local cinemas in 1986. Very hard to believe 1986 was 27 years ago! After doing some research about how relationships were in '86 and the movie and doing research of how men and women act towards each other in 2013, it's the same. Only difference between '86 and '13, About Last Night didn't have cell phones, internet, ipod's and tablets. I also believe that contributed in a big way with Demi and Rob and how they communicated with each other. I think the screenwriter and the director of About Last Night deserve a round of applause for creating two characters that you can relate to, plus given the sex and nudity involved it's still the same in films today (even more graphic) in 2013 as it was in 1986. One more thing, this film was filmed for 2 1/2 months from November 1985 until the beginning of January 1986, during a time when Hollywood was still throwing out Porky's style comedies. Very smart director, screenwriter, actors, crew to make this kind of film that at the time people in their 20's, 30's, 40's and even 50's can find something in this film (just like The Breakfast Club) can find a little something to relate to or think back on. About Last Night 10/10.