Thanks for pointing that out, I was going to post a message stating the same thing, but I wanted to check and see if anyone else already mentioned it. Also, I noticed Gosti Bogok played "Dr. La Fong". Although according to IMDB she never did anything else, her character's name is Landis' running joke "homage" to Carl LaFong, a character mentioned in WC Fields' classic It's A Gift.
Looking at the full cast and crew, I noticed almost many of the minor parts are played by directors and celebrities eg Costa-Gavras, BB King and Martin Brest.
Honestly, I never saw the entire movie, only parts on TV. The "doctor" scene is cute but I was hoping for a payoff to the scene that never comes (maybe it did but it's been a while since I saw it so I don't remember it). My favorite gag concerns Dan Ackroyd's "We're Americans!" line. I won't spoil the joke for those who haven't seen the movie :o)
Every cloud has a silver lining, and every plate of vegetable soup is filled with vegetables.