Are Film Critics a Dying Breed?

There's a crisis happening in film criticism right now... but why?


I think film criticism can be found all over YouTube. As far as professional film critics as a part of journalism I very rarely listen to their criticism or take it seriously. It's either out of touch from reality or reeks of elitism.


I hope not. I like to do it and would like to get to a point where I could at least make some money from it so I can afford to keep doing it as well as I can. Reading a review increases my understanding about film, about life, and about writing in general. Its a thing I love to do the most and I hope that starting a conversation about each film is beneficial to not just me but to those reading it.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the Killers of the Flower Moon on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -


Pop film critics enjoyed a few decades of wide exposure, starting with Siskel and Ebert in the mid 1970s. It had to taper off sometime.
