MovieChat Forums > Spies Like Us (1985) Discussion > Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

Most Irritating Scene ever in a film

This film contains a scene that I think ranks as one of the most annoying and unfunny ever in the history of cinema. The one were CC and DA land in the medical corps camp and pretend to be doctors, and they meet all the other doctors in a tent and do a full round of introductions, along the lines of "doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor, doctor - doctor" etc - it seems to go on forever.


That was the funniest scene in the movie, in fact just today I was saying that at work!


dude, seriously, that is sooo funny. I just watched it last night with a group of 3 friends that have never seen it before. They loved it and are all under 18. I dont know why u cant just be a lil open minded and see that its funny to all generations and that that is one of those seens where we started going around all night and greetin eachother saying "doctor, Doctor" to eachother, just becuase it was that funny. Its sad u cant be open minded enough to see the humor in it.


Sorry got owned on this one.


we're not doctors!!




Doctor *nod*

In shape? I'm in perfect shape! er... round's a shape, isn't it?


Hey, I like that scene! The scene I find irritating is Ackroyd's stupid "dickfir" joke. Doesn't fit the context of the scene at all.

Restore accountability to the White House -- IMPEACH BUSH NOW!!


I found that scene funny.


south park reused that joke in the 1999 movie.


Hey Vanzetti, then you are a 37-year old fruitcake, you moron


This scene is the most memorable scene in the entire movie. Its not the most genius scene in the world but its pretty fun.

Change the subject of this thread to Most Irritating Post ever! Sorry that this scene has caused you such agony, we all feel really bad for you


You all miss the most important point that this was a giant gratuitous film nerd in-joke:

the doctors were
Ray Harryhausen (stop motion animation God of JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS fame)
Derek Meddings, the film's visual effects supervisor (won an Oscar for SUPERMAN)
Robert Paynter, Landis' cinematographer
Terry Gilliam, the film director of 12 MONKEYS fame

Maybe it's boring to 99% of the general public, but it wasn't devoted to that audience!


Wow, this is one of my funnest movies of all times! Guess everyone has different tastes, go figure...



Thanks for pointing that out, I was going to post a message stating the same thing, but I wanted to check and see if anyone else already mentioned it. Also, I noticed Gosti Bogok played "Dr. La Fong". Although according to IMDB she never did anything else, her character's name is Landis' running joke "homage" to Carl LaFong, a character mentioned in WC Fields' classic It's A Gift.

Looking at the full cast and crew, I noticed almost many of the minor parts are played by directors and celebrities eg Costa-Gavras, BB King and Martin Brest.

Honestly, I never saw the entire movie, only parts on TV. The "doctor" scene is cute but I was hoping for a payoff to the scene that never comes (maybe it did but it's been a while since I saw it so I don't remember it). My favorite gag concerns Dan Ackroyd's "We're Americans!" line. I won't spoil the joke for those who haven't seen the movie :o)

Every cloud has a silver lining, and every plate of vegetable soup is filled with vegetables.


I'm recalling that scene in my head and can't stop laughing.



I like that scene very much specialy the last part, after all the doctor, doctor and CC goes aaand doctor!!!!! That kills me!!!


The most irritating scene was the one when the star wars lasers were getting fired and that incessent siren kept blaring.

The rest of the film was great. Ah, the heady days of Dullesian Brinkmanship/Massive Retaliation... no real physical combat, not many killed (other than pesky 3rd World Commie leaders and such), just lots and lots and lots of spending, arming, and posturing. Those were the days when threats and diplomacy got the job done, not guerilla wars.

Red Dawn, Real Genius, SLU, WarGames, heck, even Back to the Future with the Libyans... the films of my childhood!


I know I am late here with my 2 pennies worth but.. love it, LOVE IT!!
Classic funny scene from an 80's movie I love.
"Doctor... aaannnnd... Doctor!!" Pure (albeit nostalgic) quality!


hilarious scene from an otherwise just decent film IMO

i dont really wanna associate with people who dont find this part funny


That was one of the best scenes in the film. My friends and I quote it all the time.

What about that time I found you naked with that bowl of jello?
