Pamela was blonde, vivacious, gorgeous, and exciting.
Boof was the typical, boring, plain-Jane type.
No hetero guy would actually choose Boof if he could have a stunning, ultra-feminine beauty such as Pamela.
At least Pretty in Pink got this right, in having Molly Ringwald end up with the alpha male whom she was pursuing, rather than with the second-choice beta male "Ducky."
This movie should have ended the same way -- with Michael Fox getting the girl of his dreams, just as Molly Ringwald got the guy of her dreams.
It's rather demeaning to imply that an underappreciated guy should only aspire to his second choice of girl, while an underappreciated girl can win her first choice of guy.
Because it's an 80's movie. The ol'cliche of guy wants A-list girl who treats him like sh!t while the plain dull looking girl who is nice to him the whole time, but he sees her as just a friend. Then in the end when the guy overcomes some giant challenge or obstacle , he finally does win over A-list girl, but he rejects her and goes for the dull plain girl...
I love those '80s cliches'. Much better than the nonsense we get in our supposedly 'woke and progressive' (but not really) modern era, which pretends that people can 'have it all', and that the hot girl or hot guy is also super-intelligent, super-kind and super-wonderful.
It amazes me how elitist and anti-egalitarian society has become. 80s pop culture was, ironically in view of who was President and UK PM at the time, far more progressive and egalitarian in its approach to humanity than the elite ego-boosting crap we see today.
I would have gone with Pamela if she was just a fling but the long haul I would have stuck with boof because Pamela would have left you if you ever came up broke.
Can you blame him? Pam was only interested in him because he was the hot trend, the popular guy. Pam did not deserve him. Or Nick. She was merely jumping on the Wolf bandwagon. Boof on the other hand, has always accepted Scott for who he is. She has always cared about his well-being, long before he was ever the wolf. Pam was only interested in him for the moment, because he was the popular guy, until he wouldn't be anymore (the same reason she was with Nick, just because he was the popular guy, until the Wolf came along). Boof would stick by him period, no matter what, through thick and thin, popular or not. Personally, I'd rather have that, instead of somebody who just used me for my social status, just to be on the hype bandwagon, and then dumped me for the next popular/hot trend. Looks change. Boof had the gorgeous heart/personality/soul. Pam was hideous, personality/heart/soul wise. Scott knew all of this at that moment, after making the winning basket, which is why he went past Pam to Boof.
If we are going solely based on looks, it's pretty obvious that Pamela was intended to be (and was indeed) the more attractive female in this movie. She had long/full/curly blonde hair (a hot commodity in the 80s), a great tan, a beautiful figure, and was a great dresser who knew how to play up her femininity (remember the bowling alley scene where she wore the Teen Wolf shirt? She made that t-shirt look amazing). She also had confidence in herself, and it showed. While the consensus on imd is divided, with respect to physical appearance, I personally see no contest between Pamela and Boof. Boof had a short practical dumb looking haircut that made her face look full, used very little makeup, hardly any jewelry, and always wore several layers of frumpy 80s clothes. Even at the dance she just couldn't pull off sexy. It had something to do with the way that she held she hadn't discovered yet that she had the potential to be beautiful. She was Scott's "pal" and acted like one. And her stupid dress didn't help things. I'm not saying Boof was unattractive, but next to Pamela she was very plain.
Personality wise, in the beginning, Pam was a challenge for Scott because she wasn't always in his face pathetically wanting to know if Scott wanted to hang out. She was out of his league and he knew it, but he liked the challenge regardless.
Boof, on the other hand, was practically a stalker. She was always lurking around despite Scott's indifference to her. She even manipulated Scott into walking her home when she went to his house and played basketball with his dad. What was that?!?!? Talk about making yourself too available. Besides, Scott knew Boof since they were kids. There was no mystery there (especially since she was always around, kind of like an over attentive mother).
Yes, in the end, Scott realized that Pamela was a user with no real warmth or loyalty, which made her ugly on the inside. But, Boof was still his second choice, and he went for her because she was safe and sweet. I have no doubt that Boof would definitely be a very smothering girlfriend.